Pig Dissection - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pig Dissection


Pig Dissection Respiratory System Page 6 The mammalian respiratory system takes in air rich in oxygen (inhalation, inspiration) and releases air rich in carbon ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Pig Dissection

Pig Dissection
  • http//faculty.clintoncc.suny.edu/faculty/Michael.

Directional and Anatomical Terminology
  • Anatomists and morphologists rely on a set of
    terms to describe structural positions, These may
    not all be immediately obvious to you, so you
    should practice using them. The terms are
    generally presented to you in pairs, as terms are
    often used to indicate opposing directions.

Planes of section.
  • We can figuratively (or actually) section (cut)
    our subject using planes. There are several
    particular planes of section that are useful for
    the purposes of discussing anatomy.

  1. Anterior - near or toward the head
  2. Posterior - near or toward the tail
  3. Dorsal - referring to the back
  4. Ventral - referring to the belly
  5. Lateral - referring to the side
  6. Median - referring to the midline
  7. Cranial - referring to the head
  8. Caudal - referring to the tail
  9. Proximal - toward the attached end of a structure
  10. Distal - toward the free end of a structure
  11. Longitudinal - in the axis from head to tail
  12. Transverse - across the longitudinal axis
  13. Pectoral - chest or shoulder area
  14. Pelvic - hip region
  15. Inferior- toward or closer to the tail (caudal
  16. Superior- toward or closer to the head region

  • Page Pig Book Use color on every page!
  • 1 Title Page Names of authors (max of 2) 10
  • Be creative, use color and
    make it fun!!!
  • Basic Anatomical terms 37
  • Diagram showing 16 terms from the lab color
  • 3 External anatomy Diagram of head, neck,
    trunk, tail. 29 LabelThorax, Abdomen, Sacral
    What is inside and out of these sections? How
    can you tell male from female?
  • 4 Internal Anatomy Diagram with parts labeled
    and umbilical cord drawing
  • 5 Circulatory System Purpose, flow of blood,
    structures/functions, diagrams of arteries and
    veins X section, Heart diagram, path of blood
  • color coded Red oxygenated Blue
  •  6 Respiratory System Purpose, flow of air,
    structures and functions. Diagram of inspiration
    and expiration
  •  7 Digestive System Purpose, path of food,
    structures and functions
  •  8 Excretory System Purpose, organs of
    excretion. Diagram of a cross section of the
    kidney. Path of flow of nitrogen waste as it is
    formed and removed from the pigs body
  • 9 Reproductive System Purpose, structures and
    functions Female structures and how do they
    work. Male and how do they work
  • 10 Nervous System Purpose, How is it broken
    into parts?

Anterior - near or toward the head
Posterior - near or toward the tail or back
Dorsal - referring to the back
Ventral - referring to the belly
Lateral - referring to the side
Median - referring to the midline
Cranial - referring to the head Caudal -
referring to the tail
Proximal - toward the attached end of a structure
Distal - toward the free end of a structure
Longitudinal - in the axis from head to tail
Transverse - across the longitudinal axis
  • is an imaginary plane that divides the body into
    superior and inferior parts. It is perpendicular
    to the coronal and sagittal planes.

Pectoral - chest or shoulder area
Pelvic - hip region
Inferior- toward or closer to the tail (caudal
region) Superior- toward or closer to the head
  • As with vertebrate directional terms, superior
    and inferior can be used in a relative sense in
    humans, but can not be uniformly applied to other
    organisms with varying normal anatomical
    positions. For example, the shoulders are
    superior to the navel, but inferior to the eyes
    in humans. In any tetrapod, the shoulders are
    cranial to the belly, but caudal to the eyes.

sagittal section
  • The sagittal section, or plane, divides the
    subject into left and right portions.

  • The mid-sagittal section splits the subject
    exactly into left and right sides.

  • A transverse plane, also known as an axial plane
    or cross-section, divides the body into cranial
    and caudal (head and tail) portions.

Directional Terms
  • Anatomists rely on a set of directional terms to
    explain the orientation of subject material.
    Although some of the terms are unfamiliar, with
    practice they will become easier to use, and you
    will see that proximal to is lesser cumbersome
    than up the extremity and closer to the middle
    of the body.

left and right
  • stated relative to the subject, not relative to
    the people viewing it

anterior (cranial)
  • towards the front (head) of the animal

posterior (caudal)
  • towards the back (tail) of the animal

  • higher on the subject- typically used on bipeds
    such humans

  • lower on subject- also used on subjects such as

  • towards the back

  • towards the belly

  • towards the mid-sagittal section

  • away from the mid-sagittal section

  • towards the mid-sagittal section along a limb

  • away from the mid-sagittal section along a limb

External Anatomy
  • The body consists of the following regions head,
    neck, trunk, and tail. The 2 pairs of appendages
    present on the trunk are the fore legs and hind
    legs. The cord projecting from the ventral
    surface is the umbilical cord. This cord connects
    the fetal pig to the placenta within the uterus
    of the mother pig.

Pig Book
  • 1Title Page Names of authors (max of 2)
    Be creative, use color and make it fun!!!
  • 2Basic Anatomical terms Diagram showing 16 terms
    from the lab
  • 3External anatomy Diagram of head, neck, trunk,
    tail. Thorax (what is inside?) Abdomen (what is
    inside?) Sacral (what is here?) How can you
    tell male from female?

