Title: MARPOL Annex II Revisions
1- MARPOL Annex II Revisions
- Houston, TX
- 15 March 2006
- Annex II Revisions Deadline Remains!
- IMO Ship Type Reviewed
- Products Still Missing Data
- Practical Implications of the Revisions
- Biofuels and the Revisions
- IMO 2006 Schedule
- Conclusions and Predictions
3MARPOL Annex II Revisions
- The long-time ongoing revision work on MARPOL
Annex II and the Chemical Carrier Code concluded
with the adoption of the revised MARPOL Annex II
by MEPC 52 (in October 2004) and the adoption of
the revised IBC Code by both MEPC 52 and MSC 79
(in December 2004). - The revised requirements WILL enter into force
and take effect from 1 January 2007.
4MARPOL Annex II Revisions
- Re-categorisation of the existing pollution
categories within MARPOL Annex II has been a
longstanding issue at IMO - Currently there exist 5 categories A, B, C, D and
an Appendix III. (Appendix III lists products to
which the IBC Code does not apply). - Due to the re-evaluation process of the existing
MARPOL Annex II products by GESAMP/EHS, existing
products will be re-categorised into a new 3
plus 1 category system
5MARPOL Annex II Revisions
- The revision of Annex II replaces the current
5-category system with pollution categories A, B,
C and D and Appendix III products with a
4-category system with pollution categories X, Y
and Z and OS (Other Substances).
6MARPOL Annex II Revisions
- In 2003 At MEPC 49 a 3 1 category system (X,Y,Z
OS) was agreed upon. The fourth category
includes Apple juice, Clay slurry, Coal slurry,
Dextrose solution, Glucose solution, Kaoline
slurry, Molasses, and Water - Vegetable oils will be specified and are upgraded
from Appendix III (of the IBC Code) to Category
7MARPOL Annex II Revisions
- The revision of Annex II replaces the current
4-category system with new pollution categories.
This has also affected what products can be
carried in the different IMO Ship Type.
8IMO Ship Type
- What is considered IMO Type Space?
- The IBC Code provides standards for the
construction of three types of chemical tankers
(Types 1, 2 and 3) - A Type 1 ship is a chemical tanker intended for
the transportation of products considered to
present the greatest overall hazard and Type 2
and Type 3 for products of progressively lesser
9Tank Type Configurations
10IMO Ship Type
- IMO Type 2 Space
- A Type 2 tank is intended to transport products
with appreciably severe environmental and safety
hazards which require significant preventive
measures to preclude escape of such cargo
11IMO Ship Type
- IMO Type 2 Ship
- Some or all tanks of stainless steel
- Nitrogen for use as a blanket to exclude air from
the tank when carrying cargoes prone to ignition
at ambient temperatures
12IMO Ship Type
- IMO Type 3 Ship
- A Type 3 ship is a chemical tanker intended to
transport products with sufficiently severe
environmental and safety hazards - Require a moderate degree of containment to
increase survival capability in a damaged
13IMO Ship Type
- IMO Type 3 Ship
- Those specified in the IMO IBC Code for a Type 3
ship are usually not listed as "hazardous" - They are petroleum products, such as gasoil,
naphtha, and gasoline, if equipped with an
oil/water separator with a suitable transfer pump
14IMO Ship Type
- IMO Type 3 Ship
- Damage stability and cargo containment
requirements for Type 3 ships detailed in the IMO
IBC Code - Cargo handling and pollution prevention
provisions of MARPOL Annex II
15Still a Lack of Data
- December 31, 2005 has come and gone. There are
still products currently being carried have not
been re-evaluated by GESAMP because of a lack of
data and information. - Unless the necessary data are submitted by the
end of 2005 the bulk transport of such products
is likely to face substantial problems from 1
January 2007 (because the required certificate
cannot be issued). - IMO will have to reach a compromise on this issue.
16Still a Lack of Data
- One of the solutions being proposed would
consider carriage in the highest requirements
(Pollution Category X /Ship type 1 or 2) until
the data is received for the missing products. - This or any other proposal will have to be made
at IMO at MEPC 54, BLG 10 or MEPC 55, all
meetings will be held later this year.
