The World in 1500 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The World in 1500


The World in 1500 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The World in 1500

The World in 1500
An Unthinkable History
  • Saint Domingue
  • Western third of the Island of Haiti (Hispaniola)
  • Frances Largest and Most Prosperous Colony in
    the Americas
  • 1789 Population 556000
  • 500000 Slaves
  • 32000 Colonists
  • 24000 Affranchis

Hispaniola (map)
The Haitian Revolution
  • Started in 1791.
  • Slaves in N. part of island rebel.
  • Leader of slaves was Toussaint LOuverture
  • Creole coachman
  • 1794 France grants freedom to all slaves.

The Haitian Revolution
  • After the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte France tries
    to re-impose slavery.
  • Blacks under Henri Cristophe and Jacques
    Dessalines began a determined uprising against
    the French colonial regime
  • Napoleons brother in law General Charles Leclerc
    leads an army that eventually leads to the
    capitulation of Cristophe and Dessalines and the
    arrest and imprisonment of Louverture.
  • After it became clear that the French wanted to
    restore slavery Dessalines resumes insurrection
    and the French are forced to withdraw to the
    eastern part of the island in 1803 where they
    remain until 1809.

Toussaint LOuverture
Conquering the West, 1862-1900
  • The Westward Experiment
  • The Assault on Native American Cultures
  • Experiments in Resource Exploitation
  • The West and the American Imagination

Bush Cartoon
The Westward Experiment
  • The Railroad and Western Expansion
  • Idea of Transcontinental Railroad dates to the
  • Pacific Railroad Act of 1861
  • Construction 1864-1869
  • Transportation Revolution
  • The Homestead Act of 1862
  • 160 Acres of Land for 10
  • Full title after 5 years
  • 1.25/Acre after 6 mos.
  • Loopholes and Land Speculators

Transcontinental Railroads (map)
The Golden Spike
The Assault on Native American Cultures
  • Plains Indians
  • 1865 250000 Native Americans west of the
  • Buffalo, Horses, Sacred Ground
  • Railroad buffalo hunts
  • The Indian Wars
  • Americans and the Great American Desert
  • American treaties
  • Gold in the Black Hills
  • 1876 Custer and the Little Big Horn
  • Better Technology
  • Better weapons
  • Inter-Tribal Rivalries

The Assault on Native American Cultures (cont)
  • Reforming the Indians
  • Missionary activity and cultural assimilation
  • 1887 Dawes General Allotment Act
  • 160 Acres for farmland
  • 320 for grazing
  • 1890 Wounded Knee
  • Wovoka the Paiute Messiah
  • Big Foot, Sitting Bull, and the Ghost Dance

Indian Battles (map)
Chief Joseph
Little Big Horn
Red Cloud
Experiments in Resource Exploitation
  • Mining
  • Individual miners give way to corporate mining
  • Hotbed of labor unrest
  • Cowboys and the Cattle Kingdom
  • Heydey 1870s 1880s
  • Ended by harsh winters of 1885 and 1886
  • Farming and Agribusiness
  • Timber and Conservation

Cattle Trails
The West and the American Imagination
  • The Myth of the Garden
  • The Agrarian Ideal
  • The West of Legend
  • The End of the Frontier
  • 1890 Frontier closed
  • 1893 Frederick Jackson Turner The Significance
    of the Frontier in American History

Gast American Progress
Industrial Revolution (table)
State Society, 1877-1900
  • The Politics of Stalemate
  • National Politics from Hayes to Harrison,
  • The Agrarian Revolt
  • The Wizard of Oz

The Politics of Stalemate
  • The Issues
  • Patronage
  • Money
  • The Tariff
  • The Parties
  • Republicans
  • Stalwarts
  • Half-Breeds
  • Democrats
  • South Traditional Democrats/White Supremecists
  • North West Machine Politics
  • 3d Parties National Prohibition Party,
    Greenback Party, Populist Party
  • The Limits of National Government

National Politics from Hayes to Harrison,
  • Hayes
  • Restore integrity to the presidency
  • Great Railroad Strike 1877
  • 1880 James Garfield vs. Winfield Scott Hancock
  • Garfield worked against patronage
  • Assassinated by Charles Giteau July 2, 1881
  • Chester A. Arthur
  • Strong Stalwart but supported Civil Service and
    Tariff Reform
  • Pendleton Civil Service Act