  • 4Internal Anatomy Diagram with parts labeled and
    umbilical cord drawing
  • 5Circulatory System Purpose, flow of blood,
    structures/functions, diagrams of arteries and
    veins X section, Heart diagram, path of blood
    flow, color coded Red oxygenated Blue
  • 6Respiratory System Purpose, flow of air,
    structures and functions. Diagram of inspiration
    and expiration
  • 7Digestive System Purpose, path of food,
    structures and functions
  • 8Excretory System Purpose, organs of excretion.
    Diagram of a cross section of the kidney. Path of
    follow of nitrogen waste as it is formed and
    removed from the pigs body.
  • 9Reproductive System Purpose, structures and
  • Female structures and how do they work.
  • Male and how do they work
  • 10Nervous System Purpose, How is it broken into

Fetal Pig Dissection
  • Objectives Upon completion of this lab students
  • Be able to identify, and know the names and
    functions major structures of the fetal pig's
    external anatomy.
  • Be able to identify, and know the names and
    functions of the major structures of the fetal
    pig's internal gross anatomy.

  • The fetal pigs that we will use in lab were
    purchased from a Biological supply company. They
    obtain fetal pigs from processing plants - the
    unborn pigs are removed from the uteri of
    slaughtered sows.

  • The period of pregnancy (gestation) in pigs is
    about 17 weeks (compared to 40 weeks in humans).
  • The fetal pigs we will use in class are 3-4 weeks
    from birth. You will work in groups on the fetal
    pigs. Each group of students will be given a
    fetal pig to be used for the labs on pig
  • Attach a tag with your names (in pencil) to one
    of the hind legs for future identification.

  • Note the slit in the skin in the neck region of
    the pig. (ours were not injected)
  • This is the area where the circulatory system of
    the pig was injected with latex (red latex in the
    arterial system, blue latex in the venous system)
    to make it easier to see and trace the blood

Page 2
  1. Anterior - near or toward the head
  2. Posterior - near or toward the tail
  3. Dorsal - referring to the back
  4. Ventral - referring to the belly
  5. Lateral - referring to the side
  6. Median - referring to the midline
  7. Cranial - referring to the head
  8. Caudal - referring to the tail
  9. Proximal - toward the attached end of a structure
  10. Distal - toward the free end of a structure
  11. Longitudinal - in the axis from head to tail
  12. Transverse - across the longitudinal axis
  13. Pectoral - chest or shoulder area
  14. Pelvic - hip region
  15. Inferior- toward or closer to the tail (caudal
  16. Superior- toward or closer to the head region

External Anatomy
  • Page 3 draw a diagram of the main parts
  • Place the pig on its side in the pan and note
    that the body consists of the following regions
  • head, neck, trunk, and tail.
  • The 2 pairs of appendages present on the trunk
    are the fore legs and hind legs. The cord
    projecting from the ventral surface is the
    umbilical cord.
  • This cord connects the fetal pig to the placenta
    within the uterus of the mother pig.

  • The head bears the mouth and jaws, the snout
    (nose), the external nostrils (nares), the eyes,
    and the external ears. Feel the relatively thick
    neck in the fetal pig. This thickness is due to
    the presence of well-developed neck muscles that
    will eventually be used for rooting.

  • The cranial portion of the trunk is called the
    thorax (chest) and is encased by the ribs. Feel
    the ribs under the skin and determine the
    posterior border of the thorax. The thorax
    contains the lungs, heart, and major blood
  • The fore legs are found in the thoracic region.
    The parts of each of these appendages as well as
    those of the hind legs (in the sacral region) are
    the upper leg, lower leg, wrist, foot, and toes
  • Examine the digits present on the legs and note
    that only 2 of the 5 digits found in most
    terrestrial vertebrates are present. The first
    toe (corresponding to our thumb) has been lost
    the second and fifth toes are reduced, with only
    the third and fourth toes being fully developed.

  • The caudal portion of the trunk is called the
  • In contrast to the thorax, the ventral portion of
    the abdomen is soft. The umbilical cord is
    located near the posterior end of the abdomen.
    There are 2 rows of teats (mammary papillae), one
    on either side of the umbilical cord. The
    stomach, intestine, kidneys, and other viscera
    (soft internal organs) are found within the
    abdominal cavity.

  • The sacral region includes the hind legs, pelvic
    bones, and their attachment to that area of the
    vertebral column.
  • The anus (posterior opening of the digestive
    tract) is located under the tail.
  • In female pigs, the vulva (openings of the
    reproductive and urinary tracts) is found just
    below the anus.
  • In male pigs, the external opening of the penis
    is located posterior to the umbilical cord. The
    scrotum (scrotal sacs) are found on either side
    of the midline of the anus.

Page 3
Internal Anatomy Page 4
  • For the dissection of the fetal pig you will need
    string, a scissors, a sharp scalpel, a blunt
    probe, a forceps, and dissecting pins.
  • The definition of dissecting is to separate the
    body into parts for the purpose of study. This
    means that your scissors and scalpel should be
    used sparingly and with care. The most useful
    dissecting instrument is a blunt probe, which can
    be used to separate organs from membranes.

  • Place the pig on its dorsal surface in the
    dissecting pan. Tie a string around one fore leg
    and passing the string under the pan tie the
    other end to the other fore leg. The string
    should be tied tight enough to spread the
    forelegs apart.
  • Tie a string in the same fashion to the hind
    legs. Do not remove the string from the
    appendages at the end of the lab simply slip the
    strings out from under the pan at the end of each
    lab period.
  • Mark a line on the skin with a permanent marker
    from the tip of the lower jaw to a point 12
    millimeters (mm), (about 2 inch), in front of the
    umbilical cord. Divide the line around the
    umbilical cord and mark a pair of parallel lines
    about 12 mm apart back to the posterior boundary
    of the abdominal wall. Make sure that you
    understand where to draw these lines - if you are
    not sure ask the lab instructor.

