Title: Nessun titolo diapositiva
1TRANS-TOOLS scenarios
Angelo MartinoTRT Trasporti e Territorio
2TRANS-TOOLS Deliverable D1 summarises the main
policy topics of interest. Modal split,
Distribution/Equity, Environmental assessment,
Environmental policies related vehicle type,
Regional analysis, Transport forecasting, Traffic
forecasting, Dynamic analysis, Macro-economic
effects, New transport technology, Life cycle
analysis, Intermodality, Interoperability,
Logistics, Decoupling, Quality indicators, Costs
and tariffs, Safety, Security, Robustness of
transport networks.
3- The ASSESS project, carried out for the mid-term
assessment of the White Paper, provides a
reference list of 76 policy measures, which could
be segmented into three groups - Measures whose direct impacts can be simulated by
the TRANS-TOOLS model - Measures whose impacts can be simulated only
indirectly by the TRANS-TOOLS model - Measures whose impact cannot be simulated by the
4 Groups of measures in the ASSESS project for
instance, infrastructure charging measures have a
direct effect on the transport costs variables,
while transport sector liberalisation measures
cannot be simulated in itself, they can be
simulated in terms of their indirect effect on
transport costs.
5In the ASSESS project, policy measures were
aggregated into 18 modelling packages. For
each package, the total effect of the policy
measures was quantified and four alternative
scenarios were built, assuming different degrees
of implementation of each package. The four
scenarios shared the same variables the
difference across scenarios consisted in the
values assumed by the variables.
6ASSESS 18 modelling packages A - Driving
restrictions, checks and penalties B - Working
conditions of truck drivers C - Improving quality
or rail freight services D - Opening rail freight
market E - Opening rail passenger market F -
Reducing environmental impacts G - Single
European Sky H - Improving social and economic
efficiency of air transport I - Managing airports
capacity J - Liberalisation of port services and
improvement of navigation logistics K - Oil
pollution damage compensation fund L - River
Information System M - Social legislation for
inland waterway transport N - Improving freight
intermodality O - Revising Transport pricing and
taxing P - Taxation of energy products Q -
Improving intermodality for passengers R -
7TRANS-TOOLS network model Reference scenario
3 policy scenarios The reference scenario is
defined as benchmark for comparisons between the
results of the policy scenarios
8TRANS-TOOLS reference scenario DG TREN
projections (ASSESS, WETO)
9TRANS-TOOLS reference scenario DG TREN
projections (ASSESS, WETO)
10TRANS-TOOLS scenario 1 Social marginal cost
pricing (based on Recordit IASON) for all modes
of transport A fixed levy per EU15 country is
established (similar to the MAUT system in
Germany) This scenario does not implement any
network development
11- TRANS-TOOLS scenario 2
- Slow implementation of the European Transport
Policy. - Partial completion of TENs network
- Homogenous infrastructure charging for road
freight based on an estimation of social marginal
costs (new charges would replace current
charges) - Fostering intermodality both for passenger and
freight, through the development of logistics
integrators and passenger intermodal terminals - Improving rail interoperability and enhancing the
quality of services.
12TRANS-TOOLS scenario 2 - Slow implementation of
the ETP
13- TRANS-TOOLS scenario 3
- Fast implementation of the European Transport
Policy. - Total completion of TENs network
- Realisation of Motorways of sea
- Extension of road charging to the main road
network and to passenger cars - Enforcing more tight rules on working conditions
of truck driver - Liberalisation of the rail sector
- Liberalisation of airport slots.
14TRANS-TOOLS scenario 3 - Fast implementation of
the ETP
15TRANS-TOOLS scenario 3 - Fast implementation of
the ETP
16TRANS-TOOLS scenarios 2 and 3 TEN projects