Circulatory System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Circulatory System


Pulmonary Circulation -Blood pumped from right side of heart to lungs ... 1. Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) A test that records the electrical activity of the heart. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Circulatory System

Circulatory System
Circulatory System
  • Components
  • I. Heart
  • II. Blood Vessels
  • Veins, Capillaries, and Arteries
  • Components of Blood
  • Lymphatic System
  • Blood Type
  • Circulatory Problems
  • (Closed System)

I. Heart
  • A. Circulation
  • Muscle contractions cause blood to pump
  • Pulmonary Circulation -Blood pumped from right
    side of heart to lungs
  • Systemic Circulation - Blood pumped to the rest
    of the body

The Heart
  • Heart
  • B. Structure
  • Composed mainly of muscle
  • Pericardium - Protective layer surrounding the
  • Myocardium muscle found in the heart walls,
    responsible for pumping blood
  • Septum Divides heart into 2 halves,
  • Restricts mixing of blood
  • Each side has two chambers
  • Atrium (Upper Chamber) Receives blood
  • Ventricle (Lower Chamber) pumps blood out of
    the heart
  • Contains Valves that keep blood flowing in one
  • Pumps enough blood to fill an Olympic-sized
    swimming pool a year

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Superior Vena Cava Large vein that brings
oxygen-poor blood from the upper part of the body
to the right atrium
Aorta Brings oxygen-rich blood from the left
ventricle to the rest of the body
Pulmonary Arteries Bring oxygen-poor blood to the
Pulmonary Veins Bring oxygen-rich blood from each
of the lungs to the left atrium
Left Atrium
Pulmonary Valve Prevents blood from flowing back
into the right ventricle after it has entered the
pulmonary artery
Aortic Valve Prevents blood from flowing back
into the left ventricle after it has entered the
Right Atrium
Mitral Valve Prevents blood from flowing back
into the left atrium after it has entered the
left ventricle
Tricuspid Valve Prevents blood from flowing back
into the right atrium after it has entered the
right ventricle
Left Ventricle
Inferior Vena Cava Vein that brings oxygen-poor
blood from the lower part of the body to the
right atrium
Right Ventricle
Question What is the advantage of a 4-chambered
I. Heart
  • Coronary Artery
  • Supplies the heart muscle itself with
  • blood

  • C. Heartbeat
  • Sinoatrial Node (Pacemaker)
  • Located in the right atrium
  • Cardiac muscles contract in waves causing blood
    to leave the atria into ventricle
  • Stimulated by nerve impulse from the medulla
  • Atrioventricular Node
  • Location base of right atrium beginning of
    right ventricle
  • Transfers impulse from atria muscles and
    transfers them to ventricle muscles
  • Ventricles contract causing blood to leave heart

I. Heart
  • C. Heartbeat
  • Each heartbeat is called a cardiac cycle two
    atria contract then two ventricles contract
    (systole), and the entire heart relaxes
  • A normal heart beats 70 times per minute.
  • Makes a lub-dub sound as the valves of the
    heart are opening and closing.

I. Heart
  • 1. Electrocardiogram
  • (ECG or EKG)
  • A test that records the electrical activity of
    the heart.
  • The P wave represents contraction (systole) of
    the atria.
  • The QRS wave contraction of the ventricle
  • The T wave
  • The relaxation of the muscle (diastole)

Question What are some problems associated with
the Sinoatrial Node? How can it be fixed?
(No Transcript)
I. Heart
  • 2. Pacemaker
  • Abnormal heartbeats can be controlled by an
    artificial pacemaker that is run on batteries

II. Blood Vessels
II. Blood Vessels C. Arteries
  • 4. Blood Pressure
  • Definition Force that is exerted by the blood
    upon the walls of the blood vessels.
  • a. Regulated in 2 ways
  • Sensory neurons attached to blood vessels detect
    blood pressure
  • If too low neurons (nerve cells) stimulate
    nervous system to increase heart rate
  • If too high stimulate nervous system to
    decrease (slow down) heart rate
  • Kidneys
  • When blood pressure is high kidneys remove
    water from the blood
  • When blood pressure is low kidneys keep water
    volume high in blood