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  1. Examination of the Skin Use your scalpel to cut
    through the skin and into the underlying
    connective tissue along the line extending from
    in front of the umbilical cord to the tip of the
    jaw. Recall that the dermis of the skin is a
    dense connective tissue, while the subcutaneous
    layer is a loose connective tissue. Use your
    probe to separate the thick layer of skin
    (epidermis and dermis) from the underlying loose
    connective tissue for about 25 mm (1 inch) on one
    side of the incision in the region posterior to
    the fore legs. Use your scissors to cut out a
    piece of skin about an inch square from that
  2. Examine the skin and note its leathery texture.
    The skin of pigs contains a large number of hair
    follicles, which will only appear as whitish
    lines in the skin of your fetal pig. Examine the
    slide of skin when you are finished with the
    gross dissection of the fetal pig in this lab.

  1. In order to open the body cavity, use your
    scissors to cut completely through the body wall
    beginning just in front of the umbilical cord
    (follow the line cut previously). As you cut
    anteriorly you will cut through the sternum
    (breastbone) - keep the tip of your scissors up
    so that you do not damage the underlying
  2. Next, use your scissors to make the parallel
    posterior cuts through the body wall.

  1. Umbilical Structures A cord will be seen in the
    abdominal cavity extending anteriorly from the
    umbilical cord. This cord is the umbilical vein,
    which carries fetal blood from the placenta to
    the liver. Cut this vein about half way between
    the liver and the umbilical cord. Keep the
    position of this vein in mind as it will be
    traced later. Pull the flap of the body wall
    containing the umbilical cord posteriorly to
    expose the underside of the flap. On the
    underside note the 3 cords entering the body
    cavity by way of the umbilical cord. The lateral
    pair are the umbilical arteries which carry fetal
    blood to the placenta. The large sac in the
    center is the urinary bladder. The duct extending
    from the urinary bladder into the umbilical cord
    is the allantoic duct. This duct carries
    nitrogenous wastes from the bladder to the
    placenta. The fetus receives oxygen and food from
    the mother by way of the placental circulation
    and gives up carbon dioxide and nitrogenous

  1. Cut off about 12 mm of the umbilical cord in
    order to observe in cross-section the 3 blood
    vessels and the allantoic duct. The blood vessels
    in the umbilical cord consist of 2 umbilical
    arteries (may show red latex) with relatively
    thick walls and an umbilical vein with a thinner
    wall. A fourth small vessel, the allantoic duct,
    is from the urinary bladder.
  2. Make a drawing of a cross-section of the
    umbilical cord showing the 4 vessels - label your

  • Make a pair of lateral incisions through the body
    wall on each side in front of the hind legs (see
    figure one) to expose the abdominal cavity. Wash
    out the abdominal cavity with tap water to remove
    the coagulated blood present. When examining the
    viscera (soft internal organs) with your fingers
    be careful not to tear any of the structures. The
    body cavity (coelom) in which the thoracic and
    abdominal organs are located is completely lined
    with an epithelial layer called the peritoneum.
  • Organs are also covered with a layer of
    peritoneum. This layer of epithelium is derived
    from the mesoderm germ layer. A double layer of
    peritoneum is called a mesentery. Mesenteries
    serve to suspend and hold structures together in
    the coelom.

  • Once you have opened the abdomen and washed out
    the cavity and locate the organs listed in the
    paragraphs below.
  • The most obvious structure in the abdominal
    cavity is the liver. The liver is composed of 5
    lobes which are attached only at the dorsal and
    anterior margins. Posterior to the liver are the
    small intestine and the thicker coiled large
    intestine (colon). The small and large intestines
    are suspended from the mid-dorsal body wall by a
    mesentery. Blood vessels and nerves are found
    between the two layers of peritoneum making up
    the mesentery. Carefully lift and push the small
    intestine forward and find where the posterior
    part of the small intestine enters the large

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  • Put the intestines back in their normal positions
    and lift the liver forward to see the soft,
    white-walled stomach anterior to the intestines.
    The dark-colored spleen is located along its left
    posterior border and attached to the stomach by
  • A light-colored granular structure, the
    pancreas, is found in the mesentery between the
    stomach and the first portion of the small
    intestine. The gall bladder may be seen by
    lifting up the extreme right lobe of the liver.
    It appears as a small upside down sac under the
    lobe. The duct from the gall bladder, the bile
    duct, opens into the duodenum (first portion of
    the small intestine). The pancreatic duct also
    opens into the duodenum at about the same
    location as the bile duct. Is it possible to find
    and trace the path of these ducts in your fetal

  • Behind the peritoneal lining of the dorsal part
    of the abdominal cavity are the relatively large
    kidneys. Cut the peritoneum along the lateral
    border of the left kidney and pull it off toward
    the midline.
  • Locate the muscular diaphragm, which separates
    the abdominal and thoracic cavities. The
    diaphragm is thin in the center but thicker at
    the periphery.

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  • In order to see the organs in the thoracic
    cavity, it is necessary to cut the attachment of
    the diaphragm to the body wall on both sides.

  1. Cut the diaphragm away from the body wall on both
    sides of the pig.
  2. Force the thoracic cavity open with your fingers
    to expose the lungs and heart. The lungs appear
    as solid bodies since they do not contain air in
    the fetus. The lobes of the left and right lungs,
    and the heart are surrounded by peritoneum - note
    the peritoneum as you force the thoracic cavity
    open. This means that each organ is enclosed in a
    separate sac. The sac enclosing the hearts is
    called the pericardial sac, and the sac enclosing
    each lung is called a pleural sac.
  3. Force the thoracic cavity open further to examine
    the lungs more closely. Note that the left lung
    is divided into 3 lobes and the right lung into 3
    lobes plus a fourth lobe that passes ventral to a
    large vein and is directly posterior to the
  4. The 2 large lobes of whitish granular tissue
    concealing part of the heart and the anterior
    blood vessels is the thymus gland. The thymus
    extends anteriorly for a short distance into the
    neck region. This gland is relatively large in
    young animals but degenerates after sexual
  5. The thyroid gland is a small gland located
    against the trachea just in front of the thorax.
    This gland is brownish in color in preserved
    fetal pigs.

