Title: E- Communication
1E- Communication
- An Introduction to
- On-Line Forums in the Classroom
- Presented by Leanna Prater and Jeff Jones
- District Technology Resource Teachers
- Fayette County Public Schools
- Lexington, KY
2What is a forum? Technologically speaking
- A forum is an interactive environment where
people can discuss topics.
3Who uses forums?
- Teachers
- Students
- Other professionals
- Administration
4How will using forums impact student achievement?
- Participation of all students
- Meet learning styles
- In depth thinking
- Motivation
5Participation of all students
- Teacher required
- Log of who has participated
- Shyness
- Willingness to participate think before I
speak and edit response..
6Meeting Learning Styles
- Visual Learners
- Tactile/ Kinesthetic
- Auditory
7In Depth Thinking
- Question your students.
- Challenge students to question themselves .
- Challenge students to question each other.
- Safe environment
- Uses technology
- Feels like chatting
9Where can I find Fayette Countys Forum?
- http//teach.fcps.net/forum/
10Getting students enrolled
- TRT and the spreadsheet
- Enroll them yourself
- Have students enroll themselves
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12Getting Started
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20Deciding on how to use the forum environment
- Discussion platform
- Small group work/projects
- Joint projects with other classes
- Joint projects with specialists
- other
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25Setting up the forum
- General Guidelines for your students
- AUP form/student work w/ name permission
- Making things sticky
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- New Topics
- and
- Replying to Topics Posted
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Reply with a quote
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60Lesson Plansand Projects
61US Regions ProjectWebsite http//teach.fcps.net
- 4th Grade students in Lexington communicated with
students in Wyoming, Alaska, Texas and Illinois
about the similarities and differences of the US
Regions. Students were experts on where they
lived and shared that information with others in
the forum.
62Finding Contacts
- E-mailed people I know
- Listservs such as Edtech
- Internet research- elementary schools in statesgt
e-mailed 4th grade teachers and tech teachers - Riverdeep Classroom Flyer
63KY Regions ProjectWebsite http//teach.fcps.net
- 4th grade students across Kentucky will discuss
the similarities and differences about the
regions of Kentucky. - Project is just beginning. Registration is still
64Lesson Plans
- General Template for Lesson Plans
- Language Arts
- Social Studies
67Research on Peer Conferencing Within a Forum
- How do revision skills of classes using the
Forum for peer conferencing in writing compare to
those that peer conference in a traditional way
in the classroom?
69Research Procedure
- 5th Grade Classes at 2 Schools
- Feature Articles and Short Stories
- Students were trained on the environment prior to
research - Students copied/pasted work in forum as well as
typed directly in forum using a new topic for
each writing piece. - Students edited piece directly in forum
- Students commented on peer work
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73The Data
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- Control Group averaged 2 conference times
- Variable Group averaged 5.56 conference times
- Control Group averaged 2 times the piece was read
- Variable Group averaged 24.39 times read
(inflated number due to forum environment). - Variable Group averaged 55.5 edited within the
77Other Findings
- Students do not know how to conference on writing
pieces. - Teachers needed more instruction on use of the
environment - Limited computer time
- Students lacked keyboarding skills
78Theories and Thoughts on Writing within a forum
- Teachers can assign other teachers as writing
mentors. Conferencing within a forum can occur at
anytime. - Log of postings
- Evidence of editing
- Ease of copying and pasting from Microsoft Word
- Students must rely on their own skills for
spelling and grammar (forum doesnt support) - Teachers can post general directions to for all
students - Students have an audience for their writing
79Ideas for Integration
80Language Arts
- Literature Circles
- Reviews
- Comparing texts
- Reading buddies/ Pair with another class to
discuss - Conferencing on Writing
- Discuss big ideas
- Links to current topics
- Ask an expert
- Communicate for group projects
82Social Studies
- Discuss the big idea
- Projects Culture Studies
- A new look at regions/ pairing classrooms from
outside Fayette County - KY Regions Project
- http//teach.fcps.net/trt14/kentucky.html
- Ask an expert
- Open ended math problems
- Math question of the week
84The Arts and Humanities
- Invite a special area teacher to post questions
for students to consider before going to class. - Discuss art work, music, drama, etc. with links.
85Thanks for coming!Need additional
informationEMAIL lprater_at_fayette.k12.ky.usWE
B PAGEShttp//teach.fcps.net/trt14http//teach.f