National Politics from Hayes to Harrison,
1877-1890 (cont.)
  • 1884 James G. Blaine vs. Grover Cleveland
  • Thought that the national government should not
    meddle in peoples lives
  • 1888 Cleveland vs. Benjamin Harrison
  • Harrison wins electoral college
  • Sherman Silver Purchase Act
  • McKinley Tariff
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act
  • Billion Dollar Congress

The Agrarian Revolt
  • The Farmers discontent
  • The Alliance Movement
  • The Populist Party 1892
  • Popular election of U.S. Senators
  • Graduated Income Tax
  • Public ownership of railroads
  • Silver Gold ratio of 161
  • Harrison vs. Cleveland vs. James Weaver
  • White supremacy in the south Cleveland wins

The Agrarian Revolt (cont.)
  • Crisis of the 1890s
  • Collapse of railroads
  • Labor unrest
  • Republican Triumph 1896
  • Democrats W. Jennings Bryan
  • Republicans William McKinley
  • Populists Bryan
  • McKinley Presidency
  • Gold Standard Act

The Wizard of Oz Populism
  • Scarecrow
  • farmers
  • Tin Man
  • industrial workers
  • Cowardly Lion
  • Wm. Jennings Bryan
  • Dorothy
  • Populist Party
  • Wicked Witch of the East
  • Eastern Industrialists
  • Wicked Witch of the West
  • railroads
  • Emerald City
  • Washington, D. C.
  • Wizard
  • President

The Progressive Era, 1889-1916
  • The Roots of Progressivism
  • The Appeal of Progressivism
  • Who Were the Progressives?
  • Political Reform
  • Social Tensions in an Age of Reform
  • The Progressive Presidents

The Roots of Progressivism
  • Industrial Revolution leads to suffering masses
    different approaches to solve emerge
  • Communism
  • Social Darwinism
  • Progressivism
  • Progressivism is U.S. response to communism.

The Appeal of Progressivism
  • Rational thought and action could combat
    corruption and inefficiency
  • Monopolistic business practices were detrimental
    to the public good
  • Individual excesses had to be curbed in favor of
    communal cooperation and social responsibility
  • Progressivism vs. Socialism

Who Were the Progressives?
  • Women (Cult of Domesticity)
  • Muckrakers
  • Upton Sinclair
  • The New Professions

Political Reform
  • Reforming the City (Bossism)
  • Reforming the States
  • Robert La Follette and the Wisconsin Idea
  • Charles Evans Hughes and Woodrow Wilson
  • Hiram Johnson
  • Progressive Reforms
  • Initiative people legislate
  • Referendum people repeal laws passed by
  • Recall people recall elected officials

Political Reform (cont.)
  • 17th Amendment 1913 popular election of
  • Womens Suffrage
  • Controlling the Masses
  • Prohibition
  • Anti-Prostitution Laws
  • Labor Reform
  • Child Labor Laws
  • 40 Hour Work Week

Woman Suffrage by State (map)
Social Tensions in an Age of Reform
  • African American Activism
  • W.E.B. DuBois vs. Booker T. Washington
  • Radical Reformers (IWW)
  • true socialists
  • Feminism

Progressive Presidents
  • TR (1901-1908)
  • Good and Bad Monopolies
  • Hepburn Act
  • Food and Drug Administration
  • Conservationism
  • 1904 TR vs. Wm Jennings Bryan
  • Taft (1908-1912)
  • 1908 Taft vs. Wm. Jennings Bryan
  • Wilson (1912)
  • 1912 Taft vs. Wilson vs. TR

The Experiment in American Empire
  • The Roots of Expansion
  • The New Manifest Destiny
  • The Spanish American War
  • American Imperialism
  • The American Empire in the Progressive Era

The Roots of American Expansion
  • Washingtons Farewell Address 1796
  • Non-Interference in Europes Affairs (no
    entangling alliances)
  • Unrestricted Commercial Ties
  • Monroe Doctrine 1824
  • No new colonies in the Americas
  • U.S. will not interfere in Europe
  • Slave Era Expansion
  • Manifest Destiny
  • Preoccupation with North America

