Title: The Industrial Revolution
1Nike websites http//boycott-nike.8m.com/ http
//shell.ihug.co.nz/stu/shopper2.htm http//www.o
xfam.org.au/campaigns/labour/ http//www.america
n.edu/TED/nike.htm http//www.albionmonitor.com/9
606a/nikelabor.html http//www.corpwatch.org/arti
cle.php?id12965 http//www.commondreams.org/head
2Should you still buy Nike shoes???????
- A pair of Nike shoes cost 5.60
- Workers/children are paid .15/hr
- Michael Jordan made
- 20 million for 1 year endorsing
- Nike which is
- more than the entire work
- force made in Indonesia s Nike
- plant
Nike "not Just do it but Do it right. Implement
boycott? Change government policy? Do nothing?
3Persistent Issue
- What, if anything, should be done to promote a
more fair, just society?
4Central Question
- Did the Industrial Revolution diminish or improve
quality of life?
5In the Beginning
- The Industrial Revolution began in
_________________. - It was a slow process that took many years to
6Before the Industrial Revolution
- People used simple _______ tools
- ________ Labor
- Animal Labor
- Many people lived in the countryside to _________
- Life styles were very ________
- Very __________ travel
7The Agricultural Revolution
- Crop _____________
- Seed Drill
- Selective _______________
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9Agricultural Movement
- Farmers began creating larger fields and
_____________ them. - Farm output and profits _______
- Small farmers were _________ off their land and
left to look for workthey went to the ________. - Which led to ______________Revolution
10Why England ?Thames River
11Leader in Textiles
- Before the revolution, Britain would
______________ from India, and send it to
peasants to sew and spin the cloth, but the
industrial revolution changed this method.
12But What Else??
- Growing _____________ lends support to
industrialization - Investing,
- Bank loans
- International trade
- _____________ of Production
- Land
- Labor
- Wealth
13New Technology
- Energy Revolution
- During the 1700s, people used new sources of
energy such as coal, and the _________________.
- Improved Materials
- __________ became a vital source for energy.
- In 1709 Abraham Darby used coal to separate coal
from iron in a process called ____________. - This produced better quality, but less
14James Watt
- The _________ engine was perfected by James Watt
in - __________
15James Hargreaves
- James Hargreaves invented the spinning _______ in
1764 which made sewing faster. The ________
powered frames also sped up the process.
16The First Factories
- The First factories were put in England for
____________. - Major textile factory towns were ____________ and
17New Transportation
- With all new industry, business owners needed to
transport their goods quickly. - They invested in building private roads called
____________ - Some dug _______________ to connect towns
18Advancements in Transportation
- Water
- Canals
- Robert __________-steam boat (engine from Watt)
- Road
- John ____________- paving
- turnpikes
- Railway
- Steam locomotive-1804
- 1st _____________ line 1821
19 Life in the City
- With factories sprouting up in certain areas,
people began coming to the cities to find work. - This process is called ___________________
- In the town of _________________ England, the
population grew from 17,000 people in the 1750s
to __________ by 1801.
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29Life in the Cities
- Life was very _______ for factory workers living
in the city - Many people lived in ______________ or buildings
divided into apartments - Many times two or more families lived in a _____
___________ apartment. - There was no _____________ program in the cities
at this time.
30Life in the Factory
- Life as a factory worker was very hard on people
who were used to farming - Shifts lasted __________ hours.
- Many workers were prone to _________ because of
the long hours - ________ miners were also exposed to harmful
______ that would line their lungs - There was no ______ leave
31Women and the Industrial Revolution
- Many women were hired during the industrial
revolution. - They were paid _______ and easier to manage
- Many women worked 12-16 hour shifts like _____
- They had to go home and take care of their
_____________ after working all day
32Child Labor
- There were no ________ _________ _____ during
this time - This was normal because children helped out on
the farms - Many children were hired because they were
________ labor and could do the jobs that
required ______ hands and nimble fingers - They were also prone to accidents and lost
_______ and ____________ as a result. - Many did not have an opportunity for
35_________________ who ran away from the factories
were in danger of being sent to ____________.
36______________ had to lean over the spinning
machine to repair the broken thread.
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39 40 41An Ever Changing Life
- Many __________ protested the Industrial
Revolution because they were losing business
because of the factories
- The ___________ class of people was growing. This
included the factory workers - A new ________class was growing as well. Many of
these people were merchants and factory owners
who invested in the Industrial Revolution.
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43A mixed blessingprogress poverty
44Different Classes Represented
45Pros of Industrialism
- ___________ jobs
- Wealth for the nation
- Advancement in _________ and inventions
- _______________ production
- Healthier _______ mass produced clothing
- ______________________ opportunities (mid
(____________ _______________)
46Paddington Station built in London in 1850s
47Angel Inn along the Thames River
48Cons of the Industrialism
- Living conditions
- No city ____________________ or building ________
- No sanitation
- Widespread ________________
- Inadequate HOUSING, education, and ___________
49 Police Station Lodger, A Plank for a Bed
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51Cons Continued
- Working Conditions
- ____ hours a day/ ___ days a week
- Child labor
- Injuries were common-No workmen
__________________ in those days. - Mines or _______ _________ factories
- Pollution
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54Cons Continues
- Class _____________
- Middle and upper class building mansions in
suburbia - New wealth creates ____________ political power
- Working class in poverty
- Workers saw _________ _____________ and
considered themselves replaced by
machines-____________ take action - Opens the door for new economic/political
______________ - Socialism/Communism
55Life in the Middle Class
- A womans job was to provide a quiet and
comfortable home and to nurture and cherish the
children. - She employs hundreds of people at her house and
provides steadiness and security to her husband
who works outside the home. - 95 remain at home
- Girls are taught by a governess at home while
boys attend school - Yachting, swimming, crochet
56A middle class having a tea party
57Upper Class Family