Protists and the Dawn of the Eukarya - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Protists and the Dawn of the Eukarya


Title: Table of Contents Author: Wendy Beck Last modified by: Michael Moon Created Date: 10/16/2000 7:08:56 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Protists and the Dawn of the Eukarya

Protists and theDawn of the Eukarya
Protists and the Dawn of the Eukarya
  • Protists Defined
  • The Origin of the Eukaryotic Cell
  • General Biology of the Protists
  • Protist Diversity
  • Diplomonads and Parabasalids
  • Euglenozoans
  • Alveolates
  • Stramenopiles
  • Red Algae
  • Chlorophytes
  • Choanoflagellates
  • A History of Endosymbiosis
  • Some Recurrent Body Forms

Protists Defined
  • Many members of the Eukarya do not fit into the
    three familiar kingdoms of the Plantae, Animalia,
    and Fungi.
  • The eukaryotes that are neither plants, animals,
    nor fungi are called protists.
  • The protists are a polyphyletic group some are
    more closely related to the animals than they are
    to other protists.

Figure 28.1 Three Protists
The Origin of the Eukaryotic Cell
  • The eukaryotic cell differs in many ways from the
    prokaryotic cell.
  • The nature of the evolutionary process dictates
    that these differences could not have arisen
  • The global environment underwent an enormous
    changefrom anaerobic to aerobicduring the
    course of the evolution of the eukaryotes.
  • We can make only reasonable guesses as to what
    the steps in this evolutionary process were.

The Origin of the Eukaryotic Cell
  • The evolution of eukaryotic cells included the
    following components
  • The origin of a flexible cell surface
  • The origin of a cytoskeleton
  • The origin of a nuclear envelope
  • The appearance of digestive vesicles
  • The endosymbiotic acquisition of certain

The Origin of the Eukaryotic Cell
  • The first step toward the eukaryotic condition
    may have been the loss of the cell wall by an
    ancestral prokaryotic cell.
  • A surface that is flexible enough to allow for
    infolding lets the cell exchange materials with
    its environment rapidly enough to sustain a
    larger volume and more rapid metabolism.
  • A flexible surface also allows endocytosis.
  • An infolded plasma membrane attached to a
    chromosome within an ancestral prokaryote may
    have led to the formation of the nuclear envelope.

Figure 28.2 Membrane Infolding
The Origin of the Eukaryotic Cell
  • The early steps in the evolution of the
    eukaryotic cell likely included three advances
  • The formation of ribosome-studded internal
    membranes, some of which surrounded the DNA
  • The appearance of a cytoskeleton
  • The evolution of digestive vesicles

Figure 28.3 From Prokaryotic Cell to Eukaryotic
Cell (Part 1)
The Origin of the Eukaryotic Cell
  • A cytoskeleton allowed the now much larger cell
    to manage changes in its shape, distribute
    daughter chromosomes, and move materials from one
    part of the cell to another.
  • The origin of the cytoskeleton is a mystery the
    genes that encode it are found in neither
    bacteria nor archaea.
  • A controversial hypothesis suggests that these
    genes may have originated in a long-extinct
    fourth domain of life that transferred them
    laterally to an ancestor of the early eukaryotes.

The Origin of the Eukaryotic Cell
  • From an intermediate kind of cell, the next
    advance was likely to have been a motile
  • The first true eukaryotic cell possessed a
    cytoskeleton and a nuclear envelope it also may
    have had an associated endoplasmic reticulum and
    Golgi apparatus and perhaps one or more flagella.

The Origin of the Eukaryotic Cell
  • During the early stages of eukaryotic evolution,
    the O2 levels in the atmosphere were increasing
    as a result of the photosynthetic activities of
    the cyanobacteria.
  • Most living things were unable to tolerate this
    new aerobic, oxidizing environment, but some
    prokaryotes and ancient phagocytes were able to
  • One hypothesis suggests that the key to the
    survival of the early phagocytes was the
    ingestion of a prokaryote that became symbiotic
    and evolved into the peroxisomes of today.

The Origin of the Eukaryotic Cell
  • Peroxisomes are organelles that are able to
    disarm the toxic products of oxygen, such as
    hydrogen peroxide.
  • The crucial endosymbiotic event that marked the
    completion of the modern eukaryotic cell was the
    incorporation of a proteobacterium that evolved
    into the mitochondrion.