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Slide of Human Skin
  • The skin is composed of 2 layers an outer, thin
    epidermis and an inner, thick dermis. Examine the
    slide under scanning and low power, and identify
    these 2 layers. Refer to the handout.
  • The dermis consists of a dense connective tissue.
    Identify the nuclei of the fibroblasts and the
    fibers in your section. Blood vessels are present
    in the dermis but not in the epidermis. Can you
    identify a blood vessel in your section? It is
    sometimes possible to see the red blood cells
    within the small blood vessels of the dermis.
  • Sweat glands and hair follicles are present in
    the dermis and extend up through the epidermis.
    Find a section through a hair follicle and the
    associated sebaceous (oil) glands.
  • The sebaceous glands and follicles are derived
    from the epidermis. The subcutaneous layer is
    under the dermis. This is a loose connective
    tissue containing many fat cells. Identify the
    fat cells in your section.

Circulatory System Page 5
  • The flow of blood in the circulatory system is as
  • heart--gtarteries--gtarterioles--gtcapillaries--gtvenu
    les--gtveins--gt heart

  • Arteries and arterioles are thick-walled vessels
    that carry blood away from the heart, whereas
    veins and venules are relatively thin-walled
    vessels that carry blood toward the heart.
    Arterioles subdivide in the various tissues of
    the body to ultimately form capillaries.
    Capillaries eventually come together to form
    venules. The small, thin- walled capillaries are
    the functional units of the circulatory system.
    The exchange of materials between blood and the
    cells takes place at the capillaries.

  • Blood transports oxygen from the lungs to the
    body tissues and returns carbon dioxide to the
    lungs. The right auricle and the right ventricle
    are involved in transporting blood to the lungs
    (pulmonary circulation) and the left auricle and
    left ventricle are involved in transporting blood
    to the body tissues (systemic circulation). In
    other words, the right side of the heart pumps
    deoxygenated blood to the lungs and the left side
    of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the
    lungs and pumps it to the body tissues.
  • Examine the demonstration slide of an artery and
    vein sometime during the lab period.

A. Examination of the Heart
  • Locate a pair of thickened white strands, which
    are present on either side of the pericardial
    sac. These are the phrenic nerves. Tease these
    nerves away from the pericardium and observe
    their distribution to the diaphragm.
  • Remove the pericardial sac from around the heart
    - be careful to not cut blood vessels or nerves
    in the process. Note that the pericardial
    membrane is strongly attached where the blood
    vessels enter and leave the heart. Identify the 4
    chambers of the heart the thin-walled right
    atrium (auricle), the thin-walled left atrium
    (auricle), the thick-walled right ventricle and
    the thick-walled left ventricle. Note the
    coronary artery and the coronary vein which are
    present in the diagonal groove between the 2

1. Major Arteries and Veins -Heart
  • Veins
  • Several veins from the head, neck, shoulders and
    fore legs join to form the superior vena cava
    (anterior vena cava, precava), which enters the
    anterior portion of the right atrium. These veins
    are located ventral to the arteries supplying the
    same regions, but the veins are thin-walled and
    more difficult to trace. Pressing on the auricle
    with your fingers will force fluid into the veins
    and may help in tracing them. The muscles
    extending from the sternum to the larynx and head
    may have to be removed in order to expose the

  • The inferior vena cava (posterior vena cava,
    postcava) enters the posterior portion of the
    right atrium. Find where this vein penetrates the
    center of the diaphragm, passes through a groove
    in the small median lobe of the lung, and into
    the right atrium (it may be necessary to lift up
    the posterior portion of the heart). This vein
    returns all the blood from the posterior part of
    the body to the heart.

  • Hidden partially behind the pulmonary artery, the
    aorta is a large vessel that branches into the
    brachiocephalic(3) and the left subclavian artery

1. Pulmonary Artery
  • Two large arterial trunks leave the ventricles
    anteriorly. The most ventral trunk is the
    pulmonary trunk, which transport blood directly
    to the lungs. This artery will be traced later.
    The other trunk, the aortic arch, gives off 2
    main arteries, which send branches to the fore
    legs, shoulder, neck, and head regions. Lift the
    left lung to trace the aortic arch dorsally. It
    turns posteriorly and runs along the dorsal
    midline as the dorsal aorta and eventually
    delivers blood to the entire posterior part of
    the body.

Other Closely Associated Structures
  • Ventral to the dorsal aorta is a thick, white
    tube, the esophagus, which leads from the pharynx
    through the diaphragm and into the stomach. Along
    the esophagus run 2 main branches of the vagus
    nerve. The vagus nerves innervate the thoracic
    and abdominal viscera. Another pair of nerve
    cords, bearing a series of small swelling along
    their course, may be seen behind the peritoneum
    dorsal and lateral to the aorta on either side.
    These are the main trunks of the sympathetic
    nervous system.

