Understanding%20of%20Others - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Awareness of these mental states is critical for understanding others ... As adults, we use our knowledge of mental states to understand human behavior: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Understanding%20of%20Others

  • Understanding of Others
  • Two Aspects of Self
  • Public Self Self that others can see
  • Private Self Inner, reflective self not
    available to others

  • Why is understanding the distinction between the
    public and private self important?
  • Awareness of private self implies an awareness of
    mental states such as desires and beliefs that
  • Are not accessible to others
  • Guide behavior
  • Awareness of these mental states is critical for
    understanding others
  • If you dont understand that others have mental
    states that guide their behavior, it is difficult
    to understand or predict their behavior

  • As adults, we use our knowledge of mental states
    to understand human behavior
  • Ex Why did Jimmy go to Billys house?
  • Desires (He wanted to play with Billy)
  • Beliefs (He thought Billy was at home)
  • We assume that mental states such as desires and
    beliefs motivate action (behavior)

  • These mental states are invisible
  • Cant see a belief or a desire (or other mental
    states like intentions, feelings, etc.)
  • So how do children develop an understanding of
    these invisible states and their influence on

  • Development of a Theory of Mind
  • Between 2 and 5 years, children construct a
    theory of mind (TOM)
  • Theory of Mind
  • A basic understanding of how the mind works and
    how it influences behavior
  • Ex Desires and beliefs produce actions

  • Between about 2 and 3 years, children
  • Talk about mental states (e.g., feelings,
  • Understand that desires can influence actions
  • Dont fully understand how beliefs can influence
  • Seem to treat beliefs as accurate views of
    reality that everyone shares
  • Do not understand that a person may act on a
    belief that is inaccurate

  • False Belief Tasks
  • Test a childs understanding that another
    persons behavior will be based on that persons
    belief, even if the belief is inaccurate
  • 3-year-olds typically fail false belief tasks
  • By age 5, children pass false belief tasks

  • Exceptions
  • Children with autism have great difficulty with
    false belief (and other similar) tasks
  • Congenitally deaf children of hearing parents
    (late signers) also have difficulty with false
    belief tasks

  • What Factors Influence TOM Development?
  • Biological factors
  • TOM as a product of evolution
  • Adaptive to understand mental states such as
    beliefs and desiresmakes it possible to
    understand and predict others behavior
  • TOM module Brain mechanism that makes it
    possible for children to acquire a theory of mind

  • Social interaction is likely to contribute to the
    development of a TOM
  • Pretend play Pretending to be someone one is
    not or pretending that an object is something
    else may foster understanding that beliefs may
    not always reflect reality
  • Discussions with others about mental states such
    as desires, beliefs, etc.
  • Mothers who talk more about mental states with
    young children have children who perform better
    on false belief tasks

  • Late signers and autistic children may show delay
    in TOM development in part because of restricted
    access to social interaction (Peterson)

  • Evidence that late signing and autistic children
    do better on TOM tasks involving pictures
  • Petersons study
  • Late signers and autistic children performed
    better on false drawing tasks than typical
    preschool age children
  • Preschool age children performed better on false
    belief tasks than late signers and autistic
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