The Origin of the Eukaryotic Cell
  • There are still several uncertainties surrounding
    the origins of eukaryotic cells.
  • Lateral gene transfer may not have been extensive
    enough to account for the increasing number of
    genes of bacterial origin that are found in
  • The endosymbiotic origin of the mitochondria and
    chloroplasts accounts for the presence of
    bacterial genes that encode enzymes for
    respiration and photosynthesis, but it does not
    explain the presence of many other bacterial

The Origin of the Eukaryotic Cell
  • It is clear that the eukaryotic genome is a
    mixture of genes with two distinct origins.
  • Recently, it has been suggested that the Eukarya
    may have arisen from the mutualistic fusion of a
    Gram-negative bacterium and an archaean.

General Biology of the Protists
  • Most protists are aquatic, occupying a variety of
    environments including marine and fresh waters,
    the body fluids of other organisms, and soil
  • Most are unicellular, but some are multicellular,
    and a few are very large.
  • Some protists are heterotrophs, some are
    autotrophs, and some switch between these two
    modes of nutrition.
  • The terms protozoan and algae actually lump
    together many phylogenetically distant protist

General Biology of the Protists
  • Most protist groups include motile cells.
  • Amoeboid motion involves the formation of
    pseudopods, extensions of the cells constantly
    changing body mass.
  • The coordinated beating of tiny, hairlike
    organelles called cilia can move cells forward or
  • The eukaryotic flagella move like a whip some
    flagella push the cell, while others pull the

Figure 28.4 An Amoeba
General Biology of the Protists
  • One reason cells are small is that they need a
    high surface area-to-volume ratio to support the
    exchange of materials required for their
  • The presence of membrane-enclosed vesicles of
    various types increases the effective surface
    area in large, unicellular protists.
  • Several protists that are hypertonic to their
    environments have contractile vacuoles that
    excrete excess water.
  • Food vacuoles are vesicles in which ingested food
    is digested.

Figure 28.5 Contractile Vacuoles Bail Out Excess
Figure 28.6 Food Vacuoles Handle Digestion and
General Biology of the Protists
  • The cell surfaces of protists are diverse.
  • Some protists are surrounded only by a plasma
    membrane, such as an amoeba.
  • Most have stiffer surfaces to maintain the
    structural integrity of the cell.
  • Some protists have complex cell walls.
  • Some protists have internal shells.

Figure 28.7 Diversity among Protist Cell
Surfaces (Part 1)
Figure 28.7 Diversity among Protist Cell
Surfaces (Part 2)
General Biology of the Protists
  • Many protists contain endosymbionts.
  • Endosymbiosis is very common in the protists, and
    in some cases both the host and the endosymbiont
    are protists.

Figure 28.8 Protists within Protists
General Biology of the Protists
  • Most protists practice both asexual and sexual
    reproduction some groups practice only asexual.
  • Asexual reproductive processes in the protists
    include binary fission, multiple fission,
    budding, and the formation of spores.
  • Sexual reproduction in the protists also takes
    various forms.

Protist Diversity
  • The diversity found among the protists reflects
    the diversity of avenues pursued during the early
    evolution of the eukaryotes.
  • Molecular biology techniques, such as rRNA
    sequencing, are making it possible to explore the
    evolutionary relationships among the protists in
    greater detail.

Figure 28.9 Major Protist Groups in an
Evolutionary Context
Diplomonads and Parabasalids
  • The diplomonads and the parabasalids appear to
    represent the earliest surviving branches in
    todays tree of eukaryotic life.
  • Both clades are unicellular organisms that lack
    mitochondria. Their ancestors possessed
    mitochondria, but they were lost in the course of
  • Giardia lamblia is a parasitic diplomonad that
    contaminates water supplies and causes
  • Trichomonas vaginalis is a parabasilid
    responsible for a sexually transmitted disease in

Figure 28.10 Two Protist Groups Lack Mitochondria
  • The euglenozoans are a clade of unicellular
    protists with flagella.
  • The euglenoids and the kinetoplastids are the two
    subgroups of the euglenozoans.

  • The euglenoids possess flagella arising from a
    pocket at the anterior end of the cell.
  • The Euglena propels itself through the water with
    one of its two flagella.
  • Many species of Euglena are heterotrophic,
    whereas others are photoautotrophs.
  • These autotrophic Euglena can become
    heterotrophic when kept in the dark, and they
    resume their autotrophic behavior when returned
    to light.

Figure 28.11 A Photosynthetic Euglenoid
  • The kinetoplastids are unicellular, parasitic
    flagellates with a single, large mitochondrion.
  • The mitochondrion contains a kinetoplast, a
    unique structure that houses multiple, circular
    DNA molecules and associated proteins.
  • The trypanosomes are human pathogens that cause
    sleeping sickness, leishmaniasis, Chagas
    disease, and East Coast fever.

Figure 28.12 A Parasitic Kinetoplastid
  • The alveolates are a clade of unicellular
    organisms characterized by the possession of
    cavities called alveoli just below their plasma
  • Alveolates include the dinoflagellates,
    apicomplexans, and the ciliates.

