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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Inclusion and growth Talk at YSP5 Indira
Gandhi Institute of Development
Research Mumbai June 24, 2009 by Pulapre
Balakrishnan Senior Fellow Nehru Memorial Museum
and Library New Delhi
  • For five years from 2003 India was at the very
    top of the league of fast growing economies in
    the world today.
  • China was of course the fastest, but India was
    watched by the world at least as keenly.
  • Politically, India fascinates because it has
    endured as a democracy despite conditions that
    would predict its withering away.

  • During the period of its high growth India was
    the cynosure of all eyes, partly due to the
    allure of its highly visible corporate
    capability, particularly in IT, which extends
    from management to RD.
  • From an economic point of view, India continues
    to fascinate by being at the cutting edge of
    technology and ideas despite a very low average

  • Consider this
  • Aircraft engines need to be put through
    rigourous tests before they are sold. What will
    happen in case of a bird hit, or if a fan blade
    disengages? Done physically, each of these tests
    can cost up to 15 million. And each test has to
    be carried out under different conditions. This
    can burn hundreds of millions of dollars. General
    electric, the worlds leading maker of aircraft
    engines, carries out all such tests on computers
    in an industrial estate in Bangalore at a
    fraction of the cost and time. As a result, GE
    hopes to rollout four or five engines over the
    next five years. An engine can take up to 20
    years to develop. Nobody has ever flooded the
    market with so many engines in a span of just
    five years.
  • Bhupesh Bhandari, Frugal innovation, Business
    Standard, June 13/14, 2009

  • India has grown faster since 1991, suggesting
    that the aim of integrating with the global
    economy has paid dividends.
  • However, an increasingly heard criticism is that
    the currently high economic growth in India is
    not inclusive.

India Child anaemia(source Bose, 2007)
Status NFHS (2005-06) NFHS (1998-99)
Any 78.9 74.3
Mild 25.7 22.9
Mod. 49.4 45.9
Severe 3.7 5.4
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(No Transcript)
  • In this talk, I shall
  • i. Reflect on the idea of inclusion in the
    context of an economy, and
  • ii. Assess how the current growth in India
    measures up to some rudimentary criteria of
    inclusiveness that we might consider.

Why inclusive growth?
  • The genius of a country is not best or most
    in its executives or legislatures, nor in its
    ambassadors or authors or colleges or churches or
    parlors, not even in its newspapers or inventors
    but always most in the common people.
  • Leaves of Grass
  • Walt Whitman, American poet

The very idea of India
  • To bring freedom and opportunity to the common
    man, to the peasants and workers of India to
    fight and end poverty and ignorance and disease
    to build up a prosperous, democratic and
    progressive nation, and to create social,
    economic and political institutions which will
    ensure justice and fullness of life to every man
    and woman.
  • Jawaharlal Nehru
  • Address to the Constituent Assembly
  • August 14-15, 1947
  • There would be no India without

The method of the economist
  • While it is difficult for economists to perform
    experiments to test their theories, as a chemist
    or a physicist might, the world provides a vast
    array of natural experiments as dozens of
    countries try different strategies.

  • Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Laureate

  • Making Globalization Work, 2006

  • Its official now!
  • Inclusive growth has been stated as an
    objective in the Approach Paper to the Eleventh
  • It has also been referred to continuosly by the
    representatives of the government that has just
    assumed office in New Delhi.

  • However, the Approach Document itself does not
    spell out clearly the means to inclusive growth,
    or even what it means.
  • This leaves the task to us.

  • I shall spend some time considering alternative
    ways of viewing inclusive growth, and
    consequently potential routes to it.
  • At the outset, it needs be recognised that there
    is no costless formula.
  • As we are a democratic polity, we need to
    generate political will. As we are a market
    economy, we would need to commit resources.

  • It would seem that at least two conditions are to
    be satisfied for growth to be considered
  • i. Growth does not leave behind large numbers.
  • Note that this is a very mild requirement. In an
    adaptation from Rawls, we could have adopted
    maximin as the first criterion.

  • The maximin principle is a justice criterion for
    the design of social systems proposed by the
    philosopher Rawls.
  • According to this principle the system should be
    designed to maximise the position of those who
    will be worst off in it.

  • ii. Growth is characterised by an evenness across
    the economy, such that the widest range of our
    material needs are satisfied.
  • Easily recognised as absent in India where till
    recently there was a boom in the IT sector
    combined with slowing agricultural growth.
  • Or, in Kerala, where there has been social
    development without development of what Marx had
    referred to as the productive forces.

