Title: Welcome to the caBIG
1Welcome to the caBIG Tissue Banks and Pathology
Tools (TBPT) Workspace!
- Introduction for caBIG NewcomersFace-To-Face
Meeting, May 2007
Workspace Lead Juergen Klenk, PhD NCI
Facilitator Ian Fore, PhD May 2007
2 3caBIG Movie
4Biomedical information tsunami
- overwhelming volume of data
- multitude of sources
5Informatics tower of Babel
- Each cancer research community speaks its own
scientific dialect - Integration critical to achieve promise of
molecular medicine
6caBIG is an innovative bioinformatics program at
the NIHs National Cancer Institute
- 50 Cancer Centers are working towards a common
goal of integrated data, tools and methodologies
to accelerate cancer research goals at the
National Cancer Institute for Bioinformatics
(NCICB), the cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid
(caBIG) - The goal of caBIG is to create a virtual web of
interconnected data, individuals, and
organizations which will - redefine how research is conducted
- care is provided
- patients / participants interact with the
biomedical research enterprise - The principles driving caBIG are
- Open Source
- Open Access
- Open Development
- Federated Model
7caBIG will facilitate sharing of infrastructure,
applications, and data across multiple cancer
research programs
8and the realization of that goal
9caBIG Pilot action plan
- Establish pilot network of NCI Cancer Centers
- Groups agreeing to caBIG principles
- Mixture of capabilities
- Mixture of contributions
- Expanding collection of participants
- Establish consortium development process
- Collecting and sharing expertise
- Identifying and prioritizing community needs
- Expanding development efforts
- Moving at the speed of the internet
10The caBIG approach balances objectives from
Bench to Bedside, therefore interlocking both
communities to ensure success
11The first three years of caBIG had
clearly-defined goals and metrics
12Common needs helped shape priority areas for the
caBIG pilot activities
Database Datasets
Imaging Tools Databases
High Performance Computing
Clinical Trial Management Systems
Licensing Issues
Microarray Gene Expression Tools
Tissue Banks Pathology
Visualization Front-End Tools
Statistical Data Analysis Tools
Vocabulary Ontology Tools Databases
Integrative Cancer Research
Common Data Elements Architecture
Center Integration Management
Tissue Pathology Tools
Access to Data
Translational Research Tools
Distributed Data Sharing/Analysis Tools
Staff Resources
Clinical Data Management Tools
Number of Needs Reported
13(No Transcript)
14Cancer Center Roles in caBIG
- Developer (20 of centers)
- Key is to create an environment for sharing tools
with other centers - One of the most important issues is not to ignore
the need for common data elements and vocabulary
services - Adopter (20 of centers)
- Key is to understand the needs at local center
(and be vocal) - Dont abandon other development efforts think
modular - When adopting tools make sure they talk to
legacy systems - Working Group Strategic Planning (60 of
centers) - These are not soft roles
- Critical to the success of the program
- White paper development will guide caBIG
successes - Make sure to communicate internally to all parts
of the Cancer Center
15Four Domain Workspaces and two Cross Cutting
Workspaces have been launched
DOMAIN WORKSPACE 1 Clinical Trial Management
addresses the need for consistent, open and
comprehensive tools for clinical trials
DOMAIN WORKSPACE 2 Integrative Cancer Research
provides tools and systems to enable integration
and sharing of information.
DOMAIN WORKSPACE 3 Tissue Banks Pathology Tools
provides for the integration, development, and
implementation of tissue and pathology tools.
provides for the sharing and analysis of in vivo
imaging data.
responsible for evaluating, developing, and
integrating systems for vocabulary and ontology
content, standards, and software systems for
content delivery
Data Elements
developing architectural standards and
architecture necessary for other workspaces.
16Strategic Level Workspaces
Data Sharing and Intellectual Capital
Addresses issues related to the sharing of data,
applications and infrastructure both within the
consortium and in the larger cancer research
Developing strategies for providing training in
the use of the caBIG developed resources
including on-line turtorials, workshops, training
caBIG Strategic Planning
Assists in identifying strategic priorities for
the development and evolution of the caBIG effort.
17Many commercial software developers are involved
in caBIG- Examples
- Velos Comprehensive clinical trials system in
widespread use in the extramural Cancer Centers
throughout the country. - PercipEnz A comprehensive solution for managing
all aspects of clinical research study setup
and activation, scientific reviews, subject
registration, compliance tracking, visit
tracking, data collection, data and safety
monitoring, financials management, data
extraction, regulatory reporting, and outreach. -
- Akaza Rsch web-based, open source software
platform for managing multi-site clinical
research studies. It facilitates protocol
configuration, design of case report forms,
electronic data capture, retrieval, and
18The NCIs General Contractor
- Responsible for coordination of Workspace
activities - Provides funding through contracts to
participating centers - Provides a channel for communication of guidance
and priorities - Provides a measure of participant progress (e.g.,
contract milestones) - Fosters accountability and provides mechanisms
for conflict resolution
The NCI is investing resources for administration
and support of the caBIG project, decreasing the
burden on the participating community
19caBIG - Interaction Mechanisms
- For all participants
- Annual meeting
- Online Town Hall quarterly
- Addresses solicited questions
- Monthly program update newsletter (big picture)
- Whats big this week weekly newsletter (e.g.
