Title: Welcome Consortium Members
1- Welcome Consortium Members
2Alcohol Awareness Month
- According to the Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration, about 10.7
million persons aged 12 to 20 (27.9 percent of
this age group) reported drinking alcohol in the
past month. - Approximately 7.2 million or 18.6 percent were
considered binge drinkers, and 2.3 million or 6
percent were heavy drinkers.
3Internet Resources
Alcohol Policy Information Systemwww.alcoholpoli
cy.niaaa.nih.gov CADCAs Support 21 Toolkit
port21.asp Drug-Free Action Alliance
http//www.drugfreeactionalliance.org/ MADD
http//www.madd.org/ National Clearinghouse on
Alcohol and Drug Information ncadi.samhsa.gov/
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
Alcoholism www.niaaa.nih.gov Preventing
Underage Drinking Using Getting To Outcomes
STOP Underage Drinking www.stopalcoholabuse.go
v Surgeon Generals Call to Action to Prevent
and Reduce Underage Drinking 2007
ltoaction.pdf The Surgeon Generals A Guide to
Action for Communitieswww.surgeongeneral.gov/top
4Prom and GraduationA Special Yet Dangerous Time
- Parents
- Help your student plan an alcohol/ drug-free
celebration - Establish and enforce curfew
- Know and verify your teens plans
- Know the law
- School Administrators
- Enforce your schools alcohol and other drug
policy - Law Enforcement Officers
- Work with your schools and community leaders to
enforce the law
5Warning Signs of Alcohol Poisoning
- Vomiting
- Person cannot be roused
- Semi-conscious or Unconscious
- If you see someone with one or more of these
symptoms, - CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY!
- Waiting can result in brain damage, coma, or
death. - Every Second Counts!
6Restrictions on Alcoholic Energy Drinks
- Montana legislators approve to restrict sales of
alcoholic energy drinks to liquor stores - Effectively treats drinks containing stimulants
like caffeine, taurine or ginseng and 0.5 percent
alcohol or more like hard liquor for sales
7Adults Provide Free Alcohol to Underage Drinkers
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
(SAMHSA) found that more than 40 percent of
youths ages 12 to 20 who used alcohol in the past
30 days reported receiving alcohol from an adult - One in 16 underage drinkers, or an estimated
650,000 youths, had received alcohol from a
parent or guardian in the past month. - 30.3 percent of underage drinkers reported that
they were in their own home when they had their
last drink
8French Look to Curb Youth Drinking
- Legislation would raise the minimum purchase age
of tobacco and alcohol from 16 to 18 - Legislation was proposed in response to a 50
rise in the number of minors under the age of 15
hospitalized due to alcohol problems between 2004
and 2007 - Despite this increase there has been a general
decline in per-capita alcohol consumption from
17.7 liters of wine per person a year in 1961 to
less than 9.3 liters today
9PPAAUS Survey and National Survey Data
- PPAAUS was conducted by Safe and Drug-Free
Schools Consortium, United Way, ADAMH, Columbus
Medical Association Foundation, U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Service Administration , Center
for Substance Abuse Prevention Grant, and
Diagnostics Plus - National Survey was conducted by Department of
Health and Human Services and Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention
10NetCare Follow-Up
- Directions for Youth and Families
- Huckleberry House
- Wesley Family Services/UMCH
- Dublin Counseling Center
- Ohio Youth Advocate Program
- Family Focus- final determination by the
Accept NetCare Assessments
11Mexican Drug Lord Makes Forbes Billionaire List
- Net Worth 1.0 billion Fortune Self Made
Source Drug Trafficking Age 54 Country Of
Citizenship Mexico Residence Sinaloa State
Industry Shipping - Escaped from federal prison in 2001, reportedly
through the laundry, and quickly regained control
of his drug trafficking organization, which he
still controls today. - U.S. government is offering a 5 million reward
for his capture.
12Middle Schoolers Smoke Smarties Candy
- How they do it.
- Students crush the sugary candy discs into a
powder, - Tear of one end of the cellophane wrapper
- Pour the powder into their mouths,
- Blow the dust out of their mouths and nose
13Ohio has OD Epidemic
- Unintentional poisoning deaths- nearly all of
them drug overdoses- eclipsed traffic fatalities
both 2006 and 2007. - Overdoses shot up 249 between 1999 and 2007.
- There is a direct relationship between increasing
sales of prescription opiates and drug overdoses.
14Helping Parents Spot Warning Signs
- Parent training called What Your Kids Dont Want
You to Know About Hidden in Plain Site walks
parents through an exhibit of a teenagers
bedroom that includes obvious and not-so-obvious
indicators of high risk behavior. - Room has such things as
- Empty cool whip bottles indicating possible
bulimia- - CD players that could serve as storage containers
for drugs - Apples that could easily be made into bongs
15100,000 Registered on Next-of-Kin Database
- Carmela Wiant and Linda Wuestenberg both learned
of their sons car-crash deaths in a manner they
call delayed, inappropriate and shocking - Free next-of-kin database includes names, ages,
and at least one family contact for
law-enforcement use only - The database provides law enforcement officers
with information to locate the next-of-kin after
an individual has been involved in an accident
16Fewer Adolescents Exposed to Drug Prevention
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMHSA) shows that fewer
adolescents are being exposed to substance-use
prevention messages or participating in
out-of-school prevention programs - However, more adolescent said they talked to at
least one parent about alcohol and other drugs. - Those who have conversations with their parents
were significantly less likely to use alcohol,
tobacco, or other drugs.
17 - Join Together
- Mexican Drug Lord Makes Forbes Billionaire List
- French Look to Curb Youth Drinking in Response to
Binge Drinking Spike - Montana Legislators Approve Restrictions on
Alcoholic Energy Drinks - SAMHSA Says Fewer Adolescents Exposed to Drug
Prevention Messages - Adults Provide Free Alcohol to 40 percent of
Underage Drinkers, SAMHSA Report Finds - Middle Schoolers Smoke Smarties Candy
- April is Alcohol Awareness Month
- Coalition Uses Innovative Method to Help Parents
Spot Warning Signs - Columbus Dispatch
- 100,000 Registered on Next-of-Kin Database
- Ohio has OD Epidemic
- Other Sources
- National Survey, 2007
- Shelbys Rules (www.shelbysrules.com)
- Pictures
- Microsoft Clip Art
- http//www.forbes.com/lists/2009/10/billionaires-2