Title: Lysbilde 1
1WAVESSG - 019831 project
Participants WaveEnergy AS, Norway
(co-ordinator) Aalborg University,
Denmark Technical University of Munich,
Germany Ganz Transelektro, Hungary Municipality
of Kvitsoy, Norway Norwegian University of Science
and Technology IKM Gjertseth Elektro, Norway
2Kvitsoy pilot project
- The Island of Kvitsoy is located in the Bokna
fjord adjacent to the Norwegian North Sea. - The nearest major city is Stavanger at a
distance of one hour by ferry and car. - The Kvitsoy municipality has 520 inhabitants
and is one of 10,000 islands in Europe where wave
energy can quickly be developed into a
cost-effective energy production alternative to
existing diesel generators. - The objective of the pilot project is to
demonstrate at full-scale, the operation of one
module of the SSG wave energy converter in
an 19 kW/m wave climate, including turbine,
generator and control system, and to connect the
system to the public grid for electricity
production. -
Pilot site
3Pilot site
The pilot project is to be installed on the west
coast of the island which is known for its
energetic sea state. The seabed
scanning performed on the site indicate a
favourable foreshore with a water depth of 30 m.
The pilot structure is planned to be a 10 m wide
module with approximately 150 kW installed
4Seawave Slot Cone Generator
The Seawave Slot-Cone Generator (SSG)
concept is a wave energy converter based on
the wave overtopping principle utilizing a total
of three reservoirs placed on top of each
other, in which the potential energy of the
incoming wave will be stored. The water captured
in the reservoirs will then run through
the multi-stage turbine. Using multiple
reservoirs will result in a high overall
efficiency. The SSG is built as a robust
concrete structure with the turbine shaft and the
gates controlling the water flow as virtually the
only moving parts of the mechanical system. The
SSG concept makes use of the innovative patent
pending multi-stage turbine developed by
WAVEenergy AS. The multi-stage turbine has the
advantage to utilize different heights of water
head on a common turbine wheel. The multi-stage
technology will minimize the number of start/stop
sequences on the turbine, even if only one water
reservoir is supplying water to the turbine,
resulting in a high degree of utilization.
5Project objectives
- Design a full-scale 150 kW technical prototype of
the MST turbine - Manufacture, test and install a full-scale 150 kW
prototype MST turbine into the SSG structure - Design a full-scale 150 kW generator and control
system equipment - Measure performance data of the SSG wave enegy
converter including the structure in a period of
up to six months for reliability and life time
assessment. - Test and install a full-scale turbine/generator
and control system equipment for grid connection
and annual production of 200,000 kWh of renewable
and pollution-free electricity, corresponding to
20,000 kWh/m - Obtain a hydraulic efficiency of at least 39 for
the shorline application - Obtain a wave-to-wire efficiency of more than 25
during the test period - Obtain 96 availability of plant (with regards to
operational hours) - Obtain 85 availabillity of production (with
regards to wave climate)
The main objective of the project is to operate
at full scale one module of the SSG converter in
19 kW/m wave climate, including turbine,
generator and control system. One of the
objectives of the project is to measure
structural and technical data for obtaining
experience data for determining the reliability
of the technology. As the WAVESSG project is
among the prototypes in the field, through its
results, it may influence the political policy
and public awareness in EU and Norway towards
ocean energy and in particular wave energy. By
including Kvitsoy municipality in the consortium
and to establish a public exhibition centre at
Kvitsoy, the project will obtain public awareness
and backing. For the exploitation of the
results, WaveEnergy intends to enter strategic
alliances with strongly positioned construction
companies with marine engineering experience in
costal countries in Europe. If successful, the
technology could be the basis for creating a new
industry with new jobs for Europe.
7Contact information
Wave Energy (co-ordinator) Phone number
(47) 51 61 09 30 Internet address
www.waveenergy.no E-mail
espen.osaland_at_waveenergy.no Aalborg
University Phone number (45) 96 35 80
80 Internet address www.aau_at_aau.dk E-mail
peter.frigaard_at_civil.auc.dk Tech
nical University of Munich Phone number
(49) 89 289 01 Internet address
www.tum.de E-mail
knapp_at_lhm.mw.tum.de Norwegian University of
Science and Technology Phone number
(47) 73 59 38 57 Internet address
www.ntnu.no E- mail
Ganz Transelektro Phone number (36) 1 483
6600 Internet address www.ganztrans.hu
E-mail robert.part_at_transelektro.
hu IKM Gjertseth Elektro Phone number
(47) 38 10 41 00 Internet address
www.IKM.no E-mail
Kristian.Nikolaisen_at_IKM.no Municipality of
Kvitsoy Phone number (47) 51 73 63
00 Internet address www.kvitsoy.kommune.no E
-mail andreaspolster_at_kvitsoy.