Title: Annual Review Meeting
1REASON (IST-2000-30193)First Annual
ReportWorkpackage 03
Raimund Ubar Tallinn Technical University raiub_at_pl
- WP3 is devoted to
- training in design for testability of SoC, and
- developing research skills and creativity
- by
- development of
- Courses (Task 3.1),
- Tools (Task 3,2),
- laboratory research scenarios (Task 3.3), and
- dissemination of new methods and tools in
tutorials, workshops and seminars (Task 3.4)
Efforts Task1 Task2 Task3 Task4
- WP leader CR3 TTU (Estonia) 17,4
- CO1 WUT (Poland) 0.2
- CR4 VSTU (Russia) 1.1
- CR6 FEI STU (Slovakia) 0.2
- CR8 TUI (Germany) 2.0
- CR12 TUE (Netherlands) 0
- CR13 IISAS (Slovakia) 4.3
- CR14 TUS (Bulgaria) 3.8
- CR15 LPU (Ukraine)
- CR17 TULC (Czech Republik) 4.8
- CR18 KTU (Lithuania) 8.0
- CR19 BSU (Belarus) 4.4
4New Courses in 2002
International events (3)
Action 2 in 2003 will be repeated in Germany,
Estonia and twice in Sweden Actions 4,5 in 2003
will be repeated in Ukraine (twice), Czech Rep.
and Slovakia
5New Courses in 2002
Local events (6)
6Tool development in 2003
7Tool development in 2003
8Goals Revisited
- Design and Test of SOC complexity, multiplicity
of concepts, methods, algorithms and tools - It is crucial
- to develop in students and engineers creativity,
skills of critical thinking, problem solving and
decision making, - to give them experience of developing new
knowledge through experimental or theoretical
research in labs - To support this goal, a new conception of
teaching research will be developed and shared
between partners
9Goals Revisited
- To find solutions for problems - will be the task
of the laboratory research - The students should not be asked
- to carry out boring measurements,
- to press simply on buttons for getting results
as a confirmation of what they already know - Instead,
- they have at their disposal a set of tools,
- they have to plan and carry out experiments to
find answers for questions and complex problems
10Rethinking the Task 3.2
- Task 3.1. Courses
- Task 3.2. Teaching, training and research
environment - Internet based living pictures for training
(WP8) - Education applets
- Learning (training) applets
- Tool development for SW based research (WP3)
- Interfaces for joint use of tools
- Educhip for HW based research (WP9)
- Task 3.3. Research scenarios
- Task 3.4. Dissemination (tutorials, workshops,
11Cooperation in Tool Development
- Defect-Oriented Test
- TTU Defect-oriented ATPG and Fault Simulator
- IISAS Genetic algorithms based defect-oriented
ATPG - LPU/WUT Cell-oriented Defect/Fault Analysis
- TTU BIST Quality Analysis
- TULC Tools for test generation and BIST
- TTU Hybrid BIST Cost Optimization
- High-Level ATPG
- TTU Hierarchical ATPG
- KTU Test Generation for testing algorithms
- Other new tools
- BSU Test Generation and Analysis for Functional
Switching - TTU Tools for Fault/Design Error Diagnosis
- VSTU Test and Diagnosis of Analog Circuits
12Lab Research Env. - 1
Diagnostic software Turbo-Tester
Methods Single fault Parallel Deductive
Fault models Stuck-at-faults Stuck-opens Delay
Methods Deterministic Random Genetic
Levels Gate Macro
Test Generation
Fault Simulation
Fault Location
BIST Simulation
Methods BILBO CSTP Store/Generate
Fault Table
Fault Diagnosis
Test Optimization
13Lab Research Env. - 2
Defect TPG
Stored test patterns
Delay TPG
Pseudo random test patterns
Manual patterns
Fault Table
Working modes BILBO CSTP Store
Generate Functional BIST Broadcasting BIST
14Example Research Scenario
Hybrid BIST
- Combining
- on-line generated pseudo-random patterns
- with pre-generated and stored test patterns
- Problems
- To find the best characteristics for test
generator (PRPG) - To find the best level of mixing pseudo-random
test and stored test as the tradeoff between
memory cost and testing time
. . .
Test Generator
Response Analyzer
15Cooperation in Research Teaching
- Existing cooperation
- Defect-Oriented Test IISAS, TTU, WUT, (LPU)
- Logic Level Test TTU, TUI (Internet based)
- Hierarchical Test TTU, TUI (Internet based)
- Potential cooperation
- Boundary Scan IISAS, TTU, TUI, TULC (Internet
based) - Other activities
- TTU Fault/Design Error Diagnosis
- TTU Hybrid BIST
- VSTU Test and Diagnosis of Analog Circuits
- BSU Genetic Algorithms for VLSI testing
- KTU Testing of algorithms
16New Courses in 2002
In progress (4)
17Events planned for 2003
International events (9)
18Events planned for 2003
Local events
19Main achievemetns
- Co-operation between partners with the goal to
develop new courses and laboratory tools resulted
in intensive joint research with several joint
publications - For better coordination of the work in WP3, three
WP3 meetings were organized in Brno, Tallinn and
Bratislava - Two joint tutorials on Digital/Analog Test were
carried out in Tallinn with involving the
partners FEISTU, IISAS, TTU, TULC, VSTU, and WUT - Both had a great success, attended, by 25/34
participants - The tutorials will be repeated in 2003 twice in
Ukraine, in Czech Republik, Slovakia and partly
also in Germany and twice in Sweden
20Main achievemetns
- To increase the synergy of the whole project,
tight links were created between 3 WPs - WP3 and - WP8 - to create a basis for distance learning,
and - WP9 - to improve the HW based experimental
research teaching - Based on the intensive cooperation (IISAS, TTU,
TULC, WUT) the conception of Task 3.2 of tool
development was extended with the goal to develop
an advanced research training environment
involving - new low-cost tools,
- advanced distance learning technologies and
- educational HW based laboratory basis (using
EduChip) - Based on this environment, new research training
scenarios will be developed during the
second/third project years
21Main problems
- Overlaps in proposed courses, tutorials and other
events. This makes coordination of this WP more
difficult - Partners are looking for ways of better
coordination of the work - Examples
- Action AGBOT to better motivate the cooperation
- Developing jointly research training environment
as the result of cooperation between WP3, WP8 and
WP9 - For joining efforts in developing new research
scenarios based on this environment, new links
and interfaces between partners tools should be
22Concluding Remarks
- We have to look for more intensive cooperative
activities, local actions are less important - Joint courses, tutorials
- Joint tool environments
- Joint research scenarios
- Defect oriented test (WUT, IISAS, TTU)
- Design for testability (TTU, TULC), etc.
- Joint materials AGBOT
- The goal for 2003 Hands-on lab courses for
partners with partner tools are the way to
cooperation and to creation of joint research
23Thank you