workspace meeting schedule)
- For Cancer Center Directors
- Directors newsletter
- For Workspaces participants
- Monthly teleconferences (more frequently as
needed) - Quarterly meeting (face to face)
- For all participants and the general public
- caBIG website
20caBIG Involves a Large Community with a Wide
Range of Interests
Ohio State University-Arthur G. James/Richard
Solove Oregon Health and Science
University Roswell Park Cancer Institute St Jude
Children's Research Hospital Thomas Jefferson
University-Kimmel Translational Genomics Research
Institute Tulane University School of
Medicine University of Alabama at
Birmingham University of Arizona University of
California Irvine-Chao Family University of
California, San Francisco University of
California-Davis University of Chicago University
of Colorado University of Hawaii University of
Iowa-Holden University of Michigan University of
Minnesota University of Nebraska University of
North Carolina-Lineberger University of
Pennsylvania-Abramson University of
Pittsburgh University of South Florida-H. Lee
Moffitt University of Southern
California-Norris University of
Vermont University of Wisconsin Vanderbilt
University-Ingram Velos Virginia Commonwealth
University-Massey Virginia Tech Wake Forest
University Washington University-Siteman Wistar Ya
le UniversityNorthwestern University-Robert H.
9Star Research Albert Einstein Ardais Argonne
National Laboratory Burnham Institute California
Institute of Technology-JPL City of Hope
Clinical Trial Information Service (CTIS) Cold
Spring Harbor Columbia University-Herbert
Irving Consumer Advocates in Research and
Related Activities (CARRA) Dartmouth-Norris
Cotton Data Works Development Department of
Veterans Affairs Drexel University Duke
University EMMES Corporation First Genetic
Trust Food and Drug Administration Fox Chase
Fred Hutchinson GE Global Research
Center Georgetown University-Lombardi IBM Indiana
University Internet 2 Jackson Laboratory Johns
Hopkins-Sidney Kimmel Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of
Technology Mayo Clinic Memorial Sloan
Kettering Meyer L. Prentis-Karmanos New York
21 22Whats the Workspace Mission?
- The primary mission of the Tissue Banks and
Pathology Tools (TBPT) Workspace is to - Develop biobanking and pathology solutions,
- Grow an adopter community that employs these
solutions, and - Foster a collaborative culture to collect,
integrate, and share data - TBPT solutions support interoperability with
other caBIG compatible tools to advance
translational research through cross-disciplinary
information integration
23Why Is TBPT Important?
- It creates the framework for 21st century
biospecimen research
24We Serve Two Primary Audiences
- For Bio-Bankers We Provide
- A solution to capture all bio-banking related
workflows and information, including participant,
collection protocol, biospecimen, storage,
annotation data, consent tracking, and
distribution protocol. - For Researchers We Provide
- A solution to conduct federated queries across
available caTissue databases and to order and
manage biospecimen for research activities
25We Offer The Following Solutions (1/4)
26We Offer The Following Solutions (2/4)
27We Offer The Following Solutions (3/4)
28We Offer The Following Solutions (4/4)
caTISSUE Suite (WU) Integrated suite that
includes the functionalityof the first three
tools plus consent tracking, dynamic vocabulary
- Find all cases of prostate ductal carcinoma of
Gleason grade 34 for which there are frozen
tissue samples containing at least 50 neoplastic
cellularity available. - Find all cases of squamous cell carcinoma of the
tongue base with perineural invasion for which
there is at least 5 ug of matching RNA from
non-malignant tissue and tumor with at least 50
neoplastic cellularity.
Annotation Event
Annotation Set
Surgical Pathology
Pathology Annot.
Clinical Annot.
Tumor Registry
29For Those New to caBIG (1/4)
- Check out detailed information about our
workspace, activities, and all of our solutions
on the TBPT Portal
TBPT Portal https//cabig.nci.nih.gov/workspaces
30For Those New to caBIG (2/4)
- From our TBPT Portal you can follow the links to
try out online versions of our solutions
caTissue Core Online http//catissuecore.wustl.e
31For Those New to caBIG (3/4)
- Use NCICBs support helpdesk to get answers to
all of your questions about any of our solutions
NCICB support homepage http//ncicb.nci.nih.gov/
32For Those New to caBIG (4/4)
- caBIG TBPT Workspace Website (public website
with workspace contacts and meeting minutes)
https//cabig.nci.nih.gov/workspaces/TBPT - caBIG TBPT Listserv (subscribe to get regular
announcements) https//list.nih.gov/archives/cabi
g_tbpt-l.html - caBIG TBPT Workspace calls (every 1st and 3rd
Monday of each month, 1200pm 100pm EST, see
announcements on the listserv) - caBIG TBPT GForge Site (includes workspace
working documents) https//gforge.nci.nih.gov/sof
twaremap/trove_list.php?form_cat340 - caBIG TBPT CVS Archive (includes distribution of
all software packages) http//cabigcvs.nci.nih.go
33Ongoing Workspace Activities
- Workspace members are working on the following
projects - Developing solutions for TBPT, specifically
within the caTissue Suite project - Shaping the future of our solutions (at
face-to-face meetings) - Adopting our solutions to satisfy a variety of
needs (individual adopters, group adopters, pilot
enterprise adopters) - Sharing best practices with the community (in
regular calls) - Sharing data (as permitted) and consuming data
- Growing our community
- Interacting with other workspaces to start
realizing the paradigm of translational medicine