Title: Domain: Eukarya Kingdom:
1Domain EukaryaKingdom
2Fungi overview
- Basic Characteristics
- Important ecologically
- Phyletic groups
- Lichen and Mutualism
- Amys little tidbits of wisdom
3Basic Characteristics
- Heterotrophic absorbers
- Saprophytes
- Some unicellular but others multicellular with
hyphae - Hyphae divided by septum
- Chitinous cell walls
- Filaments make up mycelium
- Rhizoids anchor
- Sexual and Asexual reproduction
4Sexual and Asexual reproduction
- Sexual
- Three phases
- Plasmogamy N N
- Karyogamy ? 2N
- Mieosis 2N
- Asexual
- Spores from sporangia and specialized hyphal
cells called conidia - Fragmentation
- Dispersal by air or water
5Ecological Importance
- Present everywhere
- Many lifestyles
- Decomposers
- Symbionts
- Pathogens
- Parasites
- Medicinal uses
6Common food spoilage
7Phyletic groups
- Four phyletic groups
- Chytridomycota
- Zygomycota
- Ascomycota
- Basidiomycota
- One polyphyletic group
- Deuteromycetes
- Predominately aquatic
- Glycogen stores
- Coenocytic
- Motile cells gametes and zoospores
- Anchoring rhizoids
- Pathogens and saprophytes
Coenocytic membrane- many nuclei, but no
partitions in between the cells
- Zygosporangia and zygospores
- Coenocytic hyphae
- Streaming cytoplasm
- Pathogens
- Parasites, saprophytes, symbionts with
Rhizopus sporangium
10Zygomycota Bread molds mmm
11Ascomycotasac fungi
- 75 of fungi
- Ascus, ascopsores
- Dikaryotic hyphae
- Ascogonium and antheridium
- Molds, yeasts, edible truffles
- Lichens
12Up close and personal with the Ascus
13More Asci fun!!!
Why are there 8 ascospores in each ascus?
14Ascomycota Lifecycle
- Basidiospores and basidium
- 37 of true fungi
- Most recognizable
- Edible
- Molds, smuts
- Symbionts, parasitic
- Sori pack of spores
16Cross section of basidioma
Hyphae stalk
A close-up of a Basidiomycota gill and clusters
of basidospores This is part of the sexual
reproduction before karyogamy
18DeuteromycetesThe imperfect fungi
- Life cycles unknown or lost
- Penicillin, athletes foot, ring worm
- Reproduction by conidia
- Most like Ascomycota
- terrestrial, free living saprobes, parasitic
19Lichens Im Lichen It!
- Ms. Algae and Mr. Fungi got together and started
to Lichen each other. But soon, their
relationship was on the Rocks! - Seriously Folks
- Important Symbiotic Relationship
- Algae Photosynthesize
- Fungi Absorb Nutrients, Protection, Anchorage
Function - First Step in Erosion? Soil Makers
- Crustose, Foilose, Fruticose Shapes
Fruticose lichen
20Mutualistic Relationships
- Mycorrhizae Fungi Root
- Form Relationships with Plants to Increase Water
Uptake! - Mycorrihizae Fungi Also Protect Plant from
pathogenic Fungi and Nematodes - In exchange, Fungi receive food as payment
- Very Important For Plants Survival
21Amys Little Tidbits of Wisdom
- Mushrooms are yummy
- Edible mushrooms arent in your backyard only in
the stores - Why is the bread green?
22Truffles are not chocolate
23If you see a fairy ring dance inside (dont
24The FungalsAnne, Amybeth, Allison
- The Triple A Threat!
- Coming to a lab near you!!
- Yes, I mean you. You are reading this arent you?