Title: File Formats and Significant Properties
1File Formats and Significant Properties
- Manfred Thaller
- Universität zu Köln
- March 24th, 2009
- University at not of Cologne
2I What is (in) a format?
3An image
4An image
6 rows 5 columns
55 rows 6 columns
6An image
1 ochre 0 red
7An image
1 blue 0 yellow
8An image
Store 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1
9An image
Store 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1
10An image
Store 6,1,3,0,3,1,1,0,4,1,1,0,4,1,1,0,7,1
(Compressed)Run Length Encoded
11An image
6 rows 5 columns 1 ochre 0
red Uncompressed
12An image
dimensions 1 ochre 0 red Uncompressed
13An image
dimensions photogrammetric interpretation Uncomp
14An image
dimensions photogrammetric interpretation compre
15An image
ltbasic informationgt ltrendering
informationgt ltstorage informationgt
16File format
ltbasic informationgt What to do? ltrendering
informationgt How to do it? ltstorage
informationgt How to move it from persistent
to deployed form? ltdatagt What to deploy?
17File format
ltbasic informationgt Mandatory ltrendering
informationgt Useful ltstorage informationgt
Historical ltdatagt Mandatory
18File format
A deterministic specification how the properties
of a digital object can reversibly be converted
into a linear bytestream (bitstream).
19II Why would we want to know?
20Bit rot
An Image file before .
21Bit rot
Undetectable by software.
... and after one byte is changed.
22Bit rot
Processing dictionary Payload
23Bit rot
One byte is damaged, one byte cannot be displayed
24Bit rot
One byte is damaged, ten bytes cannot be
displayed correctly.
25But 1 Why should I care? Can I not just pay a
technician to keep some system of
checksums? Counter-but 1 Do you rather buy a
brand of car with a reputation of an excellent
network of maintenance shops, or one with a
reputation for needing little maintenance?
26But 2 But is bit rot really that important? I
have read, that files most of the time get either
unreadable completely, or stay completely
undamaged? Counter-but 2a In disaster
recovery yes! With files on degrading storage
systems / devices no!
27But 2 But is bit rot really that important?
Counter-but 2b Bit rot is, indeed, just one
problem.! We do this is just to show, that there
are differences between the technical fitness for
preservation between formats. Others go beyond 15
28But 3 But is there not a simple list in this
type of problems, which I can consult
easily? Counter-but 3 No.
29III Which format to choose?
30Recommended formats text
31Recommended formats bitmap / raster image
32Recommended formats vector graphics
33Recommended formats audio
34Recommended formats video
35Recommended formats data base
36Recommended formats 3D (virtual reality)
37Thank you!
38 39 40 41 42 43Exercise
ltformat 1gt Size 1 - Count 1 - Shoot Some
ltxxxgt are not correctly displayed Some ltxxxgt are
not recognized Size 1 - Count 1 -
Corrupt Unable to open the file File size has
changed Size 512 - Count 1 - Shoot ltxxxgt are
not displayed ltformat 2gt Our findings
support / do not support the Florida recommendatio
ns for this type of content, because
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