17Still a Lack of Data
- The 42st session of the GESAMP Working Group on
the Evaluation of the Hazards of Harmful
Substances Carried by Ships (EHS 42) was held at
IMO Headquarters in London earlier this year. - The report on this meeting has just been
released. The most recent meeting report of
GESAMP/EHS has indicated that approximately sixty
products remain on the missing data list.
18Draft List of Products Still Missing Data as of
February 2006
- Alkyl(C8)amine, Alkenyl (C12) acid ester
mixture - Aluminum chloride (30 or less)/Hydrochloric acid
(20 or less) solution - 2-Amino-2-hydroxymethyl-1,3-propanediol solution
(40 or less) - Ammonium bisulphite solution (70 or less)
- Ammonium thiocyanate (25 or less)/Ammonium
thiosulphate (20 or less) solution - Benzyl chloride
- N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl) oleamide
- Butyl stearate
- Calcium alkyl (C9) phenol sulphide/Polyolefin
phosphorosulphide mixture - Calcium long-chain alkyl phenolic amine (C8-C40)
- Camphor oil
- Caramel solutions
- Cashew nut shell oil (untreated)
- Cobalt naphthenate in solvent naphtha
- Creosote (coal tar)
- Creosote (wood)
19Draft List of Products Still Missing Data as of
February 2006
- Decyl acetate
- 1,3-Dichloropropane
- Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether
- 1,4-Dihydro-9,10-dihydroxyanthracene, disodium
salt solution - Dodecenylsuccinic acid, dipotassium salt solution
- Ethyl amyl ketone
- N-Ethylbutylamine
- Ethyl butyrate
- o-Ethylphenol
- Ethyl propionate
- Ferric hydroxyethylethylenediaminetriacetic acid,
trisodium salt solution - Fish solubles (water-based fish meal extract)
- Fumaric adduct of rosin, water dispersion
- Glycerine (83), Dioxanedimethanol
- Glycerol polyalkoxylate
- Icosa(oxypropane-2,3-diyl)s
- Long-chain polyetheramine in alkyl (C2-C4)
benzenes - Long-chain polyetheramine in aromatic solvent
20Draft List of Products Still Missing Data as of
February 2006
- Methyl heptyl ketone
- 3-Methyl-3-methoxybutyl acetate
- Naphthenic acids
- Nonyl acetate
- Pentaethylenehexamine
- Polyalkylene oxide polyol
- Polyglycerol
- Polyolefin amide alkeneamine/molybdenum
oxysulphide mixture - Polyolefin amide alkeneamine polyol
- Poly(tetramethylene ether) glycol (mw 600-3000)
- Potassium salt of polyolefin acid
- n-Propyl chloride
- Propylene-Butylene copolymer
21Draft List of Products Still Missing Data as of
February 2006
- Propylene dimer
- Rosin soap (disproportionated) solution
- Sodium aluminate solution
- Sodium tartrates/Sodium succinates solution
- Sulpho hydrocarbon long chain (C18) alkylamine
mixture - Tall oil fatty acid, barium salt
- Tall oil soap (disproportionated) solution
- Trimethylhexamethylenediamine (2,2,4- and
2,4,4-isomers) - Trimethylhexamethylene diisocyanate (2,2,4- and
2,4,4-isomers) - Trimethylolpropane polyethoxylate
- Trimethyl phosphite
- Urea/Ammonium mono- and di-hydrogen
phosphate/Potassium,chloride solution - Urea formaldehyde resin solution
22Certification of Cargoes
- All non-oil cargoes carried in bulk are
classified by the International Maritime
Organization (IMO) and/or the vessels flag
state. The carriage requirements for a product
are then determined by these entities using the
guidelines set forth by GESAMP and IMO. - If regulated by the IBC Code those cargoes must
be authorised for carriage on that particular
ship, and listed on, the ships Certificate of
23Certification of Cargoes
- The bulk carriage of any liquid product other
than those defined as oil (subject to MARPOL
Annex I) is prohibited unless the product has
been evaluated and categorised for inclusion in
Chapter 17 or 18 of the IBC Code (The
International Code for the Construction and
Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals
in Bulk). - The MARPOL Annex II Revisions will result in an
amended IBC Code and new certification for
cargoes and vessels.
