Title: Exploring the Religions of Our World
1Exploring the Religions of Our World
Chapter 2 Judaism
2Chapter 2 Judaism
- A Living Religion
- 1. Judaism is the religion practiced by Jesus
when he was living on earth. - 2. Judaism is the religion of the Hebrew Bible
and a religion still longing for Gods chosen
one. - 3. Being a Jew has both an ethnic and a
religious connotation. - 4. A religious Jew practices Judaism. An ethnic
Jew may or may not practice Judaism.
3Chapter 2 Judaism
- Periods of Jewish History
Biblical Period 1800 BCE 323 CE
Medieval Period 639 - 1783 CE
Rabbinic Period 323 BCE 637 CE
Modern Period 1783 - present
4Chapter 2 Judaism
- Periods of Jewish History
5Chapter 2 Judaism
- Modern Judaism
- Reform Judaism advocates full integration into
the culture where one lives - Conservative Judaism counteracts reformed
Judaism, modifying Jewish traditions in a limited
manner - Orthodox Judaism the most traditional wing,
insists its members strictly follow the Torah - Reconstructionist Judaism advocates Judaism as
a culture, not only a religion
6Chapter 2 Judaism
Sacred writings
Torah first five books
Neviim prophets
Ketuvim writings
7Chapter 2 Judaism
Jerusalem Talmud commentary
Midrash Biblical interpretation
Babylonian Talmud commentary
8Chapter 2 Judaism
Shma Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the
Lord is One (Deuteronomy 64)
9Chapter 2 Judaism
- Beliefs and Practices (continued)
Torah 613 commandments
10Chapter 2 Judaism
- Beliefs and Practices (continued)
Gods covenant with Israel The Chosen People
I have given you as a covenant to the people, a
light to the nations (Isaiah 426)
11Chapter 2 Judaism
- Annual Feasts
- Rosh Hashanah Jewish New Year
- Yom Kippur Day of Atonement
- Sukkot Feast of Tabernacles/Booths
- Pesach Passover
- Shavuot Harvest festival / reception of Torah
- Hanukkah Festival of Lights
- Purim Feast of Lots
12Chapter 2 Judaism
- Shabbat the Jewish Sabbath
- weekly event
- sunset Friday through sunset Saturday
- obedience to fourth commandment
- Jews rest on the seventh day, as God did
- Shabbat dinner Friday evening
13Chapter 2 Judaism
- Sacred Places and Sacred Spaces
Synagogue house of prayer house of
study house of assembly
14Chapter 2 Judaism
- Sacred Places and Sacred Spaces (continued)
Land of Israel Israel Canaan Promised
Land Judea Palestine State of Israel
- Jerusalem
- holiest city
- City of David
- Temple
- holy city for Judaism, Christianity, Islam
15Chapter 2 Judaism
- Judaism through a Catholic Lens
Commonalities History Scripture Liturgy Theology
16Chapter 2 Judaism
- Judaism through a Catholic Lens (continued)
- Differences
Still expects a Messiah or messianic age to come
Jesus was the Messiah Jesus is God
17Chapter 2 Judaism
- Judaism through a Catholic Lens (continued)
- Jewish influences in Catholicism
The Hebrew Bible Old Testament Passover
meal the Lords Supper Passover Holy
Thursday Shavuot Pentecost
18Chapter 2 Judaism
- Torah
- Idolatry
- Diaspora
- Hellenization
- Septuagint
- Sadducees
- Pharisees
- Essenes
- Rabbi
- Talmud
- Monotheistic
- Sephardim
- Pogroms
- Ashkenazim
- Yiddish
- Hasidism
- Zionism
- Tanak
- Neviim
- Ketuvim
- Mishnah
- Midrash
- Shma
- Mitzvoth
- Covenant
- Halakhic
- Shabbat
- Pesach
- Yom Kippur
- Havdalah
- Bimah
- Mezuzah
- Kosher
- Testament