  • Querying accounts of progress based on the growth
    rate alone is a concern worldwide today.
  • In 2008 the French president appointed an Indian
    adviser to re-define economic progress bearing in
    mind the quality of life.

  • I suggest that, at least for India, we use a
    paired criteria by which to judge how inclusive
    is growth.
  • First, growth must carry the many with it.
    Secondly, it must satisfy the widest range of our
    material needs.

  • Some features of the growth of the last decade or
  • Growth has accelerated since 1991.
  • Significant feature is the resurgence of
    manufacturing in the very recent past.
  • Manufacturing is important not only for faster
    growth, but also as this growth is in new
    sectors automobiles, high-end consumer durables.

  • However, by the definition that we have sketched,
    growth in the past decade and a half has not been
  • First, are the emerging opportunities being
    distributed equally?
  • While we cannot be certain, we have reason to
    believe that they are not.
  • But why?

  • As the demand for labour is what we term derived
    demand it is related to the growth of output.
  • And we know that not all sectors are growing at
    the same rate.
  • While this is not unusual the world over, there
    has occurred a great shift in labour from the
    slow growing to the fast growing sectors.

  • In India such is shift is being thwarted by a
    very low level of education and general
    capability development. This constraint is
  • So recent growth has not been inclusive by our
    first criterion, as the opportunities are not
    equally distributed.
  • Recent growth also does not satisfy our second
    requirement, that growth cater to the entire
    range of our needs.

  • The absence of growth in two widely different
    areas may be noted.
  • First, in agriculture. And secondly, in
    infrastructure, both social and physical.

  • So we can identify education, health and physical
    infrastructure as the missing elements in the
    Indian economy.
  • What can we do to rectify this absence?

  • Both history and economic theory tell us that the
    broad policy of relying on the market is not
    sufficient to deal with this problem.
  • All succesful economies from Europe to Japan have
    relied on mass public education to raise the
    general level of capability of their economies.

  • For half a century, the UK has had a National
    Health Service that provides free medical care of
    the highest order.
  • The inter-state highway system in the United
    States was built by the government.
  • The economies of the EC combine high levels of
    income with substantial welfare provision.

  • The role of public provision of services is that
    it mitigates income poverty. It is an important
    instrument of inclusiveness.
  • The theoretical reason for the belief that better
    government alone can bring about inclusiveness is
    investment on education and infrastructure, and
    even health, has a social rate of return that is
    higher than the private rate of return. We know
    from theory that the market under-provides such
  • There is also the general collective goods
    problem in public goods provision.

  • Recognising the historical experience of
  • of the currently richest economies and the
  • case for public provision of public goods, we
    can turn to the
  • Indian case.
  • It is by now clear that the policy focus has
    excluded social
  • and physical infrastructure.
  • There is a policy deficit.
  • Public goods are not on the radar, as we find
    from the
  • flooding of Mumbai during the monsoon, the
    outbreak of
  • cholera in Bangalore and Chikungunya, a
  • ailment, in Kerala within the last six months.
    Public health is
  • in a precarious condition.

  • Can the reforms per se handle the paucity of
  • public goods in India? This question is
    relevant as
  • the case is constantly made that what India
  • most now is more reforms
  • To answer the question posed we need to first
  • understand the nature of the reforms since

  • Since 1991 the economic policy environment in
  • India has been liberalised.
  • Much of this was necessary and has shown
  • results, notably in manufacturing.
  • However, in areas where the government has been
  • inactive in the past particularly social and
  • physical infrastructure it continues to
    remain so.
  • This indicates the prospects for greater supply
  • public goods in India unless the problem is
  • specifically addressed.
  • We know that benign neglect will not deliver
  • goods.

  • Improved public goods provision straddle the 2
  • in our definition of inclusive growth.
  • First, they can enable participation in the
  • thrown up by those currently excluded.
  • Secondly, in some avatars such as sanitation,
  • and urban recreational spaces they are
    constitutive of
  • an inclusive growth.

  • The challenge of bringing about a more inclusive
  • growth may be demonstrated with an example from
  • the agricultural sector.
  • The agricultural sector currently occupies the
  • overwhelming majority of Indians. Not only is
  • growing slowly, it is also not able to produce
  • cheaply. The relative price of food has not
  • since 1991.
  • It is believed on the basis of past research
    that the
  • main factor in raising the rate of growth of
  • agriculture, as proposed in the Eleventh Plan,
    is the
  • expansion of irrigation.
  • But irrigation expansion has actually slowed
  • 1991.

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