Title: Welcome to College of Education
1Welcome to College of Education
2CENN, Spring 2008 Week of January 14
3Welcome to the College of Education
4Welcome from the Dean
- Dear COE students, faculty, and staff,
Have a successful and productive Spring 2008
Dean Marcy Driscoll
- FSU has a mandatory attendance policy!
- All students are required to attend the
first-class meeting of each of their classes or
be dropped.
6January Academic Calendar
- Jan. 7 Classes begin.Late Registration (100.00
late registration fee.) CLAST registration
begins. - Jan. 710 FAMUFSU Co-op Program Registration at
the Office of the Registrar, UCA 3900. - Jan. 711 National Guard Fee Waiver Eligibility
Form due to the Office of Student Financial
Services. - Jan 9 Last day to submit department waivers or
billings. - Jan. 10 Drop/Add ends at midnight.
- Jan 11 Last day to add course without academic
Dean's permission. Last day to cancel enrollment
and have fees removed. Last day to request VA
deferments from VA representative in Office of
the Registrar. Registration for state employees
(non-FSU employees) using State Employee Fee
Waivers - Jan. 14 Financial aid available via EFT in
FSUCard accounts. First day to apply for
financial aid deferments and delayed delivery
loans. - Jan. 18 Last day to pay or defer tuition for all
students, including veterans who are not using a
veteran deferment, without a 100.00 late payment
fee. Veterans should contact a VA representative
with questions. Last day to file for Spring 2008
Graduation at the Office of the University
Registrar, UCA3900. Last day to Register for
CLAST exam, (850) 644-3181. - Jan. 21 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. No Classes.
University Administrative Offices closed.
7News from ELPS
- Dr. Hu presented at the annual meeting of the
Association for the Study of Higher Education
(ASHE), Louisville, KY - The Effects of Engagement in Inquiry-Oriented
Activities on Student Learning and Personal
Development - The Influence of Student Engagement and Sport
Participation on College Outcomes among
Division-I Student Athletes
8News from ELPS
- Dr. Stacey Rutledge co-authored The Education
Mayor Improving America's Schools (American
Governance and Public Policy)
9News from ELPS
- Dr. Joseph Beckam
- presented The Law of Defamation in the Context
of Higher Education at the annual conference of
the Education law Association in San Diego, CA. - conducted a series of three workshops on Law and
Education for school principals,
vice-principals, and aspiring administrators in
the Monroe County public school system, Key West,
10- COE's Center for Educational Research and Policy
Studies (CERPS) has joined 32 other leading
university education research centers from 23
different states as a new member of the Education
Policy Alliance (EPA). - The alliance membership includes centers located
at many of the country's top universities,
including Stanford, Columbia and the University
of Pennsylvania. This national consortium
promotes collaborative research efforts across
its member centers, and is committed to the
dissemination of high-quality research findings. - More information is available at
- January 16, 2008 500-630 p.m. Askew Student
Life Bldg. - Rm. 101 - Faculty from the Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), Social and
Behavioral Sciences (SBS), and Arts and
Humanities (AH) disciplines will offer tips for
determining a topic for the dissertation/thesis
that will keep one's interest through several
years of research, writing, and the final
defense. Each discipline will meet separately. - Presenters
- Dean of Graduate Studies Nancy H. Marcus, Ph.D.
(STEM) - Dr. Pamela L. Perrewe Senior Doctoral Student
James A. Meurs (SBS) - Dr. Lisa Waxman
- http//gradstudies.fsu.edu/workshops.html
- January 29, 2008 530-630 p.m. Askew Student
Life Bldg. - Rm. 101 - FSU faculty from the Arts and Humanities (AH) and
Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) disciplines
will discuss how to give a successful oral
presentation. Focus will be on capturing audience
attention, staying within time limits, and how to
facilitate discussions about your presentation. - Presenters
- Dean of the Faculties Anne Rowe, Ph.D. (AH
- Dr. Irene Padavic (SBS)
- http//gradstudies.fsu.edu/workshops.html
13FSU Dialogues
- FSU Dialogues sponsored by Congress of Graduate
Students Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies - Florida State University's Congress of Graduate
Students and Office of Graduate Studies invite
applications for the first FSU Dialogues
Conference that will take place in the Spring of
2008. - Dialogues is designed to recognize
interdisciplinary research by graduate students
and promote its recognition internationally.
Each year the interdisciplinary focus of the
conference will change. - This year the focus is health as it refers to the
general condition of the mind and body. - Jamie McCranie Office Administrator Secretary
to the DeanOffice of Graduate Studies
(850)644-3501 - mccranie_at_mailer.fsu.edu
14International Dissertation Semester Research
- The Office of Graduate Studies is pleased to
announce the International Dissertation Semester
Research Fellowship. - The new fellowship program is for advanced
doctoral students to help facilitate research and
the timely completion of their doctoral degree
that requires extended research-time abroad. - Eligible graduate students will be able to access
the application and criteria information on the
OGS website in a few weeks. - The deadline for submission of the folders to the
Office of Graduate Studies is January 18, 2008.
15The Spring 2008 Dissertation Research Grant
competition is on!
- The deadline for students to submit complete
application packets to the Office of Graduate
Studies is 5 p.m. on January 18, 2008. - Questions about the grant (750) should be sent
toCatherine CottrellAcademic Program
SpecialistFSU Office of Graduate Studies644-
3501 - More details http//gradstudies.fsu.edu/gensuppor
16Personal Finance Study An examination of
personal finance activities leading to wealth
- Dr. David Eccles and his fellow researchers are
in need of households to take part in a pilot
study looking at activities related to personal
finance. This study is being financed by a grant
through the Financial Industrys Regulatory
Authority Investor Education Foundation. - The data collected will be used to provide
personal finance interventions. They are looking
for married couples in their 50s to participate. - For more information regarding the qualifications
for participation please call 850-645-2792 or
e-mail financestudy_at_lsi.fsu.edu.
17A L E C
- The Adult Learning Evaluation Center (ALEC)
- 214 Stone Building
- 644-3611
- www.epls.fsu.edu/alec
- Provides low cost educational evaluations for
high school and college students and other adults
who are college-bound or entering the work force
and may be experiencing difficulties related to a
learning disability or Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). - Offers educational workshops and individual
client coaching in the areas of test-performance
anxiety reduction, academic consultation and
study skills.
18Night Nole
- During the fall, Night Nole provides students
with a safe ride home from the Tennessee Strip
and other late-night venues. - The SGA funds this no-fare transit service
through a contract with Tallahassee. The route is
within a short walking distance of many apartment
complexes where students live.
19Discover TREC!
- COE Graduate Student Group at FSU
- Research collaboration, professional development,
and social networking. - Interdisciplinary transcultural focus
- Non-COE graduate students welcome
- Visit TREC website at http//www.coe.fsu.edu/trec/
- Discover FSUs new Peace Corps Masters
International Program - http//www.fsu.edu/elps/sides/pcmi.html
21Stone Bldg. Reconstruction
- The Stone Building will be under phased
construction till August 2008. - Please pardon the dust and temporary
inconvenience. - We are getting larger classroom, more space, and
better equipped facilities. - Please use caution around construction areas.
22Did you know?
- The FSU Counseling Center offers free workshops
on the topics of Stress Management, Time
Management, and Study Skills. - Each workshop is 1 hour and includes
self-assessment, personalized strategies, and
hands-on learning. - Go to www.counseling.fsu.edu for the workshop
schedule and to find out how to register.
23News Needed!
- Any news, achievements, announcements?
- See them at CENN!
- Contact Dr. Dina Vyortkina for details