Title: Southern Dallas County Trade Corridor
1Southern Dallas County Trade Corridor
- ULI Advisory Services Panel
- June 25-30, 2006
2About ULI
- Established in 1936
- Independent nonprofit education and research
organization - Mission To provide responsible leadership in the
use of the land in order to enhance the total
environment - More than 30,000 members worldwide
- Representing the entire spectrum of land use and
real estate development disciplines - Objectivity, impartial study and information
- Expertise and experience
3About ULI Advisory Services
- Bring the finest expertise in real estate to bear
on complex land use and development projects - Over 500 ULI-member teams assembled since 1947 to
assist sponsors find creative and practical
4The Panel Process
- The study area 234,000 acres of Southern Dallas
County - Extensive briefing materials
- Five day study period
5The Panel
- Michael Buchanan (Chair)
- Atlanta, Georgia
- Jonathan Barnett
- Wallace Roberts Todd
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- James J. Curtis, III
- Principal
- Bristol Group
- San Francisco, California
- Scott Hall
- Senior Business Development Manager
- City of Chesapeake, Department of
- Economic Development
- Chesapeake, Virginia
- Gary O.A. Molyneaux, Ph.D.
- Planning Program Development Manager
- King County International Airport
- Seattle, Washington
- David A. Stebbins
- Vice President
- Erie County Industrial Development Agency/Buffalo
Urban Development Corp. - Buffalo, New York
- Ernesto Velarde-Danache
- Ernesto Velarde-Danache, Inc.
- Brownsville, Texas
6The Southern Dallas County Trade Corridor
7Dallas/Fort Worth Is Already Part Of A Major
Trade Corridor
- DFW Airport is a port of entry
- Metroplex is crossroads of east-west and
north-south Interstates - Served by 4 railroads
- Terminus for cargo from L.A. / Long Beach, (entry
port for 70 of containers from Asia). - 3 intermodal cargo facilities, with a fourth
facility under study - Metroplex is on the Mexico to Canada River of
Trade corridor
8Southern Dallas County Is A Prime Trade Corridor
- Strategic southern position
- Large, contiguous tracts of land with Interstate
access - Intermodal access to 2 Class-1 railroads
- Area selected by national/international
commercial developers - Municipal collaboration
- Underemployed work force in the area
- Cedar Hill Community College and new University
of North Texas at Dallas Campus
9Downtown Dallas
Flood Plain
I-35 E
Intermodal Rail
Southern Dallas County
Future Loop Nine
10Challenges to Southern Dallas Countys
Development Potential
- Need for assured water source
- Inadequate water and sewer systems
- Lack of area storm water management system
- Inadequate arterial and local roads
- Non-attainment area for ozone
- Multiple jurisdictions need to deal with
area-wide issues - Local real-estate market myopia
11Two Big Issues for Panel
- How can southern Dallas communities maximize
their vast economic and development potentials? - How can southern Dallas also provide the
necessary services, programs and opportunities
for all residents?
12Public Policy
13Environmental Policy Recommendations
- Take immediate action to ensure area is included
in State Implementation Plan - Map wetlands and sensitive areas
- Engage environmental stakeholders
- Seek ways to improve and/or expand environmental
assistance programs - Set reasonable and cost effective environmental
standards/expectations - Encourage/require use of regional stormwater
management systems and pervious surfaces
Public Policy
14Technology Policy Recommendations
- Encourage innovation, dont legislate it
- Bring together education, regulatory, industry
and technology experts - Use computer modeling and simulation for
logistics systems - Incorporate technology into planning efforts
Public Policy
15Planning Policy Recommendations
- Catch up with current projects and get ahead
- Plan regionally for and with all participating
communities - Engage experienced and comprehensive planning and
urban design team - Include development regulations and capital
improvement program in implementation plan
Public Policy
16Organizational Policy Recommendations
- Focus on sustainability to realize long-term
development potential - Ensure equal representation of stakeholders
- Use existing proven models dont reinvent the
wheel - Operate with transparency
- Address regional funding needs
- Compete globally, not locally
Public Policy
17Regulatory Policy Recommendations
- Encourage municipal jurisdictions to adopt
uniform building codes - Seek ways to create compatible zoning and
subdivision regulations for the whole region - Explore ways to ensure each jurisdiction can
provide building plan review/approval and
building inspections - Explore ways to strengthen each jurisdictions
planning, zoning and development services programs
Public Policy
19Dallas/Fort Worth is a Major Trade Hub
- Serves regional, national, international markets
- Hub of four trade transportation corridors
- Dallas/LA
- Dallas/Atlanta
- Dallas/Mexico
- Dallas/Chicago/Detroit
- 5 6 National transportation corridors essential
to U.S. economy
20Dallas/Fort Worth Is A Trade Hub
21Long Horizon With Tremendous Development
- 10 to 15 year time frame
- 65 120 million square feet of industrial space
- 1.5 to 3 percent growth rate
- Unique opportunities for large users
- Target users to backfill container traffic
22Success Factors
