Pollution Prevention - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pollution Prevention


Title: Chapter # 8 Author: Amit Gupta Last modified by: jlegare Created Date: 2/23/1998 8:51:10 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Pollution Prevention

Pollution Prevention
  • Pollution Prevention Planning
  • April 4, 2012

P2 PlanningReduce Energy ConsumptionU.S.
Primary Energy Consumption by Source and
Sector, 2007 (Quadrillion Btu)

Energy Information Administration statistics
P2 Planning
  • Reduce post-consumer waste
  • Preserve natural resources
  • Reduce use and release of toxic materials

Pollution Prevention Planning
  • Approach
  • Legislation and executive orders
  • Standards
  • Organization

  • Know your audience (WIIFM)
  • Sell it to the boss
  • Institutionalize it into company systems

P2 Planning ApproachEnvironmental Management
  • that part of the overall management system
    which includes organizational structure,
    planning, activities, responsibilities,
    practices, procedures, processes and resources
    for developing, implementing, achieving,
    reviewing and maintaining the environmental

P2 Planning ApproachEnvironmental Management
  • P2 planning procedures are unified into a
    comprehensive system for managing environmental
    impacts by industry
  • ISO 14000 standards establish benchmarks for
    environmental management performance, and
    describe the measures that must be taken by
    industry to conform to these standards

P2 Planning ApproachEnvironmental Management
  • ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standards
  • Environmental Management System
  • Auditing
  • Labeling
  • Lifecycle assessment
  • Environmental Performance Evaluation

P2 Planning ApproachEnvironmental Management
  • ISO 14000 Model Principles
  • Commitment and Environmental Policy
  • Environmental Management Plan
  • Implementation
  • Measurement and Evaluation
  • Continual Review and Improvement

P2 Planning Approach Environmental Audits
  • Objective is to identify and characterize the
    waste streams associated with a process or
    service so that intelligent decisions can be made
    concerning pollution reductions.
  • A systematic, documented, periodic, and objective
    review by regulated entities of facility
    operations and practices related to meeting
    environmental requirements.

P2 PlanningBusiness Approach
  • P2 Planning requires staff resources, changes to
    policies and processes, and a top management
    commitment if it is to be successful. As the P2
    Coordinator you must demonstrate a benefit to the
    company such as
  • Improving the bottom line of the company ()
    through efficiencies and cost avoidances
  • Achieving compliance with applicable regulations
  • Communicating good stewardship to the stakeholder

P2 PlanningTechnical Approach
  • Pollution prevention has as its priority
  • Source reduction
  • Produce less waste
  • Recycle and reuse
  • Find a beneficial reuse for wastes that are
  • Treatment and reuse
  • Develop processes to assist with the recycle and
    reuse of wastes
  • Treatment and disposal
  • Dispose of wastes of minimal volume and with the
    lowest potential for creating future
    environmental harm
  • Requires a detailed understanding of how a
    company does business and how it makes its

P2 PlanningProgrammatic Approach
  • Building support for the plan throughout the
  • Organizing the program
  • Setting goals, objectives and targets
  • Performing a preliminary assessment of P2
  • Identifying potential problems and solutions
  • Establishing a culture of continuous improvement
  • The plan should provide a mechanism for
    comprehensive and continuous review of companys
    activities as they pertain to environmental issues

Programmatic ApproachOrganizing the Program
  • Essential that all company executives buy into
    the value of the plan from the start
  • They should convey this message to all employees,
    probably in the form of a formal policy statement
  • A team should be organized to develop the plan
    that represents all facets of the company, from
    the janitorial staff to the boardroom

Executive Orders
  • Executive Order 13101Greening the Government
    Through Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Federal
  • Executive Order 13149 of April 21, 2000 Greening
    the Government Through Federal Fleet and
    Transportation Efficiency
  • Executive Order 13423 - Strengthening Federal
    Environmental, Energy, and Transportation
  • Executive Order 13514 Federal Leadership in
    Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance

EO 13423
  • Use EMS to implement P2 Goals
  • Water consumption intensity reduction
  • Energy consumption intensity reduction
  • GSA fleet fuel consumption efficient and use of
  • Use renewable energy sources
  • Sustainable procurement practices

EPEATElectronic Product Environmental Assessment
  • Developed using a grant by EPA and is managed by
    the Green Electronics Council (GEC)
  • It is dedicated to informing purchasers of the
    environmental criteria of electronic products.
  • Website provides guidance for purchasers and
    manufacturers and hosts the database of
    EPEAT-registered products.
  • EPEAT-registered computer desktops, laptops, and
    monitors must meet an environmental performance
    standard for electronic products IEEE 1680 -

EPEATEnvironmental Benefits (2006)
  • The first six months sales of EPEAT registered
    green computers when compared with traditional
    computers, produced the following environmental
  • Saved 13.7 billion kWh of electricity, enough to
    power 1.2 million U.S. homes for a year
  • Saved 24.4 million metric tons of materials,
    equivalent to the weight of 189 million
  • Prevented release of 56.5 million metric tons of
    air pollution, including 1.07 million metric tons
    of gases -- the equivalent of removing 852,000
    cars from the road for a year
  • Prevented release of 118,000 metric tons of water
  • Reduced toxic material use by 1,070 metric tons,
    equivalent to the weight of 534,000 bricks,
    including enough mercury to fill 157,000
    household fever thermometers
  • Avoided the disposal of 41,100 metric tons of
    hazardous waste, equivalent to the weight of 20.5
    million bricks

