Title: Expectations in the Sixth Form
1Year 11 Information Evening Monday 28th September
2Welcome to the Sixth Form at BMS
- Making the change to the Sixth Form
- Sixth Form Ethos and Culture
- Making your subject choices
- Q A
3Sixth Form Ethos and Culture
- Supportive academic environment, ILP Learning
Mentors - Flexible Curriculum, 29 subjects and
innumerable options - Leadership Opportunities of a 7 18 School
- Rights Responsibilities of being a student
- Work smarter to play harder
- Recognition of growing independence
- Freedom of movement
- Business Dress Code
4Entry Criteria Pathways
B grade in the subjects you want to study
ALIS score of 5.8 from minimum of 9 GCSEs
5.8 4 AS levels automatic entry
5.5 to 5.8 discussion to ensue
5Making your Subject Choices
6Pick 4 subjects in Y12Expect to continue 3 into
7Sources of Advice
- Mrs Russell, Head of Student Guidance
- Your Tutor
- Head of Year Mr Fitton
- Subject teachers
- Heads of Subjects/Faculty
- Director of Sixth Form Mr White
- Deputy Head Academic Mr Price
- Parents and Siblings
- Y12/13 students
8Taster LessonsWeek beginning 16 November
- Business Studies
- Economics
- Film Studies
- Music Technology
- Philosophy
- Politics
- Psychology
9Timetable for Choices
- Provisional Choices 23 November
- Parents Evenings 4 8 Feb
- Firm Choices 11 February
- Results Day 24 August
10A Level Subjects available2010-12
11Humanities Faculty
- Geography
- History
- Theology
12Languages Faculty
- French
- German
- Spanish
- Latin
- Classical Civilisation
13English Faculty
- English Language
- English Language and Literature
- Film Studies
14PPE Faculty
- Business Studies
- Economics
- Politics
- Philosophy
15Mathematics Faculty
- Mathematics
- Further Maths (2 ALs)
16ADIT Faculty
- Art
- Information Technology
- DT-Systems and Control
- DT -Product Design
17Performing Arts
- Music
- Music Technology
- Theatre Studies
- Physical Education
18Science Faculty
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Psychology
1929 subjects
20Ground Floor Upper Floor
- Â
- Art Business Studies
- Biology Economics
- Chemistry English Language and Literature
- Design Technology English Literature
- French Film Studies
- Geography Government Politics
- German Philosophy
- History
- Latin
- Classical Civilisation
- Mathematics
- Music
- PE
- Physics
- Psychology
- Spanish
- Theatre Studies
21Some Options
- The Options Booklet and this powerpoint are
available as downloads on the BMS Website
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Maths
- Theatre Studies
- English
- Art
- Philosophy
23Complementary options
- Geography
- Biology
- Economics
- Mathematics
24The Outlier
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Physics
- Politics
25Keeping your options open
- A science subject (M,FM,B,P,C,Psy)
- A humanity (G,H,RS,CC,PPE,BS)
- A creative subject (A,DT,IT,TS,FS,Mu,MT,PE)
- A language (L,F,S,G,EL,ELL)
26Be aware
- If you choose too many subjects with a high
coursework component eg - Art
- Design Technology
- Drama
27University Choices
- Your choice of future course/university may help
guide good choices of AS subjects - Specific entry requirements for courses
- eg that you need at least AS Maths to do a
degree in Economics at a particular institution - Recommended combinations
- These can both be checked via UCAS or individual
university websites
28The so-called soft subjects debate
- Much has been made of this in the media.
- Mainly focuses on more vocational subjects that
we do not offer but also those with Studies or
ology in the title. - We do not offer subjects at AL that we believe to
be soft. - The key issues are
- Combinations
- Suitability for the degree and career that you
intend to follow.
29This is why students need to seek advice
30The nature of Exams in the Sixth Form
31Modular Exams(based on a 4 module AL)
NB These boundaries are based on UMS (uniform
mark scheme) marks.
32An example
- However other subjects like French will sit
- Units 1 and 2 in June of Y12
- Units 3 and 4 in June of Y13
33Importance of GCSEs
- for Oxbridge Russell Group offers
- for getting into the Sixth Form
34Good Luck with your GCSEs
35Any Questions ?