B. Systemic Circulation
  • You will identify the main branches of the
    systemic arteries and veins, including the
    hepatic portal system. This will be done in order
    to understand where the major organs obtain their
    blood supply and where the blood goes after
    leaving them

Systemic Arteries -Diagram
  • The brachiocephalic artery (innominate) is the
    first major artery branching off the aortic arch.
    Find this artery, which branches to give rise
    first to the right subclavian artery and then to
    the right and left common carotid arteries. The
    carotids carry all blood going to the head
    region. In the head they branch into the external
    carotids, which supply the face, and the internal
    carotids, which supply the skull cavity and brain
    (we will not trace these arteries). The second
    major artery to arise from the aortic arch is the
    left subclavian artery - note that the left
    subclavian artery arises directly from the aortic

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  • Separate one of the nerve cords which run
    parallel to the common carotids in a common
    sheath. The nerves are the main trunks of the
    vagus nerve and sympathetic nervous system. These
    were seen before as separate nerves in the
    thoracic region. Trace the nerves on one side to
    the point where they separate.

  • The dorsal aorta gives off a series of small
    segmental arteries dorsally between the ribs, and
    one or more small arteries ventrally to the
    esophagus. In order to trace the aorta into the
    abdominal cavity, cut directly through the
    diaphragm to the aorta. At the point where the
    aorta penetrates the diaphragm, the celiac artery
    arises from the aorta sending branches to the
    spleen, pancreas, stomach, and liver. The
    anterior mesenteric artery branches from the
    aorta and is found posterior to the celiac
    artery. The anterior mesenteric artery sends
    branches to the small intestine and the coiled
    portion of the large intestine.

  • Dissect the left kidney free from the dorsal body
    wall and turn it to the right to expose more of
    the dorsal aorta. Locate the renal artery. Put
    the kidney back in its original position and
    continue to explore the aorta posteriorly. If
    your fetal pig is a female, be careful not to
    damage the ovaries, oviduct, and uterus during
    the upcoming exercises. These structures are
    suspended by mesenteries within the posterior
    region of the abdominal cavity.

  • The posterior mesenteric artery (inferior
    mesenteric) runs ventrally from the aorta to the
    colon. A pair of genital arteries arise laterally
    to supply the reproductive organs. A pair of
    relatively large iliac arteries arise next and
    extend laterally to the hind legs. Slightly
    posterior to these, locate the umbilical arteries
    which supply blood to the bladder and placenta.
    After birth the umbilical arteries degenerate
    into a pair of small vessels supplying only the
    urinary bladder. The most posterior extension of
    the aorta, the tiny caudal artery, will be seen
    when the reproductive system is examined.

Systemic Veins -
  • Dorsal to the iliac arteries are the iliac veins
    which unite to form the postcava. As the postcava
    runs anteriorly it receives the segmental veins
    from the body, genital veins from the
    reproductive structures, and renal veins from the
    kidneys. Note that the postcava turns to the
    right around the dorsal aorta and comes to lie
    almost ventral to it at the level of the renal

  • From this point on the postcava is not easily
    followed since it is embedded dorsally in the
    extreme right lobe of the liver. Turn the
    intestines and liver to the left, and scrape the
    liver tissue away from the point where the
    postcava enters the liver to the point where it
    penetrates the diaphragm. In the anterior part of
    the liver, it receives several hepatic veins - at
    least one from each lobe - and also a small
    connection from the umbilical vein. This
    connection, which is difficult to find in the
    liver tissue, is lost after birth. The umbilical
    vein distributes itself to the lobes of the
    liver, where it is continuous with parts of the
    hepatic portal vein.

  • The hepatic portal vein begins in capillaries in
    the small and large intestines, and ends in
    capillaries in the liver. The liver capillaries
    collect into the hepatic vein already mentioned.
    Find the hepatic portal vein as it leaves the
    center coil of the large intestine dorsally. It
    soon receives a large branch from the small
    intestine, and later a smaller one from the
    spleen, pancreas, and stomach. Shortly
    thereafter, the hepatic portal is joined by the
    umbilical vein and branches into the lobes of the
    liver. The entrance of the postcava and precava
    into the right atrium has already been observed.

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C. Heart and Pulmonary Circulation
  • Removal of the Heart
  • If removal and dissection of the heart is done
    properly, the heart will retain its normal shape
    and the observations given below can be repeated.
    Keep the heart in the plastic bag with your fetal
    pig for review.
  • Determine where the precava enters the right
    atrium and cut this vein. Lift the heart forward
    to find the postcava and cut this vein about 12
    mm from the atrium. Find the pulmonary veins from
    the left lung and trace their entry into the left
    atrium. Cut the pulmonary veins, which will
    expose the left pulmonary artery. Cut the left
    pulmonary artery at the surface of the lung. The
    aorta and its branches are now the only remaining
    vessels attached to the heart. Cut the
    brachiocephalic (innominate) and left subclavian
    arteries between the aorta and their first
    branches. Cut the aortic arch about 25 mm beyond
    the left subclavian artery, and remove the heart
    from the body.

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Flow of Blood through the Heart
  • This next part should be done with a sheep heart,
    if available. If no sheep hearts are available,
    make sure you know the main structures that
    reside in the heart as well as the flow of blood
    through the heart.

  • Find the roots of the precava and postcava. Cut
    through a line connecting them to open the right
    atrium. You can now look directly into the right
    ventricle through the tricuspid valve, which is
    usually open. Make a straight cut through the
    wall of the atrium, the tricuspid valve, and the
    outer muscular wall of the right ventricle.
    Examine the cavity of the ventricle and the
    remaining flaps of the tricuspid valve. Make
    another cut through the ventral wall of the right
    ventricle and into the pulmonary artery in one
    continuous line. Examine the tricuspid valve from
    behind, and the 3 semi-lunar valves at the base
    of the pulmonary artery.