Sustainable BuildingsAchieving LEED Platinum
  • From weapons to wetlands
  • 1950s uranium foundry decommissioned, demolished
    and remediated
  • Warehouse converted into LEED Platinum visitor

Sustainable Buildings
  • From a pole barn receiving center/ equipment
    repository/break room 2002
  • No heat, air condition, or water
  • 10,800 square feet
  • Transformed with a great deal of work and effort

Sustainable Buildings
  • Exhibit area part of sustainable design
  • In the end, a Platinum GREEN USGBC certified
  • Biowetland
  • Ground Source Heating Ventilation and Air
  • Low VOC paints
  • Recycled materials for flooring, benches and
    exhibit backings

Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
  • Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) helps
    the federal government "buy green
  • Uses the federal government's enormous buying
    power to stimulate market demand for green
    products and services.
  • Geared first to help federal purchasers, this
    site can help green vendors, businesses, and
  • Find and evaluate information about green
    products and services
  • Identify federal green buying requirements
  • Calculate the costs and benefits of purchasing
  • Manage green purchasing processes.

Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
  • Databases
  • Attributes
  • Procurement guidance
  • Contract language
  • Environmental Benefits

Programmatic ApproachContinuous Improvement
Organizing the ProgramDevelop and Promulgate a
Policy Statement
  • Our company will make Environment, Safety and
    Health an integral part of our work. We will
    follow safe and environmentally sound practices
    to the benefit of our employees, the public and
    the environment. Work processes will be
    continually evaluated through self-, management-
    and independent assessments to ensure that work
    is conducted in a safe and environmentally
    responsible manner and to achieve continuous
    improvement. We will objectively and fully
    communicate safety and environmental goals and
    performance to employees, stakeholders and the
  • Signed by CEO

Programmatic ApproachGoals, Objectives and
  • Objectives and targets are based on the
    environmental policy, legal and other
    requirements, and consideration of significant
    environmental aspects, stated goals and mission,
    and the views of affected stakeholders.

Programmatic ApproachPreliminary Assessment
  • Objective of this phase is to review and evaluate
    existing data and establish priorities and
    procedures for detailed assessments
  • Two primary factors to consider
  • use a multi-media approach to P2
  • objective is P2, not extensive data gathering

Programmatic ApproachSetting Goals, Objectives
and Targets
Significant Environmental Aspects Activities/Products/Services Impacts (Environment / Worker Health and Safety) Objectives Goals/Targets
Paper Consumption / Use Preparation of reports / documents General office work Use of faxes, copiers, business machines Cleaning / maintaining office space Sampling activities Depletion of natural resources Impacts to local landfill space Non-hazardous waste generation Improve reporting processes and make greater use of electronic capabilities Move towards a paper-less work environment Promote Virtual Office concept Make greater use of tele-video conferencing Develop plan /process to make greater use of electronic capabilities in the following tasks 1) Task Order Requests, Plans, and Mods 2) Invoices 3) Monthly and Quarterly Status Reports and, 4) Contract Mods
Staff Transportation / Travel Travel to and from office (essential work activities) Travel to and from remote sites (essential work activities) Fuel consumption / depletion of natural resources Automotive air emissions Waste generation Employee accident / injury and property damage Determine transportation needs, then optimize usage Ensure efficient use of company vehicles Minimize employee accidents and injuries Minimize property damage to company vehicles Reduce Health and Safety incidents Perform analysis of vehicle usage to ensure that existing vehicle mix is appropriate for work activities
Energy Consumption Natural gas and electricity consumption at processing plants and at administrative offices. Energy consumption/depletion of natural resources. Air pollution. Analyze electricity and nat gas consumption and consumption patterns including lighting, HVAC, equipment efficiency. Reduce energy consumption by 5 this FY.

P2 Plan Development
  • Use the information from the preliminary
    assessment to write a detailed P2 plan that will
  • define the P2 program objectives
  • identify potential obstacles and solutions
  • define the data collection and analysis
    procedures to be used in later P2 studies
  • The P2 plan does not include recommendations for
    P2 projects it describes current practices and a
    methodology for evaluating proposed projects

Developing and ImplementingP2 Projects
  • First step of plan implementation is to conduct
    detailed assessments of potential areas of
    opportunity identified during preliminary
  • Assessment team then proposes and screens P2
  • Prioritize the options for implementation

P2 ProjectsPrioritizing Options
  • Use a system such as the EPAs Option Rating
    Weighted Sum Method
  • determine important criteria in terms of the
    programs goals
  • weight the criteria on a scale of 0 (no
    importance) to 10 (highly important)
  • rate each option on each criterion and multiply
    by the weight of the criterion
  • the sum of these products is the options overall

P2 ProjectsExample ORWSM
P2 ProjectsMeasuring and Communicating Progress
  • Amount of P2 achieved should be continually
    measured so that everyone sees the value of the
    P2 philosophy
  • Should document both successes and failures
  • P2 progress should be measured on a quantitative
  • Should normalize the results for changes in
  • Communicate via posters, emails, website
  • Generate excitement
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