Original Thirteen Colonies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Original Thirteen Colonies


Original Thirteen Colonies 1607- 1776 Divide your paper in to three columns. The first column should be titled K , the second W and the third, L – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Original Thirteen Colonies

Original Thirteen Colonies
  • 1607- 1776
  • Divide your paper in to three columns. The first
    column should be titled K, the second W and
    the third, L
  • Look up and put your pencil down when you have
    finished this.

Why come to America?
  • Religious freedom Puritans (Pilgrims)
  • Which colonies were concerned with freedom of
    religion? Which were not?
  • Mercantilism What is mercantilism?
  • What countries practice this today?
  • Social Mobility
  • Were all colonists British?
  • If not, where else did colonists come from? Did
    they have the same goals as the British?

Who was in America before?
  • American Indian tribes including the Delaware,
    Kickapoo, Seneca and Shawnee
  • French fur traders
  • How were these groups treated by incoming
    Europeans? What world history term applies to
    this type of treatment?

Northern Colonies
  • Based on the map, what was the economy of the
    Northern Colonies most likely based on?
  • Which colonies are considered to be New England?

Northern Colonies
  • Puritans came to the United States searching for
    religious freedom after facing persecution in
    England and the Netherlands. The Mayflower landed
    at Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts. Before exiting
    the ship, the pilgrims signed the Mayflower
    Compact in 1629, promising to follow laws for the
    good of the community.
  • England was more than happy to send the Puritans
    to England and grant them with a charter. They
    hoped that the Puritans would be able to create a
    profit for England.
  • The Puritans hoped to build a shining city upon
    a hill or a community whose laws and practices
    were purified or biblically based. They wanted to
    prove that such a community was possible.
  • Do you think this could ever be achieved? Why or
    why not? What probably happened to this community?

John Winthrop 1630Text from A Model of
Christian Charity
  • John Winthrop was a Puritan preacher who believed
    that Puritans must leave England in order to
    fulfill Gods purpose
  • Lead a group of Pilgrims to America and began
    Massachusetts Bay Colony.
  • Was elected to governorship 12 times
  • The Lord will be our God, and delight to dwell
    among us, as His own people, and will command a
    blessing upon us in all our ways, so that we
    shall see much more of His wisdom, power,
    goodness and truth, than formerly we have been
    acquainted with. We shall find that the God of
    Israel is among us, when ten of us shall be able
    to resist a thousand of our enemies when He
    shall make us a praise and glory that men shall
    say of succeeding plantations, "may the Lord make
    it like that of New England." For we must
    consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill.
    The eyes of all people are upon us.

Northern Colonies
  • Economy was based on trade and whaling. Why?
  • There was little religious freedom in the
    Northern Colonies. There were numerous instances
    such as the Salem Witch Trials or events
    surrounding Anne Hutchinson that clearly indicate
    a lack of religious tolerance in New England.
  • Many people in the Northern colonies lived as
    indentured servants, or people who worked for a
    set amount of years before earning their freedom.

Based on the picture below, what types of ideas
or things were important to the people of New
York? How do you know?
Middle Colonies
  • The Middle Colonies were first explored by Henry
    Hudson. The Dutch and the Swedes fought over this
    land but ultimately, the Dutch colony of New
    Amsterdam was established.
  • The British felt that the Dutch would limit the
    profits of their colonies and established the
    colony of New Jersey in hopes of keeping an eye
    on the Dutch.
  • The economy of these colonies was based on trade
    and agriculture (known as the Bread Basket
  • These colonies practiced religious toleration.
    Maryland became a colony of Catholics and
    Pennsylvania was created as a colony for Quakers
    under the direction of William Penn. Many of
    these colonies also accepted Jews, which was out
    of the ordinary in Europe.
  • Aside from the philosophical belief in religious
    toleration, how else would these colonies benefit
    from allowing various religions to live in their
  • The Middle Colonies governed through local
    counties and reported to British governors.

Southern Colonies
  • Based on prior knowledge and what weve discussed
    today, how do you think New England society
    probably felt about people from the Southern
    Colonies? Why? Is there anything on this map that
    might indicate this?

Southern Colonies
  • In 1607, Jamestown was established as the first
    successful British colony in the Americas.
  • In 1619, Virginia created a self government known
    as the House of Burgesses to which members were
    elected. What type of government is this? If you
    were the British government, how would you feel
    about the colonists creating their own
    government? Why?
  • The economy of the Southern Colonies was almost
    entirely focused on agriculture, growing cash
    crops such as rice, indigo, tobacco and cotton.
    In particular, the Southern Colonies operated on
    the sharecropping and plantation systems. What
    was life like for plantation owners? What was
    life like for sharecroppers? Why did the
    plantation system require the practice of
    slavery? Could it have been avoided?
  • Religious toleration was practiced in some areas
    of the Southern Colonies.
  • Southern governments reported to the King of
    England but had councils that met to make local
    decisions. Only landowners could attend these
  • Many famous American leaders came from the
    Southern Colonies including George Washington,
    Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry.

Colonies Self Govern
  • England is about 4,000 miles away from New York.
    What does this mean about the communication
    between England and the Colonies?
  • While England had sent many governors to the
    colonies, colonists had made most decisions
    locally and felt that they had created a unique
    culture that was separate from that of England.
  • Unrest began to spread, due to unhappiness with
    England but also due to unhappiness with the
    representative governments that only allowed a
    few, land owning men to vote.

French and Indian War
  • France wanted a foothold in the United States and
    began building friendly relationships with Indian
    tribes. Eventually, the French (with the Spanish
    on their side) and British fought a number of
    battles over the US colonies include Queen Annes
    War and the War of Jenkins Ear.
  • The Seven Years War began over territorial
    claims in Europe and spilled on to the North
    American continent where it was called the French
    and Indian War.
  • The British were forced, at a great price, to
    send armies and supplies to defend the colonies.
    While they were victorious, they incurred quite a
    large debt. In order to fund this debt, they
    passed numerous taxes against the colonies
    including the Stamp and Tea Acts.
  • Many colonists were now convinced on the need for
    independence. This war also introduced important
    American revolution heroes such as George

  • If you were to move to the colonies, which colony
    would you choose to live in and why? Respond with
    five sentences.
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