24Practical Implications of the Revisions
- Every chemical tanker is required to have a
Certificate of Fitness (CoF) indicating that it
is certified to carry certain products. - The issuance of a CoF will also require a revised
Procedures and Arrangements Manual. - Companies should be thinking about these new
documents - NOW
25Certificates of Fitness
- The new P A Manuals and the new Certificates
need to be onboard each ship as of the 1 January
2007 deadline. - These documents must be approved/issued and
forwarded to the ships before this date. - Class societies and owners are working diligently
to ensure that in late 2006 both systems will be
in place.
26New Certificates / P A Manuals
- All Certificates of Fitness issued under the
present requirements will become invalid from 1
January 2007. - This also affects Offshore Support Vessels and
dry cargo ships with deep tanks certified for
carriage of noxious liquid substances. - Cargoes legally loaded before 1 January 2007 will
be allowed to be carried to the scheduled
unloading port under the old requirements. - To carry any noxious liquid substance in bulk
from 1 January 2007 all ships will need to hold a
Chemical Carrier Code CoF issued under the
revised requirements.
27Two Systems
- The revised requirements may not be used before 1
January 2007. - This implies that for e.g. a newbuilding being
delivered in December 2006, it will be necessary
to certify the ship initially under the current
requirements (with old type P A Manual and
CoF) and then again from 1 January 2007 with a
new P A Manual and a new CoF with List of
28The CoF List
- The List of Products attached to a new
Certificate will be calculated based on the
revised Pollution Categories and the ships
compliance with the revised carriage
requirements. - Less sophisticated chemical tankers, including
those not complying with the present stripping
requirements for the current pollution category B
substances, may, under the revised requirements,
lose a very large portion of their current List
of Products.
29Stripping Underwater Discharge
- An underwater discharge arrangement for tank
washing water is required for pollution
categories X and Y for ships keel-laid before 1
January 2007. Newer ships will require such for
all pollution categories X, Y and Z. - The waiver possibilities in respect of stripping
performance and underwater discharge arrangement
for dedicated ships engaged in carriage of
products not involving cleaning of cargo tanks
will remain unchanged. - The additional requirements for operation within
Special Areas (except the Antarctic) have been
30The Veg Oil Compromise
- As expected, products defined as "Floaters" and
"Persistent floaters", which include the
vegetable oils, will be assigned to Category Y.
Under the currently defined ship typing criteria
this will mean they have to be carried in IMO
Type 2 ship space. - The veg oil industry expressed concern that there
would not be enough Type 2 tonnage to accommodate
the post 2007 needs - At MEPC 52 ( in 2004) a compromise was developed
by the US, Netherlands and Panama and accepted
by IMO. The purpose of the compromise is to
alleviate concerns regarding a tonnage shortage.
31The Veg Oil Compromise Accepted at MEPC 52
- An Administration may exempt ships from the
carriage requirements under Regulation 11 for
ships Certified to carry individually identified
vegetable oils identified by the relevant
footnote in chapter 17 of the IBC Code, provided
the ship complies with the following conditions - 1. Subject to this regulation, the NLS tanker
shall meet all requirements for ship type 3 as
identified in the IBC Code except for cargo tank
location - 2. Under this regulation, cargo tanks shall be
located at the following distances inboard. The
entire cargo tank length shall be protected by
ballast tanks or spaces other than tanks that
carry oil as follows
32The Veg Oil Compromise Accepted at MEPC 52
- 1. Wing tanks or spaces shall be arranged such
that cargo tanks are located inboard of the
moulded line of the side shell plating nowhere
less than 760 mm and - 2. Double bottom tanks or spaces shall be
arranged such that the distance between the
bottom of the cargo tanks and the moulded line of
the bottom shell plating measured at right angles
to the bottom shell plating is not less than B/15
(m) or 2.0 m at the centreline, whichever is the
lesser. The minimum distance shall be 1.0 metre. - The relevant certificate shall indicate the
exemption granted.
