Title: Understanding
1Understanding ApplyingThe Engineering Design
- Mark D. Conner
- The Engineering Academy at Hoover High School
- www.eahoover.com
2A good product is the result of a good process.
What is design?
What is the Engineering Design Process?
Examples help
What tools are available?
3Originality can be overrated.
4What is Design?
5Design is about creating form and function.
Its achieving objectives within given
6The Engineering Design Process is an algorithm
for creation and invention.
7What is the Engineering Design Process?
8The Engineering Design Process mirrors standard
steps in problem-solving.
9Define the problem in detail without implying a
particular solution.
10Objectives, constraints, functions and
requirements may be broad-based.
- Some items are absolute others may be
negotiable - Functionality (inputs, outputs, operating modes)
- Performance (speed, resolution)
- Cost
- Ease of use
- Reliability, durability, security
- Physical (size, weight, temperature)
- Power (voltage levels, battery life)
- Conformance to applicable standards
- Compatibility with existing product(s)
11Both functional and non-functional requirements
may be placed on a design.
- Functional requirements
- support a given load
- respond to voice commands
- (output based on input)
- Non-functional requirements (usually
form-focused) - size, weight, color, etc.
- power consumption
- reliability
- durability
- etc.
12Design involves creativity within boundaries.
Consider any viable solution concept.
13Nail down enough design details that a decision
can be made.
14The optimal design solution may or may not be
15Time to go from idea to reality.
16The Engineering Design Process is generally
iterative, not linear.
17How is the Engineering Design Process
applied?(Part 1 Asking Questions)
18The design process begins with some initial
problem statement.
- Initial Problem Statement
- Design a robot to play this years game.
- Design problems are often ill-structured and
open-ended. - Asking questions is a great way to begin defining
the problem to be addressed.
19Think in terms of questions that would help
define the problem and guide the design.
- What scoring strategy will we use?
- What type of steering is desired?
- How many degrees-of-freedom does the robot need?
- What maximum reach must the robot have?
- How fast does the robot need to be?
- How much weight must the robot lift?
- What physical obstacles must the robot overcome?
- Will the robot be interacting with other robots?
- What sight (or other) limitations will be placed
on the driver? - What functions must the robot perform?
20Begin to categorize questions in terms of what
information the answers communicate.
- Clarifying objectives
- What scoring strategy will be adopted?
- How much practice time will drivers have?
- Identifying constraints
- Can the robot touch other robots?
- Can game pieces touch the field?
- What are the dimensions of key parts of the
field? - Establishing functions
- What scoring strategy will be adopted?
- How much ground must the robot cover in a round?
- Establishing requirements
- What minimum size must the robot be to carry a
given game piece? - How much weight must be lifted to carry a given
game piece?
21Think about specific details and various means of
achieving certain functions.
- Establishing design specifications
- What is the maximum torque required to pick up a
game piece? - What is the maximum reach needed?
- What is the smallest space in which the robot
will operate? - Generating design alternatives
- Could the robot have 2, 3, or 4 wheels? Treads?
- Could game pieces be lifted from above or scooped
from below?
22What tools are available to aid in the
Engineering Design Process?
- How is the Engineering Design Process
applied?(Part 2 Some Tools to Guide the
23Some simple tools can help organize the design
24An Attributes List contains a list of objectives,
- Objectives
- Assemble primary subassemblies on the warehouse
rack - Make no more than 2 trips into/out of the
warehouse - Move planes to flight area (without hanging them)
- Simple controls
- Constraints
- 24 rules (size weight)
- Less that 6 inches of clearance between racks
- Approximately 6 inches of clearance bringing the
plane through the warehouse door - Driver doesnt have depth perception w/r/t racks
25 functions, and requirements.
- Functions
- Grab all 4 warehouse subassemblies (individually)
with one grabber - Rotate fuselage 90 degrees
- Zero-radius turning
- Move FOD out of the way
- Requirements
- Be able to open the switch
- Reach the top, back airplane piece
- Support the weight of a fully assembled plane
26A Pairwise Comparison Chart allows the designer
to order/rank the objectives
- 0 if column objective gt row objective
- 1 if row objective gt column objective
- Higher score more important
Goals Speed Drive Power Lifting Power DOF Simple Controls Score
Speed 0 0 0 0 0
Drive Power 1 1 1 1 4
Lifting Power 1 0 1 1 3
DOF 1 0 0 1 2
Simple Controls 1 0 0 0 1
27The Objectives-Constraints Tree groups objectives
and constraints in a hierarchical form.
28Design Specifications refer to quantified values.
- Wheel diameter 8-10 inches
- Degrees-of-freedom 5
- Minimum grabber spacing 1 inch
- Maximum grabber spacing 4 inches
- Maximum weight to be lifted 18 oz.
- Maximum vertical reach 28 inches
- Maximum horizontal reach 12 inches
29The 6-3-5 Method is one way to begin generating
design alternatives.
- 6 team members
- 3 ideas each (described in words or pictures)
- 5 other team members review each design idea
- No discussions allowed during the process
- Can be modified to N3(N-1)
30A Function-Means Tree shows means for achieving
primary functionsand the fallout.
31A Function-Means Tree shows means for achieving
primary functionsand the fallout.
32Are there any questions?