Title: CBC
2The CBC interpretation are useful in the
diagnosis of various types of anemia. It can
reflect acute or chronic infection, allergies,
and problems with clotting.
3CBC- complete blood count
- Component of the CBC
- Red Blood Cells (RBCs) Hematocrit (Hct)
Hemoglobin (Hgb) Mean Corpuscular Volume
(MCV) Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
Concentration (MCHC) - - Red cell distribution width (RDW)
- White Blood Cells (WBCs) Platelet
- RBC (varies with altitude)
- M 4.7 to 6.1 x1012 /L
- F 4.2 to 5.4 x1012 /L
- Biconcave disc shape with diameter
- of about 8 µm
- Function - transport hemoglobin which carries
oxygen from the lung to the tissues - -acid base buffer.
- Life span 100-120 days.
6Hemoglobin Hematocrit
Hemoglobin M 13.8 to 17.2 gm/dL F 12.1 to
15.1 gm/dL Hematocrit (packed cell volume) It
is ratio of the volume of red cell to the volume
of whole blood. M 40.7 to 50.3 F 36.1 to
- MCV mean corpuscular volume HCT/RBC count
80-100fL - small microcytic
- normal normocytic
- large macrocytic
- MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
HB/RBC count 26-34 - decreased hypochromic
- normal normochromic
- MCH (mean corpuscular hemoglobin)
- HB/HCT 27-32 pg
- RDW (red cell distribution width)
- It is correlates with the degree of anisocytosis
- _ Normal range from 10-15
9The Reticulocyte Count
- This important value is needed in the evaluation
of any anemia. - Normal range 1-2
- Retic count goes up with
- Hemolytic anemia
- Retic goes down with
- Nutritional deficiencies
- _ Diseases of the bone marrow itself
10Abnormal result of RBC
- - Increased number called polycythemia , two
- 1-primary polycythemia
- - Polycythemia
vera - 2-secondary polycythemia
- e.g. high
attitude, smoking, heart - disease
or pulmonary fibrosis - - Decreased numbers of RBCs called anemia may
indicate - 1) Blood loss
- Acute (normocytic normochromic)
- Chronic (microcytic hypochromic)
- 2) Decreased production
e.g._ nutritional anemia - 3) Increased destruction
e.g._ hemolytic anemia
11Manifestation of polycythemia
- Headache.
- Hypertension.
- Hemorrhage or thrombosis
- Fatigue ability.
- Splenomegaly
12Manifistation of anemia
- fatigue
- weakness
- skin nail changes
- Compensatory
- ? heart rate
- ? blood pressure
- ? resp. rate
- WBCs are involved in the immune response.
- The normal range 4 11x109 /L
- Two types of WBC
- 1) Granulocytes consist of
- Neutrophils 50 - 70
- Eosinophils 1 - 5
- Basophils up to 1
- 2) Agranulocytes consist of
- - Lymphocytes 20 - 40
- Monocytes 1 - 6
- The type of cell affected depends upon its
primary function - In bacterial infections, neutrophils are most
commonly affected - In viral infections, lymphocytes are most
commonly affected - In parasitic infections, eosinophils are most
commonly affected.
- polymorphneuclear leukocytes (PMN,s)
- Nucleus 3-5 lobes.
- Diameter 10-14 µm
- 50-70 WBC
- 2.5-7.5x109/ L
- Function Phagocytosis of bacteria and cell
debris - Numbers rise with all manner of stress,
especially bacterial infections
- Neutrophil disorders
- Neutrophilia an increase in neutrophils
- Conditions associated with neutrophilia are
- 1-Bacterial infections (most common cause)
- 2-Tissue destruction
- e.g. tissue infarctions, burns.
- 3- leukemoid reaction
- 4-Leukemia
- Neutropenia this may result from
- 1-Decreased bone marrow production
- e.g. BM hypoplasia.
- 2-Ineffective bone marrow production
- E.g. megaloblastic anemias and myelodysplastic
syndromes. - 3- post acute infection
- _ e.g. typhoid fever, brucellosis.
