Title: Sicherung der Qualifikationen und der Kompetenzen der Besch
1Sicherung der Qualifikationen und der Kompetenzen
der Beschäftigten inDeutschland und
FrankreichFriedrich-Ebert-Stiftung / Lasaire, 11
April 2011, Paris
- Der Einstieg der jüngeren Arbeitskräfte ins
Berufsleben und die Sicherung der Kompetenzen der
älteren Beschäftigten
- Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa
- Berufsbildung und Übergang von Schule in den
Beruf in DE und FR - Modernisierung des deutschen Berufsbildungssystems
- Berufliche Bildung oder Akademisierung
- Erwerbsbeteiligung von Älteren
- Berufliche Weiterbildung in DE und FR
31.1 Scar effects of a bad start
Many studies on long term scar effects of a
bad start Examples Kahn Graduating from
college in a bad economy has large, negative and
persistent effects on wages. Lifetime earnings
are substantially lower than they would have been
if the graduate had entered the labour market
in good times (Lisa B. Kahn (2010), 'The
long-term labor market consequences of graduating
from college in a bad economy', Labour
41.2 Scar effects of a bad start
Many studies on long term scar effects of a
bad start Examples Bell/Blanchflower 2010
Data from the UK 1958 birth cohort (National
Child Development Study) - Youth unemployment
raises unemployment, lowers wages, worsens
health and lowers job satisfaction twenty five
years later. No such effects could be found for
spells of unemployment when the respondents were
in their thirties (D.N.F. Bell and D.G.
Blanchflower (2009), What to do about rising
unemployment in the UK?, IZA DP 4040)
51.3 Scar effects of a bad start
- Recessions may have strong impact on beliefs of
- young people
- Giuliano/Spilimbergo
- Data self-reported answers from the General
Social Survey - during early adulthood They showed that
individuals - growing up during recessions tend to believe that
success in - life depends more on luck than on effort, support
more - government redistribution, but are less confident
in public - institutions and that effects are long-lasting
(Paola Giuliano and - Antonio Spilimbergo, 'Growing up in a recession
beliefs and the macroeconomy', NBER - Working Paper No. 15321, September 2009)
61.4 Scar effects of a bad start
- Recessions may have strong impact on beliefs of
- young people
- The Prince's Trust survey (UK) Survey of 2,088
young people - aged between 16 and 25 Neets are significantly
more likely - to feel ashamed, rejected, lost, anxious,
insecure, down and - depressed, isolated and unloved. Neets were
dispropor- - tionately more likely to say that they had turned
to drugs and - to say that their life had no direction
(http//www.princes- - trust.org.uk/pdf/Youth_Index_2010.pdf)
71.5 Scar effects of a bad start
- Reasons for scar effects
- Young people as outsiders vulnerable
- Personality still developing in adulthood
- Access to good jobs and careers increasingly
- only with clean CVs - without the stigma of a
bad start - Employment and education systems are often not
forgiving - Strong age chohorts
- But
- National differences in scar effects
- Varieties in VET-systems, recruitment criteria
and support for a second chance
81.6 Seasonally adjusted unemployment rates ()
youth (under 25's) Sep 2010
source Eurostat
91.7 Increase of youth unemployment rates in
percentage points (Sep. 2008 Sep. 2010)
source Eurostat
101.8 Youth unemployment rate in relation to
total unemployment rate Sep. 2010
source Eurostat
112.1 Types of VET
A Heuristic Typology of European VET Systems
Type of VET system Countries
Apprenticeship-based Austria, Germany, Denmark
Continental school-based Netherlands, France
Market-led UK, Ireland,
General Education Greece, Spain, Poland, Hungary
Egalitarian School-based Finland, Sweden
122.1 Population that has Attained Upper
Secondary Education and Upper Secondary Enrolment
Rates by Orientation of Programmes (2006)
