Title: Air and Air Pollution Chapter 17
1Air and Air PollutionChapter 17
I thought I saw a blue jay this morning. But
the smog was so bad that it turned out to be a
cardinal holding its breath. Michael J. Cohen
2Key Concepts
- Structure and composition of the atmosphere
- Types and sources of outdoor air pollution
- Types, formation, and effects of smog
- Sources and effects of acid deposition
- Effects of air pollution
- Prevention and control of air pollution
3The Atmosphere
- Troposphere
- 78 N, 21 O
- Stratosphere
- Ozone Layer
- Greenhouse effect
4Outdoor Air Pollution
5Photochemical Smog
- Photochemical reaction
- Brown-air smog
- Photochemical oxidants
6Industrial Smog
- Industrial smog
- Sulfuric acid
- Sulfur dioxide
- Particulates
- Gray-air smog
7Temperature Inversions
- Subsidence inversion
- Radiation inversion
8Regional Outdoor Air Pollution from Acid
- Acid deposition
- Wet deposition
9Acid Deposition in the US
10Acid Deposition and Humans
- Respiratory diseases
- Toxic metal leaching
- Decreased visibility
- Damage to structures, especially containing
limestone - Decreased productivity and profitability of
fisheries, forests, and farms
11Acid Deposition and Aquatic Systems
- Fish declines
- Undesirable species
- Aluminum toxicity
- Acid shock
12Acid Deposition, Plants, and Soil
- Nutrient leaching
- Heavy metal release
- Weakens trees
13Indoor Air Pollution/Sick Building Syndrome
- Radon-222
- 4 picocurie level
- Occurs in certain areas based on geology
- Associated with uranium and organic material in
15Effects of Air Pollution on Living Organisms and
- Damage to mucous membranes
- Respiratory diseases
- Damage to plant leaves and roots
- Reduction in primary productivity
- Deterioration of materials
16Solutions Preventing and Reducing Air Pollution
- Clean Air Act
- National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
- Primary and secondary standards
- Output control vs. input control
17Emission Reduction
18Reducing Indoor Air Pollution