Title: MARPOL Annex VI
1MARPOL Annex VI IMO Regulations for the
prevention of air pollution from ships
- Requirements for control of emissions from ships
- Ozone Depleting Substances
Caribbean Ozone Officers, Regional Workshop
Organized by the United Nations Environment
Programme Regional Office for Latin America and
the Caribbean (UNEP/ROLAC) In collaboration with
the Government of the Antigua Barbuda March 1 to
3th 2011
2MARPOL Annex VI Regulations for the Prevention
of Air Pollution from Ships
- Entered into force 19 May 2005
- Revisions to Annex VI
- Adopted October 2008 and
- entered into force 1 July 2010
3General ProvisionsRegulations 1 11
All Ships
Surveys and Certification
4Control of EmissionsRegulations 12-18
- Ozone depleting substances (ODS) Reg.12
- Nitrogen oxides (NOx) Reg.13
- Sulphur oxides and Particulate Matter
(SOx) Reg.14 - Volatile organic compounds (VOC) Reg.15
- Shipboard incineration Reg.16
- Reception Facilities Reg.17
- Fuel oil quality and availability Reg.18
5- MARPOL Annex VI
- Regulation 12
- Ozone-Depleting Substances
6ODS Regulation 12
- Does not apply to sealed units (reg.12.1)
- Deliberate emissions prohibited (reg.12.2)
- Other than Hydrochloroflurocarbon (HCFC) all
other ODS banned in new ships from 19 May 2005
(reg.12.3.1) - HCFC banned in new ships from 1 Jan 2020
(reg.12.3.2) - Delivery to reception facilities following
removal (reg.12.4 reg.17.1.1) - Supplement to IAPP lists equipment containing ODS
(reg.12.5) - Required to complete an ODS record book approved
by Administration (reg. 12.6) to include - Recharge, repair or maintenance of equipment with
ODS - Discharge (deliberate or not) of ODS
- Discharge of ODS to reception facilities
- Supply of ODS to the ship
7Effects of ODS Regulation 12
- Phase out of CFC and HCFC refrigerants
- Non availability of supplies of older gases
- Move to alternative refrigerant types
- carbon dioxide, ammonia, propane, cyclo-pentane
- possible safety considerations, toxicity,
flammability - Regional requirements may impact on supply of ODS
to ship and import/export of ODS
8Regional Requirements
- Supply of ODS to ships
- European Union (EU) Regulation (EC) No.
1005/2009, 16 September - Resolution MEPC.181(59), entered into force 1
July 2010 - Lloyds Register Revised Annex VI Regulation 12
Guidance Notes - IMO document MEPC 61/4/4, 22 July 2010
- Bahamas Maritime Authority Information Bulletin
No. 123 HCFC Refrigerants, 24 February 2010
www.imo.org cpyoung_at_imo.org regional.maritime.advi