  • The dinoflagellates are unicellular, aquatic
    organisms they are among the most important
    primary producers in the oceans.
  • Many dinoflagellates are endosymbionts, while
    some live as parasites within other marine
  • The dinoflagellates have a distinctive appearance
    with two flagella.
  • They are responsible for toxic red tides.
  • Many are bioluminescent.

Figure 28.13 A Red Tide of Dinoflagellates
  • The apicomplexans are exclusively parasitic.
  • The apical complex is a mass of organelles
    contained within the apical end of their spores.
    These organelles help the apicomplexan spore
    invade its host tissue.
  • Apicomplexans of the genus Plasmodium are the
    cause of malaria.
  • This parasite enters the human circulatory system
    by way of the Anopheles mosquito.
  • It is an extracellular parasite in the insect
    vector and an intracellular parasite in the human

Figure 28.14 The Life Cycle of an Apicomplexan
  • The ciliates are named for their characteristic
    hairlike cilia.
  • Almost all are heterotrophic, and they have a
    complex body form.
  • The ciliates possess two types of nuclei a
    single macronucleus and one or more micronuclei.
  • The micronuclei are typical eukaryotic nuclei.
  • The macronuclei are derived from the micronuclei
    and contain DNA that is transcribed and
    translated to regulate the life of the cell.

Figure 28.15 Diversity among the Ciliates (Part
Figure 28.15 Diversity among the Ciliates (Part
  • Paramecium is a frequently studied ciliate.
  • The cell is covered by an elaborate pellicle
    composed of an outer membrane and an inner layer
    of membrane-enclosed alveoli that surround the
    bases of the cilia.
  • Defensive trichocysts in the pellicle are
    expelled in response to threat.
  • The cilia on a Paramecium provide a form of
    locomotion that is more precise than locomotion
    by flagella or pseudopods.

Figure 28.16 Anatomy of Paramecium
  • Paramecia reproduce asexually by binary fission,
    in which the micronuclei divide mitotically and
    the macronuclei divide by an unknown mechanism.
  • Paramecia also exhibit a form of genetic
    recombination called conjugation. It is not a
    reproductive process no new cells are created.
  • Each member of a pair of cells gets two haploid
    micronuclei, which fuse to form a new diploid
  • Experiments have shown that in species not
    permitted to conjugate, the clones can survive
    only a limited number of divisions.

Figure 28.17 Paramecia Achieve Genetic
Recombination by Conjugating
  • The stramenopiles typically have two flagella of
    unequal length at some point in their life cycle.
  • The longer of the two flagella bears rows of
    tubular hairs.
  • There are photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic
    stramenopile groups.
  • Some stramenopiles lack flagella, but are
    presumed to be descended from ancestors that had
  • The stramenopiles include the diatoms, the brown
    algae, and the oomycetes.

  • Diatoms are single-celled organisms, but some
    species form filaments. Diatoms have carotenoids
    in their chloroplasts to give them a yellow or
    brownish color.
  • Diatoms deposit silicon in their cells walls,
    which gives them their characteristically
    intricate appearance.
  • Certain sedimentary rocks are almost entirely
    composed of diatom skeletons, called diatomaceous
  • Diatoms reproduce both sexually and asexually.
  • Diatoms are major photosynthetic producers in
    coastal waters and in fresh waters.

Figure 28.18 Diatom Diversity
  • The brown algae are multicellular organisms
    composed of either branched filaments or leaflike
    growths called thalli.
  • The carotenoid fucoxanthin in the chloroplasts
    gives brown algae their color.
  • The brown algae are exclusively marine, and most
    are attached to rocks near the shore.
  • The holdfast is a specialized structure that
    glues the attached forms to rocks.
  • Some brown algae have stalks and blades, and some
    develop gas-filled cavities or bladders.

Figure 28.20 Brown Algae
Figure 28.21 Brown Algae in a Turbulent
  • The oomycetes are a nonphotosynthetic group that
    consists largely of the water molds and their
    terrestrial relatives, such as the downy mildews.
  • The oomycetes are coenocytes (many nuclei
    enclosed in a single plasma membrane).
  • The oomycetes are diploid for most of their life
    cycle and have flagellated reproductive cells.
  • The water molds are aquatic and saprobic.
  • Most terrestrial oomycetes are decomposers,
    although some are serious plant parasites.
  • Phytophthora infestans water mold was the cause
    of the Irish potato famine.

Figure 28.23 An Oomycete
Red Algae
  • Almost all red algae are multicellular.
  • Their characteristic red color results from the
    photosynthetic pigment phycoerythrin.
  • Most species of red algae are marine-dwelling,
    from shallow tide pools to deep in the ocean.
  • The red algae have the ability to change the
    relative amounts of their various photosynthetic
    pigments depending on the light conditions.