  • Probe into the right and left pulmonary arteries
    from the pulmonary trunk. The blood passes from
    the arteries into the lung capillaries which
    unite eventually into the pulmonary veins. Find
    the entrances of the pulmonary veins into the
    left atrium (on either side of the cut ends of
    the pulmonary arteries). Cut on a line between
    the pulmonary veins, and on through the left
    atrium, the same as you did through the right.
    Look first at the bicuspid valve, usually closed,
    guarding the entrance to the left ventricle.
  • Cut through the bicuspid valve and the outer wall
    of the left ventricle to the tip of the heart.
    You must look behind the remaining wall of the
    bicuspid valve to see the entrance to the aortic
    arch. Cut through this valve and on out through
    the wall of the aorta. Note in the base of the
    aorta, the 3 semi-lunar valves. Just above 2 of
    these valves will be found the openings of right
    and left coronary arteries, which supply blood to
    the tissues of the heart.

Respiratory System Page 6
  • The mammalian respiratory system takes in air
    rich in oxygen (inhalation, inspiration) and
    releases air rich in carbon dioxide (exhalation,
    expiration). The exchange of O2 and CO2 in the
    lungs is at the level of the blood capillaries
    and the alveoli (air sacs). Air entering the
    mouth or nostrils passes into the pharynx. The
    pharynx is located at the back of the oral cavity
    and is the region where the food and air
    passageways cross. Air passes ventrally into the
    larynx and food passes dorsally into the

  1. To expose the pharynx insert your scalpel into
    the corner of the mouth and cut back to the jaw
    bone on each side. This cuts the muscles that
    hold the jaws closed.
  2. Separate the jaws by pushing down on the tongue
    and inspect the oral cavity and tongue. The
    tongue is attached at the back of the oral
    cavity. Note the small, undeveloped teeth in the
    upper and lower jaws. The ridged roof of the
    mouth is the hard palate, which separates the
    oral cavity from the nasal cavities. Posterior to
    the hard palate, the roof of the mouth becomes
    smooth and is called the soft palate.
  3. Use your scissors to cut completely through the
    midline of the lower jaw and tongue. This will
    separate the lower jaw into 2 equal halves.
    Separate the halves of the jaw and examine the
    posterior region of the pharynx. Find the flap of
    tissue attached to the ventral side of the
    pharynx. This is the epiglottis and serves to
    cover the glottis (opening of the pharynx into
    the larynx) during swallowing.
  4. Use your scissors to continue the mid-ventral cut
    into the larynx and trachea. Determine the
    relationship of the larynx to the esophagus.
    Expose the trachea back into the thorax as far as
    the right lung. Cut the trachea open for a short
    distance in order to see the rings of cartilage
    in the tracheal wall. These rings serve to hold
    the trachea open.
  5. Cut the bronchial tubes (which connect the
    trachea to the lungs) close to the lung and
    remove the right lung from the chest cavity by
    cutting any remaining mesenteries. Identify at
    the root of the lung the cut ends of the
    pulmonary veins and arteries and the bronchial
    tubes. Note the thickness of the wall and the
    diameter of the vessels and tubes. Also, note
    that the median lobe of the lung, which partially
    surrounds the postcava, is actually a part of the
    right lung.

  • Bronchial tubes in the lungs contain smooth
    muscle, but no skeletal muscle, therefore, the
    expansion and contraction of lungs during
    breathing results from movement of the ribs,
    diaphragm, and other muscles.

  • During inspiration the thoracic cavity is
    expanded by
  • Contraction of the intercostal muscles between
    the ribs. Contraction of these muscles enlarges
    the thoracic cavity by lifting the ribs upward
    and outward.
  • Contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm.
    Contraction of these muscles lowers the diaphragm
    to enlarge the thoracic cavity. The enlargement
    of the thoracic cavity results in decreased air
    pressure in the lungs. Air enters the lungs from
    the outside to equalize the pressure.

  • During expiration the thoracic cavity returns to
    normal by
  • Gravity, which pulls the ribs down when the
    intercostal and diaphragm muscles relax.
  • Contraction of the abdominal muscles (and certain
    chest muscles other than the intercostals), which
    force the diaphragm up and the thoracic cavity
    down. Rapidly exhale some air in order to feel
    the chest constrict and the abdominal muscles

Digestive System Page 7
  • The mammalian digestive system is concerned with
    processing and absorbing food and water for the
    body. The system begins with the mouth and ends
    with the anus. Ingested food is digested and the
    products are absorbed in the digestive tract
    undigested material is expelled from the anus.

  1. Examine the region of the pharynx - locate the
    origin of the esophagus and follow it
    posteriorly. Cut through the diaphragm to find
    the point where the esophagus joins the stomach.
    The sac-like stomach is a somewhat J-shaped
    organ. It is divided into 2 regions a larger
    cardiac region into which the esophagus opens and
    a smaller pyloric region which opens into the
    small intestine.
  2. Note the greater curvature of the stomach and
    open the stomach by cutting along this curvature.
    Examine the stomach internally and note that a
    gross difference between the cardiac and pyloric
    regions is not evident.
  3. Cut through the pyloric valve and into the
    anterior portion of the small intestine, the
    duodenum. Note the heavy muscle in the wall of
    the pyloric valve this is called the pyloric
    sphincter. This sphincter controls the amount of
    partially digested food passing into the small
    intestine from the stomach.

  • 4. The first 50-75 mm of the small intestine is
    called the duodenum. Recall that the pancreatic
    duct and the bile duct empty into the duodenum.
    Begin the removal of the small intestine by
    carefully cutting the mesentery holding the coils
    together. This will allow a gradual unwinding of
    the intestine. Estimate the length of the small
    intestine in your fetal pig. The small intestine
    in man is approximately 20 feet long. The portion
    of the small intestine following the duodenum is
    the jejunum, which is about 2 of the length of
    the intestine. The remainder of the intestine is
    called the ileum.