- Bilobed nucleus
- 1-5 of WBC
- 0.04-0.4x109/L
- Diameter about 10-14 µm
- Function Involved in allergy, parasitic
infections - Contains eosinophilic granules
- Eosinophilia may be found in
- Parasitic infections
- Allergic conditions and hypersensitivity reaction
- Circulating form of mast cells
- lt1 WBC
- 0.01-0.1x109/L
- Diameter 10-14 µm
- Contains basophilic
- Granules
- Granules contain histamine and heparin
- IgE receptors
- Involved in allergy
- Basophilia
- Is associated with chronic myeloproliferative
disorders - Inflammatory bowel disease e.g. ulcerative
colitis - Radiation exposure
- Monocyte
- 3-8 WBC 0.2-0.8x109/L
- 8-10 µm in diameter.
- Circulating form of tissue macrophages
- Life span 10-20 h in blood,
- months in tissues as macrophage.
- Macrophages
- Phagocytosis, bacterial killing, antigen
presentation - Peritoneal cavity peritoneal macrophages
- Lung alveolar macrophages
- Spleen splenic macrophages
- Liver Kupffer cells
- Monocytosis associated with
- 1) certain bacterial Infection
- e.g active TB , sebticemia.
- 2) Protozoal and rickettsial infection
- e.g. malaria
- 3) Collagen vascular diseases
- e.g. Lupus erythromatosis ,rheumatoid
- No specific granules
- 20-40 of WBC
- 1.55-3.5x109/ L
- Diameter 8-10 µm
- T cells cellular
- (for viral infections)
- B cells humoral (antibody)
- Natural Killer Cells
- Lymphocytosis may indicate
- _ Viral infection
- e.g. Infectious mononucleosis, CMV or pertussis.
- _ Bacterial infection
- e.g. TB
- Lymphopenia caused by
- _Stress.
- _Steroid therapy
- _ Irradiation
27Abnormal result of WBC
- (Leukocytosis) may indicate
- _ Infectious diseases
- _Inflammatory disease (such as rheumatoid
arthritis or allergy) - _Leukemia
- _Severe emotional or physical stress
- _Tissue damage (e.g. necrosis,or burns)
- (Leukopenia) may result from
- _ Decreased WBC production from BM.
- _ Irradiation.
- _ Exposure to chemical or drugs.
28Manifestation of leukocytosis
- Fever
- Malaise
- Weakness
- Others depend on each system which is involved
- e.g. chest cough, SOB and chest pain
- abdomen diarrhea, vomiting,
dehydration. - CNS headache, visual disturbance,
- Neck stiffness
- and so 0n.
29Manifestation of leukopenia
- Infection of the mouth and throat.
- Painful skin ulceration.
- Recurrent infection.
- Septicemia.
- Small granular non-nucleated discs.
- Diameter about 2-4 µm
- Normal range 150-300x109 /L
- Destroyed by macrophage cells in the spleen.
- Function involved in coagulation and blood
haemostasis. - Life span 7-10 days
- Numbers of platelets
- Increased (Thrombocythemia)
- Pregnancy.
- Exercise.
- High attitudes.
- splenectomy
- Decreased (Thrombocytopenia)
- Menstruation.
- Haemorrhage.
- Bone marrow destruction or suppression e.g.
leukemia -
- The values have to fit the clinical situation.
33Manifestaton of thrombocytopenia
- Petechial hemorhage.
- Easy bruising.
- Mucosal bleeding
- e.g. _ epistaxes.
- _ gum bleeding
34Sickling Test
- Sickle cell anemia. Hemoglobin S
- 2 Types of Tests- Screening test for HBs
- Confirmation done by Hemoglobin Electrophoresis.
- HB AS is Trait- Mild type of disease
- HB SS is disease severe condition.
35Screening Test
- Sodium Meta Bisulphite- reducing agent.
- Mixed with RBcs- to produce Sickle RBCS
- HB S in not soluble in Metabisulphite so it
appears as insoluble precipitate or floculum. - All screening test must be confirmed by