33The Vegoil Compromise
- Regulation 4.1.3 of the revised MARPOL Annex II,
an administration might allow the carriage of
these substances in a ship Type 3 ONLY if the
ship complies with all requirements for a ship
Type 3, as identified in the IBC Code, except for
cargo tank location. - The cargo tank location shall be in accordance
with regulation of the revised MARPOL
Annex II but these ships must be constructed with
double sides meeting the requirements for IMO
ship Type 2 vessels and double bottom
requirements of B/15 or 2 meters (whichever is
the lesser) and the Certificate of Fitness shall
indicate the exemption granted.
34The Vegoil Compromise
- Next to each of these product listings in Chapter
17 letter k referring to regulation 4.1.3 of
the revised MARPOL Annex II. - INTERTANKO has received may enquiries regarding
converting product tankers to Type 3 ships but we
have no concrete evidence indicates that this is
being carried out.
35MARPOL Annex II Revisions
- Despite the rumours
- veg oils will move
- As of today, no extensions or delays have been
accepted by IMO. - On 1 January 2007 veg oils will have to be
carried in IMO Type 2 or 3 space. -
36MARPOL Annex II Revisions What Else?
- Oil like substances will not exist (e.g xylene
requires chemical code certificate) - 75 litre stripping required for all tankers
(Chemical Code/NLS) for keels laid after 1
January 2007 (Existing IBC ships 100 litres XY-
350 litres Z, existing NLS as good as possible)
37How Does the IMO Decide on Ship Type?
- Ship Type Criteria - based on GESAMP hazard
profiles in table 4.5.1 of Annex 7 to MEPC 51/11
(Criteria for Assigning Carriage Requirements
from Products Subject to the IBC code).
38What is Moving Where
- There are approximately 150 products from the IBC
Code - that are moving to Type 2. Here are just a few
in alphabetical order - Ammonia, aqueous Carbon tetrachloride
Chlorobenzene Decanoic acid Decyl alcohol
Dodecyl alcohol Fatty acid (saturated C13)
Hexane Lauric acid Nonene Octanol Oleic acid
Perchloroethylene Propylene tetramer Pyridine
Pyrolysis gasoline Turpentine Undecanoic acid
Undecyl alcohol
39Big Movers Chemicals
40Big Movers Veg Oils Fats
41MARPOL Annex II and US Implementation
- The USCG is initiating a regulatory project to
implement MARPOL Annex II revision. However,
these regulations will not be completed in time
for their entry into force date of 1 January
2007. - The USCG regulations that will be in effect on
that date will be the current regulations for the
transport of Annex II substances.
42MARPOL Annex II and US Implementation
- The USCG intends to develop a Navigation and
Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC), a guidance
document to industry that will provide the
industry with an elective (or alternative) method
of complying with the regulations in effect. - This elective method will reflect the revised
Annex II. It will be the guidance used by
industry and regulators.
43MARPOL Annex II and the Carriage of Biofuels
- The term biofuel encompasses a diverse range of
products such as bio-gas, biodiesel and
bioethanol. Any fuel made from a renewable
biological source is considered a biofuel.
Biofuels include ethanol, biodiesel, and
methanol. - Biofuel is derived from recently living
organisms or waste streams (agricultural,
domestic or municipal).
44Carriage of Biofuels BIODIESEL
- Biodiesel is produced from a variety of
vegetable oils, including but not limited to
palm, rape, canola, soy, linseed, coconut,
mustard and cotton oils. It can also be
manufactured from tallow oil and yellow grease
(used cooking oils). - The production process is to modify the oils
through esterification to give glycerine as
useable by-product. - These products cannot be shipped under MARPOL
Annex II using these trade names.
45Carriage of Biofuels BIODIESEL
- Most of the discussion recently regarding the
classification of bio-fuels under Annex II has
been predominantly about bio-diesel. - The majority of biodiesel cargoes are fatty acid
methyl esters (FAME) with can have various
compositions. There are only three fatty acid
methyl esters approved for carriage under the
current MARPOL Annex II - Palm oil fatty acid methyl ester (currently in
the IBC Code) - Coconut oil fatty acid methyl ester (currently in
the IBC Code) - Rapeseed oil fatty acid methyl ester (currently
in list 1 of MEPC.2 Circ) - All three of these products are currently
Category D and Chapter 18.