The New Manifest Destiny
  • The New Manifest Destiny
  • End of the frontier 1890
  • Imperialism
  • Industrialization
  • The White Mans Burden
  • Social Darwinism
  • Hawaii Samoa

The American Domain ca. 1900 (map)
The Spanish-American War 1898-1901
  • Cuban independence movements
  • Yellow Journalism
  • The Maine
  • A Splendid Little War

The U.S. in the Caribbean (map)
U.S.S. Maine Crew
American Imperialism
  • The Imperialist/Anti-Imperialist Debate
  • The Anti-Imperial League
  • Imperialism not compatible with democracy
  • U.S. should not incorporate inferior races
  • Imperialist Arguments
  • U.S. business interests
  • The White Mans Burden
  • Duty to Christianize (McKinley)
  • Our little brown brothers (Warren G. Harding)
  • Puerto Rico and Cuba The Platt Amendment
  • Philippine Insurrection

The American Empire in the Progressive Era
  • TR and the Big Stick
  • The Open Door to China
  • The Panama Canal
  • 10M 250,000/yr.
  • The Roosevelt Corollary
  • Taft and Dollar Diplomacy
  • Wilson and Missionary Diplomacy

World War I
  • The Road to War (1914-1917)
  • Total War
  • Making War Peace (1917-1919)
  • An Uncertain Peace (1919-1920)

WWI in Europe (Map)
Schlieffen Plan (Map)
The Road to War
  • American neutrality
  • Washingtons Farewell Address
  • The beginning of the war in Europe
  • Stalemate the British blockade and unrestricted
    submarine warfare
  • Lusitania, May 17, 1915
  • Strict accountability

The Road to War
  • 1916 Election
  • Woodrow Wilson vs. Charles Evans Hughes
  • Feb. 1, 1917 Germany resumes unrestricted
    submarine warfare
  • Peace without victory
  • Zimmerman Telegram
  • Russian Revolution 1917
  • April 2, 1917, Declaration of war

Total War
  • Selective Service and the Committee for Public
    Information (CPI) George Creel
  • 10 Million register for draft
  • 5 million called, 2 million go
  • Regulating the Economy
  • Herbert Hoover Food Administration
  • War Industries Board Bernard Baruch
  • National War Labor Board
  • Gompers No strike pledge
  • Women and African Americans
  • Prohibition and Womens Suffrage

Mad Brute (Poster)
Making War and Peace
  • Days of Hell
  • Negotiating a peace treaty
  • Wilsons 14 Points
  • Free Trade
  • Self-Determination
  • Collective Security
  • Versailles
  • Fight over ratification

Trench I (Photo)
Trench II (Photo)
The Uncertain Peace
  • The Red Scare
  • The Election of 1920
  • Warren G. Harding vs. James Cox
  • Return to normalcy

Fear Itself Crash, Depression, and the New
Deal, 1929-1938
  • The Great Depression
  • The New Deal Experiment
  • FDR and the 1932 Election
  • The First 100 Days
  • The Second New Deal
  • The 1936 Election
  • The Decline of the New Deal


U.S. Loans to Germany
Reparations Payments to Britain and France
War Loan Payments to U.S.
Bull Market
Hard Times
  • Corporations cut production and slash wages
  • 1933 National unemployment reaches 25
  • No safety net
  • The Dust Bowl
  • Shortsighted farming techniques and land
    mismanagement coupled with natural disaster
  • New Deal programs worsen problem

Dust Bowl (photo)
Dust Bowl (photo)
Dust Bowl (photo)
Dust Bowl (photo)
Dust Bowl Map
Strikers at Ford (Photo)
The Ordeal of Herbert Hoover
  • Natural business cycle
  • 140M for new public buildings
  • 1931 Reconstruction Finance Corporation
  • 1.2B to pump up the economy
  • 1932 Bonus Army
  • 15,000 WWI vets demand bonuses (1945)
  • Senate rejects but 8,000 refuse to leave
  • U.S. Army called out to disperse

Bonus Army (Photo)
The New Deal The First Hundred Days
  • 1932 Election
  • Bank Holiday
  • Emergency Banking Act
  • Fireside Chats

The New Deal The First Hundred Days
  • FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
  • 2500.00 insurance per private account
  • CCC and PWA Civilian Conservation Corps and
    Public Works Administration
  • Provide employment for public works
  • FERA Federal Emergency Recovery Act
  • 500 M for direct relief
  • CWA Civilian Works Administration

