Title: The Thirteen British Colonies
1The Thirteen British Colonies
- Mr. Snyder
- 5th Grade Social Studies
2Ohio History Benchmark
- Describe the lasting effects of the colonies
built by the Spanish, French and English in North
3Lesson 5 Pretest
4What was the main cash crop was raised and sold
in Virginia.
- Corn
- Tobacco
- Squash
- Beans
5Which was the first written system of government
in North America?
- Bill of Rights
- The Constitution
- The Fundamental Orders
6The British had 17 colonies in North America.
- True
- False
7What three colonies were formed from the lands
originally called Carolina?
- North Carolina
- Georgia
- Ohio
- Virginia
- South Carolina
- Maryland
- Delaware
8William Penn established Pennsylvania as a refuge
- Native Americans
- Jews
- Catholics
- Quakers
9Early British Colonies
- Virginia and Maryland were two of the earliest
British colonies. Each granted charter by the
king. - A charter is a document giving a person or group
official approval to take a certain action.
10The Rise Of Tobacco
- Five years after Virginia started with the
settlement of Jamestown in 1607 settlers began to
grow tobacco as a cash crop. - A cash crop is a crop people raise to sell rather
than to use themselves.
11What was the main cash crop was raised and sold
in Virginia.
- Corn
- Tobacco
- Squash
- Beans
- In 1636, settlers living in villages along the
Connecticut River joined together to form the
Connecticut colony. - The most famous of these settlers was a minister
called Thomas Hooker.
13Thomas Hooker
- Thomas Hooker thought that a colonys government
should be based on the will of its people, not
its leaders. - In 1639 the colony adopted Hookers beliefs in
the form of the Fundamental Orders, the first
written system of government in North America.
14Fundamental Orders
- The Fundamental Orders allowed Connecticuts male
colonists to elect their government leaders. - Connecticut was the first colony to allow some
of their colonists to elect their leaders.
15Which was the first written system of government
in North America?
- Bill of Rights
- The Constitution
- The Fundamental Orders
16Colonists Survival
- The colonists couldnt survive just by owning
land. They needed a cash crop. They tried
tobacco, silk, grapes, and cotton. They had more
success raising cattle, collecting furs, and
making tar from pine trees.
17Colony Division
- IN 1712 the northern two-thirds of the chartered
area was divided into two colonies North and
South Carolina. - In 1733 the bottom portion was named after King
George II. This portion became Georgia.
18What three colonies were formed from the lands
originally called Carolina?
- North Carolina
- Georgia
- Ohio
- Virginia
- South Carolina
- Maryland
- Delaware
19Post Test
20What was the main cash crop was raised and sold
in Virginia.
- Corn
- Tobacco
- Squash
- Beans
21Which was the first written system of government
in North America?
- Bill of Rights
- The Constitution
- The Fundamental Orders
22The British had 17 colonies in North America.
- True
- False
23What three colonies were formed from the lands
originally called Carolina?
- North Carolina
- Georgia
- Ohio
- Virginia
- South Carolina
- Maryland
- Delaware
24William Penn established Pennsylvania as a refuge
- Native Americans
- Jews
- Catholics
- Quakers
- L U K
- H E R
- I B F
- I M H
26What is your opinion? I learn a lot using Turning
- Strongly Agree
- Agree
- Disagree
- Strongly Disagree
27What is your opinion? We should use Turning Point
more often.
- Strongly Agree
- Agree
- Disagree
- Strongly Disagree