Upper secondary enrolment rates Upper secondary enrolment rates Upper secondary enrolment rates
General programmes Vocational programmes Vocational programmes Vocational programmes
General programmes All programmes Of which combined school and work based Of which combined school and work based
Austria 22,7 77,3 33,3 33,3
Denmark 52,3 47,7 47,2 47,2
Germany 42,6 57,4 42,2 42,2
Continental school-based
Netherlands 32,4 67,6 18,5 18,5
France 56,2 43,8 12,1 12,1
UK 58,6 41,4 m m
Ireland 65,5 34,5 2,2 2,2
General Education
Greece 68,3 31,7 a a
Spain 56,6 43,4 1,9 1,9
Hungary 76,4 23,6 13,2 13,2
Egalitarian School-based
Sweden 42,9 57,1 a a
Finland 33,3 66,7 11,5 11,5
Source OECD (2009), Education at a glance Table C1.4 NotePercentage of upper secondary graduates in the population at the typical age of graduation by programme orientation. m missing a not applicable Source OECD (2009), Education at a glance Table C1.4 NotePercentage of upper secondary graduates in the population at the typical age of graduation by programme orientation. m missing a not applicable Source OECD (2009), Education at a glance Table C1.4 NotePercentage of upper secondary graduates in the population at the typical age of graduation by programme orientation. m missing a not applicable Source OECD (2009), Education at a glance Table C1.4 NotePercentage of upper secondary graduates in the population at the typical age of graduation by programme orientation. m missing a not applicable Source OECD (2009), Education at a glance Table C1.4 NotePercentage of upper secondary graduates in the population at the typical age of graduation by programme orientation. m missing a not applicable
132.3 Stellung der Berufsbildung im Bildungssystem
Berufsbildung und allgemein bildende Schulen 2004
142.4 French system of initial vocational training
within the education system (excluding classes
which prepare students for the entry exams to the
Grandes Écoles and engineering schools)2.4
152.5 Research on transition from education to
- Myriad studies
- Fast and stable transition in countries with
apprenticeship systems apprentices are insiders - Relatively fast, but often not sustainable
transitions in market-led systems - Most difficult transitions in countries with GE
and high levels of Employment protection
legislation - Difficult transitions from school-based VET
school leavers are outsiders
162.6 Transition from Education to Work
Unemployment rates and labour force experience
(in years) ISCED 3 leavers (1990s)
Source Müller/Gangl, Transitions from Education
to Work in Europe, Oxford 2003
172.7 Average duration of school-to-work
transition by gender in eight EU Countries 2006
Country Men Women Both sexes
Austria 0,9 0,8 0,9
France 1,8 1,5 1,4
Germany 0,1 0,1 0,1
Greece 3,2 1,8 2,7
Hungary 3,5 2,0 2,8
Italy 3,4 3,1 3,4
Spain 3,8 3,3 3,6
Sweden 1,6 1,0 1,4
UK 1,9 1,8 1,8
EU (unweighted) 1,9 1,5 1,7
Median time taken by youths to engage in current
jobs calculated by subtracting job tenure in
current jobs from the time elapsed since
completing highest level of education. Source
OECD 2008 Employment Outlook48
183.1 Modernisierung der Berufe in DE
- Zwischen 1998 und 2006
- 62 Berufe neu geschaffen Gemischte Bilanz
- Erfolgreiche neue Berufe (z.B. IT-Berufe 2007 14
817 Neuabschlüsse ) - Misserfolge (z.B. Film/Videoeditor/in 2007 39
Neuabschlüsse ) - 162 Berufe modernisiert Überwiegend positiv,
aber Chance verpasst, Berufe in Berufsfamilien
zusammenzufassen z.B. im Bürobereich - Spezialinteressen von Verbänden verhindern zum
Teil Zusammenfassungen von Berufen
193.2 Training curriculain the German metalworking
trades 1987 and 2004 - 1987 - 45, 1987 - 16, 2004
5 occupations
203.3 Basic learning forms in vocational training
Source Bosch 2000a
213.4 Stärken des dualen Systems der Berufsbildung
International vergleichende Betriebsstudien (z.B.
