Title: Georgia Southern University
1Georgia Southern University
- Counselor Education
- Site Supervisor Workshop
2Its the report of the consultancy firm. They
say it will help to clarify a few things.
3Continuing Education Units (CEU)
- NBCC Approved Continuing Education Provider
(ACEP) - Live workshops offer .10 units of continuing
education - To register for a live workshop, e-mail
lschulz_at_georgiasouthern.edu - or call 912.478.0498
4Components of the workshop
- Counselor Education programs philosophy
regarding internship and supervision - Specific requirements of our interns and of our
site supervisors - Issues that require some attention in creating an
effective supervisory relationship and
5Internship philosophy
- Co-constructed
- Developmental
- Job shadow
- Build relationships networking
- Apply skills and build confidence
- Learn and practice new skills
- Continue defining theoretical orientation
- Applying theoretical approaches
- Intentionality
6Council for Accreditation of Counseling Related
Educational Programs (CACREP, 2001)
- Eight Common Core Experiences
- Professional Identity
- Social Cultural Diversity
- Human Growth Development
- Career Development
- Helping Relationships
- Group Work
- Assessment
- Research Program Evaluation
7CE Training Sequence
8Site supervisor manual
- Role of the site supervisor
- Suggestions for activities
- Communication and evaluation
- Remediation
- Working alliance and boundaries
- Supervision agreement
9What is supervision?
- An intervention provided by a more senior member
of a profession to a more junior member or
members of that same profession. This
relationship is - Evaluative
- Extends over time
- Enhances professional competency
- Monitors quality of professional services offered
- Serves as a gate-keeper for those who enter the
profession - (Bernard Goodyear, 2004, p 8)
10Definition, continued
- Supervision is a collaborative process where
someone more experienced engages those less
experienced to find their voice as a person and a
professional by - Empowering
- Teaching
- Modeling
- Challenging
- Evaluating
11Four Stage Model
- Match supervisor behavior to the developmental
needs of the trainee - 1st stage Relationship building, goal setting,
and contracting - 2nd stage Supervisor fluctuates roles between
teacher, consultant and counselor - 3rd stage - Supervisor adopts more collegial
role - 4th stage Trainee becomes more able to
self-supervise and collaborate
12Discrimination Model
- Three separate foci for supervision, as well as
three supervisor roles - Intervention
- Conceptualization
- Personalization
Discrimination Model matrix Supervisor role
13Supervisor/Supervisee Relationship
- Empowering
- Build the supervisor relationship
- Focus on positives and strengths
- Encourage, affirm, and advocate
- DRIVE Dignity, Respect, Integrity, Value,
Concept originally conceived at Oregon State
- Imparting knowledge about this unique profession
- Sharing with students the art and craft of the
profession - Relying on ethical standards
- Employing different theoretical approaches
- Professional behavior
- Counseling skills techniques
- A commitment to the profession professional
integrity - Sincere caring and concern for the clients
- Ethics
- Confronting with the true spirit of caring in
mind - Creating healthy tension in the learning process
- Sensitivity to the right learning moments
- Raising the bar
- Acknowledging your supervisees capabilities
- Challenging them to take risks
- GSUs evaluation criteria Areas of competency
- Academic Achievement
- Practical application of counseling skills
- Fit to the profession
- Professional comportment
- Intern Performance Evaluation
18Parallel Process
- In supervision relationship
- Bottom up supervisees present themselves to
their supervisors as their clients have presented
to them - Top down supervisees adopt attitudes and
behaviors of their supervisors in relating to
19Dual Relationships
- Dual relationships exist whenever a supervisor
interacts with an intern in any capacity beyond
the established role. - Personal benefit
- Intimate relationships
- Emotional and dependency needs
- Altruistic gestures and
- Unanticipated circumstances.
Dual relationships.pdf
Site supervisor
- In groups of three, two people can reduce their
emotional tension or confusion by focusing only
on the two-person relationship. In doing so they
avoid resolving their conflict or confusion and
miss opportunities to increase the intimacy or
effectiveness of the three- person relationship.
University supervisor
21Multicultural Supervision Competence Framework
- Use semi-structured questions to help supervisors
and supervisees discuss salient cultural issues. - Examples
- What are primary demographic variables that
comprise your identity? - What worldviews (e.g., values, assumptions, and
biases) do you bring to supervision relationships
based on your cultural identities? - What struggles and challenges have you faced in
your work with culturally different clients?
Multicultural competence in supervision.pdf
22Questions and Answers
23Workshop evaluationhttp//www.zoomerang.com/
- We make a living by what we get, but we make a
life by what we give. - Winston Churchill