Title: Circulatory System
1Circulatory System
2I. Evolution of the Heart
- A. Protochordates - simple tubular heart beating
by peristalic waves. 1. Arteries - preadapted
for blood under high pressure because of muscular
walls 2. Branchial function of aortic arches-
not for respiration, simply a mechanism for
getting blood to dorsal aorta through aortic
Dorsal Aorta
Aortic arches
Ventral Aorta
Direction of Blood Flow
3B. Fish - gas exchange in gills required
specialized pump - first true heart
- 1. Gill respiration - two operations in gill
respiration - a. Collection of blood - collection chambers at
rear - Sinus venosus - b. Propulsion of bloodatrium
conus arteriosus
42. Advantages of fish system
- a. Collected blood reached propulsive chambers
(ventricle and conus arteriosis) via gravity and
weak contractions of thin-walled atrium. - b. Thin walls of atrium and sinus venosus offer
little resistance to blood allowing bulging with
minimum resistance. - c. Slight negative pressure in sinus venosus
exists because of pumping and sino-auricular
valve which closes - atrio-ventricular valve between atrium and
5The pumping cycle of the fish heart
63. Disadvantages of fish systemloss of
pressure in gills because x-section of gill
capillaries is greater than x-sect of vessels
leading to them.No pump from gills to
body in fish and gill-breathing salamanders.
7C. Lungfish and amphibians 1. Changes required
for air breathing a. Lungs for gas exchange
b. Mechanism of supplying unoxygenated blood to
lungs and aerated blood to body
82. Modifications in the Amphibian Heart a.
Division of atrium 1. Systemic chamber -
Right - receiving non-aerated blood from sinus
venosus. 2. Pulmonary chamber - left
receiving aerated blood from lungs
9- 2. Pulmonary chamber - receiving aerated bllod
from lungs - b. Partial separation of chambers - in conus
arteriosusDirects aerated blood into vessels of
systemic aorta or pulmonary arteries - c. Union of bases of 6th aortic arch separates
bloood from ventral aorta. Thus - seperate
exists from conus anteriosus - d. Reduction of sinus venosus - as collecting
chamber. Less pressure in air than in H2O.
10D. Later ectothermic state - reptiles 1.
Modifications a. Reduction of sinus venosus. But
never lost - myogenic center (origin of Ht. Beat-
SA node) is here. b. Conus arteriosus
disappears - and forms trunks of large arteries
leaving the Heart - aortae semiluner valves
remain c. Partial subdivision of ventricle
complete in crocodilians
11Blood flow in the reptilian heart
12E. Endotherm state 1. Modifications a.
Separation of ventricles closure of ventricular
septum - no mixing of oxygenated and
unoxygenated blood b. Reduction of
ventricular exits birds - reduction of
ventricular exists from 3 to 2. Loss of left
aortic trunk of the systemic aorta in
mammals, there is a loss of the rt. Aortic
13Evolutionary Changes in Vertebrate Hearts
Amphibian Heart
Fish Heart
Endotherm Heart
Reptilian Heart
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