Wagner, Finegold u.a.) Erleichtert moderne
Formen des Arbeitsorganisation
- Hohe Handlungskompetenz auf dezentraler Ebene
erleichtert flache Hierarchien und fördert
Diffusion neuer Technologien - Mittlere Führungsebene kommt von unten Besserer
Kommunikationsfluss als in USA oder UK mit großer
Kluft zwischen akademischer Führungsebene und un-
und angelerntem shop-floor - Geheimnis der hohen Produktivität und
Qualität(Made in Germany) - Bis zu 30 Produktivitätsvorteil zwischen D, UK,
USA bei gleichen Produkten
224.1 The role of tertiary education
- Percentage of highly skilled jobs (ISCO 1-3) in
most developed countries between 15 and 25 - Share of graduates from tertiary education
exceeding the share of highly skilled jobs in
many countries - Increasing mismatch because of expansion of
tertiary education
234.2 Share of population in skilled jobs and
share of population with tertiary education
(2006) share of the 25-to-64-year-old working
population in skilled jobs (ISCO 1-3 Managers,
Professional, Technicians and Associate
Professionals) and share of the 25-to-64-year-old
population with tertiary education (2006)
Source OECD, Education at a glance 2008
244.3 Impacts of the academic drift
- Overproduction of graduates
- increasing rates of unemployment
- increasing inequalities of returns to higher
education - Displacement of graduates from VET
- Skill shortages at the craft level
- Increasing difficulties to revitalize VET
- Polarization of the skill structure
- Need of new Vocationalism in tertiary education
255.1 Employment rate people aged 55-64 by level of
education in FR, DE and SE, in 2005
source Eurostat Statistic in focus 15/2006
265.2 Main reasons for high employment rates of all
groups in SE compared to DE and FR
- Good basic education and training plus high
investments in LLL - Low age discrimination
- No seniority based pay systems
- Solidarity wage policy reduction of mobility
costs - Flat hierarchies
- Proactive health and safety policy
- High level of gender equality
- No early retirement policy
275.3 The Structure of Earnings by Age and Gender
285.4 The Structure of Earnings by Age and Gender
296.1 Weiterbildung in DE und FR
- In beiden Ländern Rentenreform bildungspolitisch
nicht unterfüttert - Deutschland hatte in der Arbeitsmarktpolitik
gutes System der zweiten Chance - Förderte Berufsausbildung für Arbeitslose
- Durch Hartz-Reformen Umschulungen fast
eingestellt trotz guter Evaluationsergebnisse - Frankreich - Fondssystem
- Meistens kurze Weiterbildungen
- Höhere Abgabe für Leiharbeiter und befristete
Beschäftigte - Zunahme der Weiterbildung durch Einführung des
Droit individuel à la formation
306.2 Participation in further education and
training 2007
Participation rate in Participation rate in Hours of education training per participant
All 50 years and older
EU-15 34.6 26.4 71
DK 37.6 32.5 121
DE 43.1 33.7 76
FR 34.1 21.3 57
NL 42.1 33.1 59
AT 39.8 30.7 92
SE 69.4 63.7 73
UK 40.3 35.6 48
source EU Adult Education Survey
316.3 Eintritte in berufliche Weiterbildung SGB II
und SGB III, Deutschland gesamt
Bosch, Gerhard / Charest, Jean (eds.), 2010
Vocational training international perspectives.
New York u.a. Routledge Bosch, Gerhard, 2010
In Qualifizierung investieren ein
Weiterbildungsfonds für Deutschland. Expertise.
Bonn FES. Wiso Diskurs http//library.fes.de/pdf-
files/wiso/07668.pdf Bosch, Gerhard / Krone,
Sirikit / Langer, Dirk (Hrsg.), 2010 Das
Berufsbildungssystem in Deutschland aktuelle
Entwicklungen und Standpunkte. Wiesbaden VS,
Verl. für Sozialwiss