Title: Lysbilde 1
1Consumption of Energy and Transport in Urban
Households The role of urban planning vs green
consumerism in promoting sustainable
consumption Ingrid T. Norland and Erling Holden
Program for Research and Documentation for a
Sustainable Society Centre for Development and
the Environment (SUM), University of Oslo
2SusHomes Household consumption of energy and
transport in eight residential areas in the
Greater Oslo Region
- The project is based on three main assumptions
- that significant and increasing environmental
damage due to private household consumption
presents a major challenge in achieving
sustainable development - that individual environmental attitudes form a
solid basis for achieving a more sustainable
consumption practice in households and - that a large part of the private household
consumption appears to be influenced by our
physical living situation, e.g. type of housing
and location within the city.
3Research model
4Sustainable Urban Form
- Our analyses support the idea of the compact city
as the preferred sustainable urban form - Densely and concentrated housing development
- Multi-family housing and row housing of moderate
size - Proximity to Oslo centre or sub-centre providing
basic services - Mixed development (dwellings, services,
workplaces) - Discourage urban sprawl
- But,
- Challenges appear for the compact city
5The Compact City Challenge 1
6The Compact City Challenge 2
7The Compact City Challenge 3
8Four attitude-levels
- Respondent is member of the Norwegian
Environmental Home Guard (NEHG) - Respondent is a registered member in one or more
environmental organisations - Respondents attitude towards household
consumption in general - Respondents attitude towards a specific
household consumption category
9Membership and energy use
10Urban form vs green attitudes