LISTENING - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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IELTS questions usually involve 'paraphrasing'- using a sentence with the same meaning but not using the same words. For example, on the tape you might hear: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: listening | ielts


Transcript and Presenter's Notes



  • 40 Questions
  • Approximately 30 minutes(plus 10 minutes transfer

  • Four sections
  • Always in the same order.
  • Each section is heard ONCE only.
  • Time is given to read the questions , write down
    and check answers.
  • Ten minutes is allowed to transfer answers to
    answer sheet.

Sections 12
  • Format
  • Concerned with social needs
  • There is always a conversation between two
    speakers set in an everyday social context( e.g.
    accommodation agency)
  • followed by a monologue set in an everyday
    social context(speech about local facilities) .

Sections 34
  • Concerned with situations related to educational
    or training contexts.
  • A conversation between up to four people(a
    university student and a tutor discussing an
    assignment or a group of students planning a
    research project)
  • A monologue (on an academic subject a
    university lecture)

Skills assessed
  • Understanding of main ideas
  • Specific factual information
  • Recognising opinions , attitudes and purpose of a
  • Development of an argument

Task Types
  • Questions are chosen from the following types
  • Multiple choice
  • Short answer questions
  • Sentence completion
  • Note completion
  • Form completion
  • Summary completion
  • Labelling a diagram/map/plan
  • Table/flow chart completion
  • Classification
  • Matching

Listening test advice
  • Time to read through the questions before
  • Hearing each recording of the Listening test only
    once. Write answers on the question paper.
  • 10 minutes to transfer answers to the answer
    sheet in pencil.
  • Answers may be written in lower case or capital
  • Essential to transfer answers to the answer sheet.

  • if you cannot hear the audio clearly, let a
    member of staff know straightaway
  • follow the instructions carefully
  • listen for the specific information
  • try and anticipate what the speaker will say
    this will require concentration
  • do not worry if there is a word you do not
    understand you may not need to use it
  • if you do not know the answer to a question,
    attempt it but do not waste time move quickly
    onto the next one
  • be careful with your spelling and grammar

  • do not panic if you think the topic is too
    difficult or the speaker is too fast relax and
    tune in
  • read, write and listen at the same time
  • focus precisely on what you are asked to do in
    completion type questions
  • pay attention to the word limit for example, if
    you are asked to complete a sentence using no
    more than two words, if the correct answer is
    leather coat, the answer coat made of leather
    would be incorrect

  • if the question asks you to complete the note in
    the and the correct answer is morning, note
    that in the morning would be incorrect the
    correct answer is 'morning'
  • attempt all questions there are no penalties for
    incorrect answers
  • check your answers

Purpose of the test
  • The IELTS Listening test is designed to assess a
    wide range of
  • listening skills, including how well you
    understand main ideas and specific factual
  • recognise the opinions, attitudes and purpose of
    a speaker
  • follow the development of an argument

  • 3.You listen to a
  • conversation between up to four people set in an
    educational or training context, e.g. a
    university tutor and a student discussing an
    assignment, or a group of students planning a
    research project.

  • Questions
  • There are 40 questions.
  • A variety of question types is used, and you may
    be asked to
  • answer multiple choice questions
  • label a plan, map or diagram
  • fill in a form
  • complete a table
  • complete a flow-chart
  • give short answers

  • For example Question 1 Where are they
    going? Question 10 What time are they coming
    home from the cinema? Obviously, theres a
    good chance that the answer to Question 1 is
    Cinema. However, you still need to listen to
    check. Often though, listening to check your
    predictions is easier than trying to listen for
    the answer on the tape. 

  • Sometimes you are asked to complete a table or a
    chart using information on the tape. Its natural
    to think that answers will be left-to-right and
    the answers on the tape will be one after
    another. However, this might not be the case -
    you may need to write answers horizontally, or in
    some other fashion. Check carefully how you are
    going to answer such questions to avoid putting
    the right answers in the wrong places! 