  • 5. Cut open a short length of the ileum and
    examine the lining. Note that the lining is
    folded to form macroscopic folds. The folds are
    covered with numerous small finger-like
    projections, which are barely visible to the
    naked eye. These projection are called villi. The
    folds and villi serve to greatly increase the
    surface area of the intestine.
  • 6. Locate where the small intestine unites with
    the large intestine. Extending to the left of
    this junction is a blindly ending pouch (12-25 mm
    long), the cecum. Unravel the large intestine and
    estimate the length of this portion of the
    digestive tract.

Excretory System Page 8
  • Nitrogenous waste products produced by cell
    metabolism are removed from the blood stream by
    the kidneys. The kidneys, urinary bladder, and
    associated ducts make up the excretory system.
    The process of removing nitrogenous wastes from
    the blood is called excretion. Recall that blood
    is supplied to each kidney by a renal artery. The
    blood leaves each kidney by a renal vein.

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  1. Remove the left kidney and cut it lengthwise into
    2 equal halves. The kidney will appear in gross
    section to be composed of 3 regions an outer
    granulated region, the cortex a radially
    striated layer, the medulla and an inner cavity,
    the renal pelvis. Each kidney contains over 1
    million functional units called nephrons (renal
    tubules). The blind end of each nephron is
    located in the cortex where it forms a cup-like
    structure called a Bowman's capsule. The capsule
    encloses a ball of capillaries, the glomerulus. A
    renal corpuscle is a glomerulus surrounded by a
    Bowman's capsule. The nephrons extend through the
    medulla to the renal pelvis where the urine is
  2. The renal pelvis empties into the urinary bladder
    through the ureter. The ureter runs posteriorly
    to the urinary bladder. Expose this duct without
    damaging the structures crossing over it. These
    include the umbilical arteries and the
    reproductive ducts in both sexes, and the ovaries
    just posterior to the kidneys in females. The
    bladder empties to the outside through another
    duct, the urethra. This duct will be observed
    when the reproductive system is dissected. In the
    case of the fetus, wastes are transported via the
    allantoic duct to the placenta, where they are
    removed by the mother's blood.

Reproductive Systems Page 9
  • The reproductive and excretory systems of
    vertebrates have a close connection with one
    another. In the males, the same duct transports
    the sperm and urine. The male and female
    reproductive organs of vertebrates have the same
    embryonic origin it is during development that
    they become different in structure and function.
    The male and female reproductive systems are
    composed of the sex glands (gonads) and their
    associated ducts and glands.

  • Each student will be responsible for knowing both
    the male and female reproductive systems.

Female Reproductive System
  • The female gonads are the 2 ovaries, which are
    located posterior to the kidneys. Each ovary is
    suspended in the abdominal cavity by a mesentery.
    A small convoluted tube, the oviduct, is located
    lateral to each ovary. This tube is also called
    the Fallopian tube. The oviduct continues on each
    side as a slightly larger tube forming one of the
    2 horns of the uterus. Pig embryos develop in the
    uterine horns, which become greatly enlarged at
    maturity and during pregnancy. The 2 horns of the
    uterus unite to form the body of the uterus,
    which lies dorsal to the urethra. In humans the
    fetus develops in the body of the uterus and
    there are no uterine horns.

  1. In order to separate the hind legs, use your
    scalpel to cut through from the ventral midline
    between the legs,. The cut will pass through
    muscles and through the pelvic bones. Be careful
    when you are cutting the pelvic bone it is easy
    to cut structures you need to identify. One way
    to do this is to cut half way through the pelvic
    bone and spread the legs apart to break the bone
    the rest of the way. Then use your blunt probe to
    push away the muscles and other tissue. If you
    have any trouble doing this ask for help from
    your lab instructor.
  2. Three tubes will be exposed which are from
    ventral to dorsal - the urethra, part of the
    reproductive tract, and the rectum. The urethra
    and the reproductive tract unite about 12 mm
    before the vulva and form a common passage, the
    vestibule (urogenital canal). The tube connecting
    the vestibule and the body of the uterus is
    called the vagina.
  3. Open the vestibule and vagina along one side and
    locate the opening of the urethra and the
    constriction of the vagina at the base of the
  4. Expose the rectum and open it by cutting
    anteriorly starting with the anal opening. Locate
    the anal sphincter muscle, which is located at
    the distal end of the large intestine. Find the
    caudal artery which is against the spinal column
    and dorsal to the rectum.

Operation of the Female Reproductive System
  • Ova develop in follicles within the ovaries. When
    fully developed, the ova are released from the
    follicles and enter the oviduct, where
    fertilization may take place. After
    fertilization, cleavage of the zygote begins and
    eventually the embryo becomes implanted in the
    uterine horn (or uterus in humans). The placenta
    is formed from uterine tissue and from 2
    extraembryonic membranes (chorion and allantois)
    formed by the embryo. Fetal development continues
    in the uterine horn (uterus in humans), until
    birth. During birth, the offspring pass through
    the uterine horn to the body of the uterus, to
    the vagina, and to the vestibule on their way out
    of the body.