The New Deal The First Hundred Days
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act
  • Pay subsidies for fallow acreage
  • NIRA and NRA National Industrial Recovery Act
    and National Recovery Agency
  • Guarantees labor right to collective bargaining
  • Establish competition codes

NRA Poster
NRA Poster
The New Deal The First Hundred Days
  • REA Rural Electrification Agency
  • Boulder (Hoover) Dam
  • Grand Coulee Dam
  • Tennessee Valley Authority

Attacks From Left and Right
  • Francis E. Townsend
  • 200 mo. for everyone over 60
  • Huey Long
  • Share Our Wealth
  • Confiscate all incomes over 1M and all estates
    over 5M
  • Give every American family 5,000 to buy house or
    farm, 2,000 annual income, free college
    education, and a radio.
  • Business Owners and Republicans
  • Constitutionalists

A Tilt Leftward The Second New Deal 1935
  • NLRA National Labor Relations (Wagner) Act
  • Reaffirms labor right to organize
  • Establishes federal government as arbiter of
    labor disputes
  • Social Security Act
  • ERA Emergency Relief Act
  • 4B for work relief and public works
  • WPA Works Progress Administration
  • Employ 8.5 M Americans for public works projects
  • Federal Writers Project
  • 1936 Election
  • New Deal Coalition northern cities, ethnic
    groups, blacks, labor unions
  • Roosevelt wins every state but Maine, Vermont,
    and overwhelming majorities in Congress

Decline of the New Deal
  • Court Packing Scheme
  • Give president power to appoint 1 new justice for
    every justice over 70 who refuses to retire (6)
  • Republicans and Southern Democrats oppose
  • Continued Economic Troubles
  • 1938 Election
  • Republicans and Southern Dems control Congress
    end of the New Deal

New Deal Legacies
  • Increased size and scope of the federal
  • Empowers previously ignored and dispossessed
    groups such as labor, farmers
  • Modest redistribution of wealth
  • Beginning of the Welfare State
  • Saved Capitalism

War Society, 1933-1945
  • America and the World Crisis, 1933-1941
  • Fighting a Global War, 1941-1945
  • War and National Culture, 1941-1945
  • War in the Pacific, 1942-1945
  • The Legacies of WWII

Axis Expansion in Europe
  • Italy and the Roman Empire
  • Invasion of Ethiopia, Oct. 1935
  • Germany and Lebensraum
  • Reoccupation of the Rhineland 1936
  • Repudiation of the Treaty of Versailles
  • Withdrawal from the League of Nations
  • The Spanish Civil War

Axis Expansion in Europe
  • 1938 Germany invades Sudetenland
  • Sept 1938 Munich Peace in our time Neville
  • 6 mos. later Hitler occupies all of
  • 1939 Winston Churchill PM of Great Britain
  • Guarantees Polish security
  • Sept. 1, 1939 Hitler invades Poland

Axis Expansion in Europe Map
1940 Election Campaign
  • U.S. Neutrality Acts
  • 1940 FDR vs. Wendell Wilkie
  • Wilkie I will never get involved in a European
  • FDR Me neither
  • FDR wins

To the Brink
  • Lend-Lease Program
  • Jan. 1941 Four Freedoms
  • Freedom of speech and expression
  • Freedom of every person to worship God in his own
  • Freedom from want
  • Freedom from fear
  • Aug. 1941 Atlantic Charter
  • FDR authorizes U.S. Navy to protect British

Japanese Expansion in Asia
  • Japan and U.S. economic rivals in the Pacific
  • Japan needs to import raw materials and oil
  • 1931 Japan invades Manchuria
  • 1937 Japan invades China
  • Japan has eyes on SE Asia
  • FDR imposes economic sanctions Sept. 1941
  • Japan joins Tripartite Pact
  • Dec. 7, 1941 Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
  • Germany and Italy declare war on U.S.