III. Components of Blood
  • Blood is composed of
  • 55 plasma
  • 45 blood cells
  • red blood cells
  • white blood cells
  • platelets

III. Components of Blood
White Blood Cells
Red Blood Cells
Blood Sample that has been Centrifuges
Whole Blood Sample
Sample Placed in Centrifuge
  • A. Plasma
  • Composes 55 of blood volume Centrifuged Blood
  • 90 water and 10 dissolved gasses, wastes,
    nutrients, salts and proteins (Plasma Proteins)
  • Albumins, Globulins and Fibrinogen

III. Components of Blood
  • B. Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes)
  • Transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
  • Uses Hemoglobin iron containing protein that
    binds to oxygen
  • Disc shaped to increase surface area
  • One milliliter contains 5 million

III. Components of Blood
  • C. White Blood Cells (Leukocytes)
  • Fight infection
  • 5 Types neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils,
    lymphocytes and monocytes (located in lymph
  • Located in Circulatory and Lymphatic Systems

White Blood Cells
Function Engulf and destroy small bacteria and
foreign substances Attack parasites limit
inflammation associated with allergic
reactions Release histamines that cause
inflammation release anticoagulants, which
prevent blood clots Give rise to leukocytes that
engulf and destroy large bacteria and
substances Some destroy foreign cells by causing
their membranes to rupture some develop into
cells that produce antibodies, which target
specific foreign substances
Cell Type Neutrophils Eosinophils Basophils M
onocytes Lymphocytes
III. Components of Blood
  • D. Platelets (Thrombocytes)
  • More numerous than WBCs 250,000 platelets in a
    small drop of blood
  • Much smaller than RBCs
  • Are fragments of cells
  • Made in the bone marrow
  • Live 5 days
  • Aid in forming blood clots
  • Adhere to site of injury and release chemicals to
    help blood clot

  • IV. Lymphatic System
  • A. Network of nodes, vessels and organs
  • B. Primary function return fluid lost by the
    blood to the Circulatory System
  • C. Contains fluid called Lymph
  • D. Restricts backward flow by the use of valves
  • E. Nodes are used to trap bacteria
  • F. Organs
  • Spleen
  • Harbors Phagocytes removes damaged blood cells
  • Thymus
  • Location of matured T Cells

Superior vena cava
Thoracic duct
Lymph nodes
Lymph vessels
V. Blood Types
Blood Type Antigens on RBCs Antibodies in Plasma Can Receive Blood From Can Donate To
A A Anti-B O and A A and AB
B B Anti-A O and B B and AB
AB AB None A, B, AB and O AB
O O Anti-A Anti-B O A, B, AB, and O
AB universal recipient (can receive all blood
types) O universal donor (can donate to all
blood types)
Blood Type of Donor
Blood Type of Recipient
Unsuccessful transfusion
Successful transfusion
VI. Circulatory Problems
  • Atherosclerosis Condition in which lipids
    collect under the inner lining of damaged artery
    walls, eventually narrowing or blocking the
    artery and obstructing blood flow.

Heart Murmur Whooshing sound caused by the back
flow of blood from the left ventricle across the
mitral valve back into the left atrium
Anemia A decrease in number of healthy red
blood cells
Coronary Thrombosis (Heart Attack) Blockage of
coronary arteries preventing oxygen to reach a
particular area of the heart muscle
VI. Problems Cont.
  • Stroke Occurs when blood vessels leading to or
    in the brain clot or burst causing that area of
    the brain to die due to lack of oxygen

Leukemia cancer that originates in the blood
causes overproduction of leukocytes
Sickle Cell Anemia Genetic disorder,
resulting in misshaped red blood cells
Rheumatic Fever A serious inflammatory
condition which follows Streptococcal pharyngitis
(strep throat). Can damage valves in the heart.
Sickle Cell
How is Blood Pressure Measured?
  • b. Sphygmonometer
  • Normal Blood Pressure 120/80
  • 120 ventricles contract (systolic)
  • 80 - ventricles relax (diastolic)
  • c. Hypertension excessively high blood
    pressure, medical consequences (140/90 or
    higher), can be caused by alcohol, smoking, diet
    and distress
  • Hypertension Video
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