Figure 28.24 Red Algae
Red Algae
  • The red algae have characteristics that make them
    unique among protists.
  • They contain the pigments phycoerythrin and
    phycocyanin and store the products of
    photosynthesis as floridean starch.
  • They produce no motile, flagellated cells at any
    stage in their life cycle.
  • Some produce a mucilaginous polysaccharide
    substance which is the source of agar.
  • Certain red algae became endosymbionts long ago
    within the cells of other, nonphotosynthetic
    protists, eventually giving rise to chloroplasts.

  • The chlorophytes are a monophyletic group with a
    sister lineage consisting of other green algal
    lineages and the plant kingdom.
  • Like plants, the chlorophytes contain
    chlorophylls a and b, and store photosynthetic
    products as starch in plastids.
  • There are terrestrial, marine, and freshwater
    chlorophyte species.
  • There is an incredible variety in shape and
    construction of the algal body within the

Figure 28.25 Chlorophytes (Part 1)
Figure 28.25 Chlorophytes (Part 2)
  • There is great diversity within the life cycles
    of the chlorophytes.
  • The sea lettuce Ulva lactuca exhibits an
    isomorphic life cycle.
  • Most species of Ulva have structurally
    indistinguishable male and female gametes, and
    are categorized as isogamous.

  • Other chlorophytes are anisogamous, having female
    gametes that are distinctly larger than male
  • Many other chlorophytes have a heteromorphic life
    cycle, with some exhibiting a variation of the
    heteromorphic life cycle called the haplontic
    life cycle.
  • Other chlorophytes have a diplontic life cycle
    like that of many animals, where every cell
    except the gametes is diploid.

  • There are green algae other than chlorophytes.
  • The chlorophytes are the largest lineage of green
    algae, but there are other lineages as well.
  • These lineages are branches of a lineage that
    also includes the charophytes and the plant

  • The choanoflagellates are a group of colonial,
    flagellated protists that are thought to comprise
    the closest relatives of the animals.
  • Choanoflagellates bear a striking resemblance to
    the most characteristic type of cell found in the

Figure 28.28 A Link to the Animal Kingdom
A History of Endosymbiosis
  • Chloroplasts are found in many distantly related
    protist lineages.
  • Some of these groups differ from others in terms
    of the photosynthetic pigments in their
    chloroplasts and the number of membranes
    surrounding their chloroplasts.
  • These differences can be traced back to whether
    the group acquired its chloroplast through
    primary, secondary, or tertiary endosymbiosis.

Some Recurrent Body Forms
  • The amoeboid body plan includes pseudopods for
  • Amoebas appear in many protist groups.
  • Amoebas are specialized protists many are
    adapted for life on the bottoms of lakes, ponds,
    and other bodies of water.
  • Most are predators, parasites, or scavengers. A
    few are photosynthetic.
  • Some have two-stage life cycles.
  • Some amoebas have shells.

Some Recurrent Body Forms
  • The actinopods are have thin, stiff pseudopods,
    reinforced by microtubules.
  • The pseudopods increase the surface area of the
    cell, help the cell float, provide locomotion in
    some species, and are the cells feeding organs.
  • Radiolarians are exclusively marine and secrete a
    glassy endoskeleton.
  • Heliozoans are primarily freshwater actinopods
    that lack an endoskeleton.

Figure 28.30 Two Actinopods
Some Recurrent Body Forms
  • Foraminiferans are marine protists that secrete
    shells of calcium carbonate.
  • The parent shell is abandoned after foraminiferan
    reproduction. The discarded skeletons of ancient
    foraminiferans make up extensive limestone
  • The shells of individual foraminiferan species
    have been preserved as fossils in marine
    sediments and are valuable as indicators in the
    classification and dating of sedimentary rocks.

Figure 28.7 (a) Diversity among Protist Cell
Some Recurrent Body Forms
  • Initially, the three groups of slime molds were
    seen as so similar they were placed in a single
  • In actuality, they are so different that some
    biologists now classify them in separate
  • Slime molds share only general characteristics
  • All are motile.
  • All ingest particulate food by endocytosis.
  • All form spores on erect fruiting bodies.

Some Recurrent Body Forms
  • Acellular slime molds form a multinucleate mass
    with diploid nuclei (a coeonocyte) during the
    vegetative phase.
  • This mass moves over its substrate in a network
    of strands called a plasmodium.
  • Changes in the fluidity of the outer cytoplasmic
    regions within acellular slime molds allow them
    to move by cytoplasmic streaming.

Figure 28.3 (a) Acellular Slime Molds
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