  •  If you get to the stage where you are totally
    lost, you may have to wait until the other
    candidates turn their pages before you can find
    out where you are in the questions. Of course,
    this is not ideal but if you have to do this,
    dont panic if you panic you will have even
    bigger problems.  

  • There is no grammar part to the IELTS Test, but
    grammar is very important. Look at this
    question "There were countless _______
    involved in the incident." a) People
  • b) Person
  • c) Children
  • d) Computer 

  • If you look at the grammar of the sentence it
    might help you get the answer. 'were' would
    suggest a plural noun. How many plural nouns are
    there in the answers? Only two 'People' and
    'Children'. Now you have a good idea of the
    possible answers, you can use the tape to check
    for which answer is correct. 

  • Try this one as an example"An ___________ sank
    in the English Channel this morning, killing all
    on board." a) Yacht
  • b) Car
  • c) Oil Tanker
  • d) Plane 

  •  If you miss some questions out, you will leave
    gaps in your answer sheet. Take special care to
    write your answers in the right order. When you
    miss questions out, it can be easy to start
    writing questions out of sequence. Check now and
    again just to make sure you are writing answers
    down in the right place. 

  •  Remember that you are probably not going to
    hear the same words in the question and in the
    answer. IELTS questions usually involve
    'paraphrasing'- using a sentence with the same
    meaning but not using the same words. For
    example, on the tape you might hear 

  • "Less than a quarter of university students took
    part." On the answer sheet you might see "Only
    23 of candidates actually sat the
    examination." In the context of what you hear on
    the tape, these two sentences might have the same
    meaning. Your job is to understand the full
    meaning of what you are listening to and to
    choose the right answer!  

  •  You should listen for keywords - that's
    important, but you should also listen for
    'synonyms'. For example, on the tape you might
    hear "He wants to get on but he doesn't have
    enough money to pay for university." On the
    answer sheet you might see "He wants to

  • "Get on" and "advance" are synonymous. When you
    are thinking of what key words to listen for,
    think of synonyms you might hear along with the
    word used in the question. 

  • Only write down what you hear - never abbreviate,
    shortcut or add to answers. For example, you
    might hear "He will start university in July
    next year." You write the following answer "He
    starts university in July, 2014."Although next
    year may be 2014, this is not the right answer.
    On the tape it said next year. 

  •  Do not assume the answer. On the tape you might
    hear "Sydney Harbour is the biggest harbour in
    the southern hemisphere."One answer might
    be "Sydney Harbour is one of the biggest
    harbours in the world." 

  • The southern hemisphere is a good proportion of
    the world. If Sydney Harbour is the biggest
    harbour in the Southern Hemisphere, the chances
    are it is one of the biggest in the world.
    However, the tape did not say this. It's natural
    to try to deduct an answer in this way, but if
    it's not on the tape, it's not the right answer
    simple as that!  

  •  Many IELTS questions involve listening to
    numbers and quantities. However, in natural
    speech the difference between '16' and '60' is
    often difficult to hear if you haven't practiced.
    Get used to listening to numbers - the only way
    you can do this is get some listening material
    and keep practicing! 

  •  Simply looking at question words can help you
    predict the answer to a question. For example,
    think carefully about what this question word
    could be referring to "Who?" You might be
    listening for the name of a person, but it could
    also be referring to a member of your family
    (e.g. 'my mum') or even a profession (e.g. 'the
    doctor', 'my teacher'). Take some time out to
    write down as many question words as you can and
    think of everything they could refer to. You
    might get some surprising answers.  

  • You might get a question similar to the
    following 'What is his name?" You listen to
    the tape and write 'michael smith' This is
    incorrect. A name should have capital letters
    like this 'Michael Smith' However, if you
    wrote this, it would be correct 'MICHAEL
    SMITH'. If you are unsure of punctuation or you
    don't know if something might have a particular

  • Good luck
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