Japanese Expansion in Asia Map
Pearl Harbor Photo
The Arsenal of Democracy
  • Total War again
  • War Production Board (WPB)
  • Office of Price Administration (OPA)
  • Taxes and War Bonds pay for the war
  • Labor Gains

The Battle for Europe
  • Big Three Britain, Russia, U.S.
  • Operation TORCH
  • Casablanca 1943
  • U.S. and Russia want 2d front in Western Europe
  • Churchill invade Sicily, Soft underbelly
  • Tehran Nov. 1943
  • Decide to open 2d front
  • Stalin announces E. European buffer zone
  • FDR assures non-interference
  • D-Day

Big 3 At Yalta Photo
Defeat of the Axis in Europe Map
The Battle for Europe
  • The Election of 1944
  • FDR/Truman vs. Thomas Dewey
  • Yalta Feb. 1945
  • FDR sells out to Stalin
  • FDR dies April 12, 1945
  • Hitler commits suicide May 7, 1945

War and National Culture
  • Japanese Internment
  • Rosie the Riveter
  • A. Phillip Randolph and the March on Washington
  • Executive Order 8802 bans racial discrimination
    in war-related industries
  • Guest worker programs

Government Internment Camp
Rosie Poster
Woman War Worker
Jap Youre Next Poster
War in the Pacific
  • Victory
  • Island Hopping
  • The Bomb
  • The Legacy of War
  • U.S. emerges as most powerful nation
  • U.S. assumes larger role in world affairs
  • The Cold War
  • Presidency becomes more powerful
  • Civil Rights/Womens Rights

Japanese Expansion in Asia Map
Atomic Bomb
Bomb Dome
The Cold War
  • From World War to Cold War, 1945-1949
  • Containing Communism
  • Mounting Tensions, Cautious Responses
  • The Cold War Heats Up, 1950-1952
  • The Eisenhower Administration
  • The Kennedy Administration
  • JFK and Vietnam

From World War to Cold War, 1945-1949
  • Roots of the Cold War
  • Communism vs. Capitalism
  • East-West mutual distrust
  • Potsdam Conference, Germany, July 1945
  • The Iron Curtain Falls
  • Churchill, Westminster College Fulton, Mo., March
    6, 1946

Cold War Europe (Map)
Cold War Issues (Table)
Balance of Power After WWII (Map)
Containing Communism
  • Communist insurgency in Greece and Soviet
    pressure on Turkey leads to the Truman Doctrine
  • George Kennan Long Telegram
  • 400M for Turkey and Greece
  • Marshall Plan June 1947

Mounting Tensions, Cautious Responses
  • Berlin Airlift 1948
  • U.S. Air Force to fly in supplies to West Berlin
    (Operation Vittles).
  • Stalin kept the border closed for 324 days until
    acknowledging defeat by reopening the border on
    May 12, 1949
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
  • 1948 Election Truman vs. Dewey
  • Executive Order 9981 established procedures for
    ending discrimination within the armed forces
  • Strom Thurmond the Dixiecrat Party

The Cold War Heats Up, 1950-52
  • The Cold War Spreads to Asia
  • Truman loses China 1949
  • Soviets test nuclear bomb 1949
  • The Korean War From Invasion to Stalemate
  • June 1950 North Korea attacks S. Korea
  • United Nations Security Council
  • Americans quickly defeat N. Koreans but China
  • The Truman-MacArthur Bout
  • Total vs. Limited War
  • The war in Korea drew to a stalemate in January
  • 36,940 American soldiers died, more than 100,000
  • The Politics of Fear Joseph McCarthy

The Korean War (Map)
The Eisenhower Administration
  • Eisenhower/Nixon vs. Adlai Stevenson
  • I will go to Korea
  • Dynamic Conservatism at Home
  • conservative when it comes to money and liberal
    when it comes to human beings
  • Ike vs. Stevenson (again) in 1956
  • The New Look Abroad
  • Soviet Union and China Surrounded by Strategic
  • Expanded Role for CIA
  • Iran, Guatemala

Global Defense Treaties (map)
The Kennedy Administration
  • The New Frontier
  • Cold War
  • NASA
  • Flexible Response
  • 63 424 ICBMs
  • MAD
  • Bay of Pigs 1961 the Cuban Missile Crisis (Oct.
    22-28, 1962)
  • Krushchev blinks
  • Removal of Soviet missiles from Cuba
  • U.S. missiles from Turkey
  • Pledge not to invade Cuba,
  • The Hot Line
  • Kennedy assassinated November 22, 1963

US in Latin America (map)
From Triumph to ChaosEisenhower to Nixon
  • The Civil Rights Movement
  • LBJ and the Great Society
  • JFK Vietnam
  • Vietnam Containment and Tragedy
  • 1968 The Watershed Year
  • The Nixon Administration

The Civil Rights Movement
  • The Segregated South
  • Jim Crow
  • World War II
  • Migration to the North/Political Power
  • Integration in the Armed Services
  • Jackie Robinson
  • Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
  • Separate but equal (Plesy v. Ferguson 1896)
    inherently unequal
  • No timetable to implement
  • Thurgood Marshall (NAACP) 1961 U.S. Court of
    Appeals 1967 Supreme Court.

