Title: Using GNSS to establish
1Using GNSS to establish a Height Datum on a Survey
Richard Stanaway QUICKCLOSE
2Overview of GNSS Heighting
Height systems and Geoid models
Measuring ellipsoid Heights
Working with height datum offsets
Victorian case-study - Murray Valley LiDar
3The Geoid
Universität Stuttgart
4Heighting Surfaces
5Differences between MSL and the geoid (Mean
Dynamic Topography)
6H h - N
N h - H
7Australian Height Datum
8GDA94 Ellipsoid Height
10local AHD offset (o) can computed by GNSS/GPS
measurements at local PMs.
o H(AHD) h(GDA94) N(Ausgeoid98)
H(AHD) h(GDA94) - N(Ausgeoid98) o
AHD20?? 0.1 to 0.2 m higher (sea level rise)
Regional and localised subsidence (groundwater
Levelling errors and mark disturbance
12Antenna Reference Point and Phase Centre
GNSS measurements made to phase centre (and not
antenna reference point)
trunnion axis of the GPS
Different antennas have different phase centre
Good advice to use phase centre heights rather
than ARP heights if different antennas are used
13Steps to get local AHD using GNSS/GPS
1. Determine phase centre offsets / models
- Ensure correct geoid model is used (Ausgeoid98 or
Ausgeoid09 in Victoria)
3. Take measurements at local high order (3rd
order or higher) PMs/PSMs to compute offset (o)
(The Ausgeoid surface should be parallel with AHD
over a localised area)
- Apply the offset to Ausgeoid derived elevations
in order to align them with local AHD
Some later GNSS systems have a local geoid
builder in their software (local AHD calibration).
Alternatively, a local geoid model can be created
and loaded into a GNSS controller or software
14LiDar Ground validation - example
15Ground Validation Points
16Local AHD Control
17Control Information
18Static Data Processing - Setup
19Network and Baselines
20Network and Baselines
21Baseline solutions
22Thank You!
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