Monotheistic Religions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Monotheistic Religions


Monotheism The belief in one all powerful God. ... Israelites pledged loyalty to God and God s laws (The Ten Commandments); God promised a safe return to Canaan. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Monotheistic Religions

Monotheistic Religions
  • Judaism
  • Christianity
  • Islam

  • The belief in one all powerful God.
  • Judaism
  • Christianity
  • Islam

Characteristics of Judaism
  • The father of Judaism Abraham.
  • Messiah is yet to come
  • Jesus was just another prophet.
  • Torah Holy Book of Judaism
  • Sabbath Saturday spent in prayer, study, rest,
    and feasting.
  • Yahweh God
  • Passover Exodus (escape) from Egypt
  • The Jewish year includes five major festivals
    Passover, Shabuoth, Sukkot, Rosh Hashanah, and
    Yom Kippurand two minor ones Hanukkah and
  • Bible main source of ancient history

  • 1900 BC Abraham and his family left Ur and
    settled in Canaan at the request of Yahweh (god).
  • According to the Bible, God made a covenant (an
    agreement) with Abraham.
  • God promised to make a great nation if they would
    remain faithful to God.

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The Exodus from Egypt (Passover)
  • The 12 tribes of Israel migrated to Egypt to
    escape famine. Lived peacefully until Egyptians
    tried to enslave them.
  • 1200 BC Moses led his people out of Egypt to
    escape. Every year during the feast of Passover,
    Jews celebrate the exodus from Egypt.
  • God renewed covenant made with Abraham during the
    exodus. Israelites pledged loyalty to God and
    Gods laws (The Ten Commandments) God promised a
    safe return to Canaan.

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IslamThe Arabian Peninsula
  • Traced back to as early as 3000 BC
  • Remote empires from North could not invade
  • Nomadic
  • AD 500 market towns develop.
  • Most important was Makkah

  • 610 AD Muhammad experienced a revelation
    (vision) he heard a voice calling him to be an
    apostle of Allah and preach his word.
  • One God measured worth of people by devotion and
    good deed. All who believed in God were equal.
    Live lives in preparation for judgment.
  • 622 is the 1st year on the Islamic calendar.

The Islamic State
  • Loyalty to community over tribe.
  • Wrote everything down in the Quran, including
    messages from the Angel Gabriel became the holy
    scriptures of Islam
  • Makkah spiritual capital of Islam.

Beliefs and Practices
  • Quran shows the basic moral values of Islam
  • Quran has specific rules guiding daily life i.e.
    forbids gambling, eating pork, drinking alcohol.
  • Church and state are unified under Islam.

Five Pillars of Islam
  • 1) Muslims believe in ONE all powerful God
  • 2) During the month of Ramadan, Muslims will fast
    from sunrise to sunset (ZERO food)
  • 3) Pray FIVE times a day facing Makkah sunrise,
    noon, afternoon, sunset, evening.
  • 4) Muslims are expected to take ONE pilgrimage
    (hajj) to Makkah in their lifetime
  • 5) Muslims will donate TWO percent of their
    wealth (not income) to charity
  • 1 0 5 1 2

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  • AD 30-AD 33 A Jew named Jesus preached a new
    message to his fellow Jews and winning over
    disciples (followers)
  • Disciples believed he was the Messiah
  • Roman officials worried anyone who aroused such
    public feeling could endanger Roman rule
  • AD 33 Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, arrested
    Jesus as a political rebel and ordered his

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The Spread of Christianity
  • Disciples claimed that Jesus had risen from the
    dead, evidence that he was the Messiah.
  • Son of God
  • Those who accepted Jesus and his teaching became
    known as Christians (Christos is the Greek word
    for Messiah) and formed churches.
  • Writings, teaching and stories about Jesus New
    Testament of the Bible.

Persecution Competition
  • Christians refused to honor the emperor and
    rejected military service. Romans had Christians
    killed, or threw these martyrs into stadiums to
    be killed by wild beasts in front of cheering
  • Many fearful of becoming Christian. Also had to
    compete with polytheistic religions, mystery
    religions and with Judaism.
  • AD 200s and 300s Christianity flourished in the
    Mediterranean world.
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