No Easy Road to Freedom
  • The Montgomery Bus Boycott
  • Martin Luther King of the Dexter Baptist Church
  • Montgomery Improvement Association
  • White Citizens Council and the Ku Klux Klan
  • 1956 federal judges strike down Montgomery
  • Martin Luther King and the SCLC
  • African American Church
  • Thoreau, Gandhi, and Nonviolent Resistance
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference
  • Voter Registration

Bus (Photo)
MLK in Church (Photo)
The Movement at High Tide
  • Birmingham
  • Civil Rights leaders and SCLC hold large
    desegregation campaign in Birmingham
  • Water cannons and snarling dogs break up
    childrens march.
  • JFK and the March on Washington
  • JFK calls for civil rights legislation
  • A. Philip Randolphs idea revived.
  • LBJ and the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • The Voting Rights Act of 1965

Black Voter Registration (map)
LBJ and The Great Society
  • 1964 Election Johnson/Humphrey vs. Goldwater
  • The deep south shifts
  • The Great Society
  • Medicare/Medicaid
  • Elementary and Secondary School Act
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965
  • The Warren Court
  • Failure/Successes of Great Society vs.
    Interventionist Federal Govt.

JFK and Vietnam
  • Ho Chi Minh and the National Liberation Front
    (NLF Viet Cong)
  • Ngo Dinh Diem falters
  • Buddhist Barbeques
  • Kennedy endorses Coup by South Vietnamese
  • Murder of Ngo prompts policy review
  • Kennedy assassinated November 22, 1963

Vietnam Containment and Tragedy
  • North Vietnamese encroachment on South Vietnam
  • Johnson decides not to lose any more territory to
  • Gulf of Tonkin August 1964
  • Operation Rolling Thunder February 1965
  • 100000 Ground Troops July 1965
  • 184000 ground troops in late 65 becomes 500000
    by 1968
  • The draft and student deferments makes the war a
    class war

Vietnam (Map)
1968 The Watershed Year
  • Johnson under assault
  • The Tet Offensive 1/31
  • The Credibility Gap
  • Eugene McCarthy and RFK
  • Johnson announces bombing halt 3/31
  • Calls for peace talks
  • Announces will not run
  • MLK Assassination 4/4
  • RFK Assassination 6/6
  • 1968 Democratic Convention
  • The Election of 1968
  • HHH v. Richard Nixon

The Nixon Administration
  • Nixons War
  • Vietnamization
  • Stepped up bombing campaign against N. Vietnam
    and supply lines
  • By 1971 U.S. had dropped more bombs on N. Vietnam
    than on Germany and Japan combined during WWII
  • Bombing does little to end conflict
  • April 1970 Nixon expands war by sending troops
    into Cambodia
  • Khmer Rouge
  • Anti-War movement
  • The Pentagon Papers

Peace With Honor?
  • Kissinger Le Duc Tho
  • Vietnam Remove Nguyen Van Thieu from office and
    leave N. Vietnamese troops in S. Vietnam
  • U.S. Leave Thieu in office
  • N. Vietnamese agree but Thieu disagrees
  • Talks collapse
  • Eleven Day Christmas Bombing December 1972
  • Paris Peace Accords January 27, 1973
  • U.S. removes remaining troops
  • S. Vietnam Collapses

The Aftermath
  • Casualties
  • 57,000 Americans
  • 5,200 allied soldiers
  • 184,000 South Vietnamese
  • 925,000 North Vietnamese?
  • The war shook American confidence and
  • Shattered the consensus view about Americas
    international crusade against communism
  • Liberals testimonial to the limits of power
  • Conservatives weak politicians caving in to the
    liberal media and student rabble
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