46Carriage of Biofuels BIODIESEL
- Any new data that has been submitted on these
products will be considered at BLG 10 in April
2006. - If approved by BLG 10 they will be included on
List 1 of the 2006 edition of the MEPC.2/Circ.,
most likely as Category Y and Ship Type 2. - Regardless of the base oil, FAME products are not
unmodified oils, and will not be considered
applicable under the exemption clause in MARPOL
Regulation 4.1.3. -
47Carriage of Biofuels BIOETHANOL
- Bioethanol is a readily available, clean fuel
that can be utilized in combustion engines in
different ways such as anhydrous (or dehydrated)
ethanol which is free of water and at least 99
percent pure. - This ethanol can be blended with conventional
fuel in proportions up to 85 percent (E85).
Blends up to 20 percent can be used in modern
engines without modification. - Traditionally, MTBE or ethanol has been added as
an oxygenate to gasoline at 6-10 blend for a
cleaner burn. As the use of MTBE has been banned
by a growing number of states, the US ethanol
market has grown from 2.3 to 4 billion gallons in
the last three years.
48Carriage of Bio-Fuels BIOETHANOL
- Higher blends require modified engines that run
as flexible fuel vehicles (FFVs). There are
currently over a million FFVs on the road in the
US with an increasing number added each year, and
there are a small but growing number of E85 gas
stations, primarily in the Midwest. - Bioethanol is also used to manufacture ETBE
(ethyl-tertiary-butyl-ether), a fuel additive for
conventional petrol.
49Carriage of Biofuels BIOETHANOL
- Because ethanol is a great solvent and pulls in
water, it is typically not mixed with gasoline
prior to being shipped via pipeline. - In the US most the blends are shipped
separately the gasoline is transported via
pipeline and the ethanol is sent by
truck/rail/barge for blending at the distribution
point. - In the US, for example in the state of New York,
which uses a 10 ethanol blend, a terminal south
of Albany receives 100 ethanol by barge and
mixes it with gasoline from a pipeline.
50Carriage of Biofuels BIOETHANOL
- The US Congress has recently passed a Renewable
Fuel Standard (RFS) that requires a minimum
percent of liquid fuels be from renewable
sources. - At current gasoline prices there is an economic
incentive to blend more than the required levels
of ethanol. - In markets where states have not yet banned
MTBE, distributors are switching to ethanol
blends for economic reasons. -
51Carriage of Biofuels How will they be
- Most bio-ethanol cargoes (and some biodiesels)
containing any blend containing 85 or more of a
mineral diesel oil or gasoline qualify as Annex I
product. - The issue of the carriage of bio-fuels will
become more prevalent as more of this product is
shipped. - Classification of these products needs to be
discussed in greater detail and resolved to
ensure the trade can continue after 1 January
2007. -
52Carriage of Biofuels Proposals
- A proposal has been made to the IMO that will
act as an interim measure in classifying the
expanse of biofuels out there. - This focuses on both bioethanol and biodiesels
(most likely FAME products)
53IMO and the 2006 Schedule
- There are many loose ends that need to be
tended to before December 31, 2006 IMO has three
meetings scheduled for 2006 where these matters
can be discussed - MEPC 54 March 2006
- BLG 10 April 2006
- MEPC 55 October 2006
54Predictions /Conclusions
- The MARPOL Annex II Revisions have been in the
works for decades and they will take effect 1
January 2007. That is a safe prediction. - The implementation of these regulations will
require action by all stakeholders including the
tanker industry, IMO member states, product
manufacturers, shippers, class societies, etc.
55Predictions /Conclusions
- INTERTANKO will continue to be closely involved
to ensure that the transition is as smooth as
possible for industry. - The only other possible prediction to be made at
this time is..
56BOSTON RED SOX WIN 2006 World Series