Male Reproductive System
  • The location of the male gonads, the testes,
    depends on the age of the fetus. The testes begin
    their development in the same location as the
    ovaries, but prior to birth start to descend into
    the scrotal sacs (scrotum). They will be found
    somewhere along this path in your fetal pig. The
    sperm ducts (vas deferens) will be seen looping
    over the umbilical arteries and the ureters, and
    then joining together dorsal to the urinary
    bladder. Posteriorly, the sperm duct pass through
    the abdominal wall on either side of the midline
    via the inguinal canals. Identify these
    structures before you complete the following

  1. Cut through the skin of one of the scrotal sacs
    and extend the cut to the point find where the
    sperm duct leaves the abdominal cavity. This will
    open the inguinal canal and the testis will be
  2. Open the sac that surrounds the testis. The
    convoluted tubule looping around the testis is
    the epididymis, which empties into the single
    sperm duct.
  3. Cut through the skin slightly to one side of the
    ventral midline to expose the slender penis
    extending from the anal region to the urinary
    orifice. The central tube of the penis is the
    urethra. This tube arises from the urinary
  4. To expose the remaining structures of the
    reproductive system, it will be necessary to cut
    through the tissues in the midline between the
    legs and break the pelvic bone (refer to step 1
    for the female reproductive system). The legs can
    be spread apart as the cut is deepened to the
    level of the urethra. The urethra appears
    somewhat thicker in males than in females due to
    the presence of accessory glands that are closely
    associated with the urethra. The Bulbourethral
    glands, which are about 12 mm long, are lateral
    to the urethra. The seminal vesicles are located
    where the ductus deferans and the urethra unite.
  5. Dissect the urethra and the accessory glands away
    from the rectum to determine where the sperm
    ducts enter the urethra. The urethra transports
    both sperm and urine in the male reproductive
  6. Expose the rectum (which is located just dorsal
    to the urethra) and open it by cutting anteriorly
    starting at the anal opening. Locate the anal
    sphincter muscle which is located at the distal
    end of the large intestine. Is it possible to
    find the small caudal artery which is located
    against the spinal column and dorsal to the

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Operation of the Male Reproductive System
  •  In the male reproductive system, sperm
    (spermatozoa) are formed in the seminiferous
    tubules of the testes. Sperm produced in these
    tubules are stored in a connecting tubule, the
    epididymis. The sperm, together with secretions
    from the accessory glands (Bulbourethral glands,
    seminal vesicles), form the semen. Semen is
    released via the urethra in a process called
    ejaculation. After the semen is deposited in the
    vagina of the female, some of the sperm
    eventually reach the distal end of the Fallopian
    tube where fertilization of the ova may take

Female reproductive organs
Nervous System Page 10
  • The nervous system is made up of the central
    nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the
    peripheral nervous system (cranial, spinal, and
    autonomic nerves). The nervous system can be
    subdivided into 2 distinct parts based on
    function. One part of this system is the somatic
    (voluntary) nervous system. It is under conscious
    control and is composed of nerve cells of the
    brain, nerve cells receiving stimuli from major
    sense organs, and nerve cells that stimulate
    striated muscles. The other part of the nervous
    system is the autonomic nervous system, which is
    not under voluntary control. The autonomic system
    controls activities such as digestion, excretion,
    secretion, and circulation. The organs that are
    controlled by this system are the heart, smooth
    muscles, and glands. Activities of these organs
    are also influenced by hormones.

  • The autonomic nervous system is subdivided into
    the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve
    systems. Both of these systems innervate the
    internal organs, and the actions of these 2
    systems oppose one another. In general, the
    sympathetic nervous system stimulates the heart
    and decreases the activity of the digestive
    system and associated organs. On the other hand,
    the parasympathetic system tends to decrease
    heart activity and stimulate activity of the
    digestive system and associated organs.

  • Procedure
  • First remove the remaining skin from the head and
    neck of your pig and cut off the ears. Remove
    what remains of the upper and lower lips.
  • Turn the pig on its side with the left side up.
  • Dissect away the membrane of the dorsal surface
    of the lower jaw in order to see the teeth still
    present in the jaw. Remove one of the teeth and
    note that the cavity of the tooth is filled with
    a jelly-like substance.

  • The top and side of the skull must be removed to
    see the brain. Start at the top of the skull and
    carefully remove the bone, a small piece at a
    time. In order to keep the brain from being
    damaged, free the tough covering of the brain
    from the skull bone before it is completely
    broken away. The coverings of the brain are
    called the meninges. The tough outer layer is the
    dura mater. The finer inner layer, which closely
    follows the contours of the brain, is the pia

  • Several bones of the skull will be identified at
    this time. A pair of frontal bones are located
    immediately between the orbits (a single bone in
    man). Posterior to the frontal bones are the
    parietals. The cerebrum of the brain is
    underneath the frontal and parietal bones. The
    cerebrum is composed of 2 cerebral hemispheres.
    The nasal bones are anterior to the frontal bones
    and cover the olfactory organs. Parts of the
    sphenoid bone will be removed in the region of
    the orbits as well as the temporal bone, which is
    posterior to the orbits. The occipital bones make
    up the posterior region of the skull. It will be
    necessary to remove the neck muscles to expose
    and remove the occipital bones. The cerebellum
    and medulla regions of the brain are located
    underneath the occipital bones.

  • Identify the skull bones listed above on the
    human skeleton located in the room. Refer to the
    figure of a human skull provided.
  • Make a vertical cut in the olfactory organ after
    the nasal bones have been removed. The numerous
    folds of olfactory organ are covered with sensory
    epithelium. Cut into one of the nasal cavities
    from above and follow the cavity posteriorly to
    the olfactory organ and then to the pharynx.
  • Following exposure of the cerebrum, cerebellum
    and medulla, cut the brain into 2 equal halves
    and remove the left half. It is now possible to
    observe the relationship of the brain stem
    (including the medulla) to the cerebrum and
    cerebellum. The pituitary gland, which is located
    in a small pit in the floor of the skull, may be
    observed immediately in back of the optic nerves.

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