- Dallas/Fort Worth should obtain national
transportation corridor designation - Cooperation sets the stage for success
- Establish and expand strategic partnerships with
other corridor cities, states, and ports
23Trade CorridorCooperation and Governance
- Global, national and regional competition
requires - Cooperation
- Investment
- Leadership
- Cooperative Regional Leadership
- Collaboration
- Mutually understood goals
- Supportive actions
- Three Governance Models
- Cooperative Agreements
- Special District or Authority
- Interlocal Memorandum of Agreements
24Cooperative Governance Models
- Cooperative Agreement
- Non-binding agreement
- Technical and oversight committees within
established policies - Jurisdictions retain local control
- Special District or Authority
- Wide variety of districts permitted in state
statutes - Specific boundaries and set of powers
- Usually limited to one or two issues, such as
ports - Governing boards federated, elected, appointed
- District to cover 11 jurisdictions
25Interlocal Memorandum of Agreement
- Governance structure
- Governance structure is familiar
- Clearly articulates partnership for all parties
- Sets roles and responsibilities
- Defines decision-making process
- Encourages clear goals and objectives
- Does not require state legislative action
- Establishes rules for implementation
- Involves all parties, public and private
26Interlocal Agreement Structure
- Cooperation, Collaboration, and Coordination
Development Organization
Interlocal Agreement
Participating Organizations
Project Review
27Development Strategies Implementation
28Development Strategies
- Tremendous development potential
- Practical constraints
- Infrastructure needs
- Market rents
- Share opportunities and costs
- Establish reasonable expectations
- Add value through planning and design
Development Strategies Implementation
29Development Strategies
- Create a livable community
- Logistics is the economic driver
- Mix of uses
- Range of development scales
- New residential development
- Parks and open space
- Light industrial and manufacturing opportunities
Development Strategies Implementation
30Development Strategies
- Target geographically
- Prioritize community infrastructure investments
- The Box I-35E I-20 I-45
- Major transportation assets
- Existing focus of private investments
- Special opportunities within the Box
- Houston School Rd./I-20 UNT-D Campus
- I-45 and UP Intermodal Center
Development Strategies Implementation
31Development Strategies
- Municipal airports Lancaster Mesquite
- Excess capacity at DFW Alliance
- Future opportunities for general aviation
corporate uses - Protect from non-compatible land uses
Development Strategies Implementation
- Master Plan Implementation
- Obtain funding 1M to 1.5M
- Conduct national search process
- Meaningful public participation
- Integrate plan into local plans and ordinances
- Secure funding for local implementation
Development Strategies Implementation
- Organize for success
- Foundation Dallas NAFTA Coalition
- Formalize and broaden
- Governance Models
- Unified voice
- Establish metrics for success
- Inclusive All key stakeholders
- Pool resources
Development Strategies Implementation
- Representation
- All trade corridor municipalities
- State representatives, elected key agencies
- Railroads, especially BNSF UP
- University of North Texas - Dallas community
colleges - Private sector
Development Strategies Implementation
- Responsibilities
- Regional vision and master planning
- Infrastructure coordination
- Identifying securing funding
- Public communication marketing plans
- Cohesive voice for policy and state federal
funding - Securing additional logistic trade assets
- Assist and guide implementation of policy
Development Strategies Implementation
- Trade corridor staffing
- Dedicated staff
- Executive director support
- Qualifications leadership, logistics, real
estate experience - National search
- Future marketing, community relations, finance
Development Strategies Implementation
- Funding
- Needs
- Master planning, engineering other consultants
- Marketing and communications
- Dedicated staff
- Assistance for smaller communities
- Sources
- All Stakeholders financial commitment
- State especially upfront seed funding
- Federal grant programs
Development Strategies Implementation
- Keep the public informed and involved
- Work closely with stakeholders
- Communicate the opportunities
- Create and use a comprehensive marketing plan
Development Strategies Implementation
39Public Outreach
- Reach out to residents and businesses in the
trade corridor - Communicate early and often
- Communication vehicles
- Public forums
- Newsletters
- Websites
Development Strategies Implementation
40Who Are The Trade Partners?
- Port officials Mexico, Canada, U.S.
- Transportation officials
- Rail and truck freight carriers
Development Strategies Implementation
41Create a Trade Corridor Advisory Council
- Advice on industry trends
- Knowledge of technological innovations
- Insights about potential end users
Development Strategies Implementation
42Concluding Remarks
- Convergence of
- Abundant, available, developable land
- An existing transportation and labor base
- Local and national developers
- Committed governments, public officials and staff
- Momentum
- Opportunity for Success
- Questions and Comments
43Southern Dallas County Trade Corridor
- ULI Advisory Services Panel
- June 25-30, 2006