Title: Europe and the New World:
1Chapter 14
Europe and the New World New Encounters, 1500 -
2p. 413
3On the Brink of a New World
- Motives and Means
- Catholic Europe had been largely confined to the
continent (exception of the Crusades, which
failed) - The Travels of John Mandeville (14th
century)-Fantastic lands of legend and myth - Access to the East
- The Polos-Popularized China in Europe through
descriptions of Kublai Khan and Mongol courts - Economic Motives-Primary motive for European
exploration - Religious Zeal-Particularly strong motivation for
Portugal and Spain - Centralized Monarchies
- Ptolemys Geography (1477)
- Development of seaworthy ships and new
navigational techniques - Old techniques, such as using the Pole Star to
determine position was useless below the equator
4p. 416
5Portuguese Exploration
- Portuguese fleets had begun sailing south along
the western coast of Africa in early 15th century
- In search of commerce and trade
- Precious metals and goods such as gold and ivory
from parts of Morocco and the Gold Coast - 1440s-Portuguese begin profiting from the selling
of African slaves through their maritime
6New Horizons The Portuguese and Spanish Empires
- Prince Henry the Navigator (1394 1460)
- Established first school for mariners in Portugal
- The Development of a Portuguese Maritime Empire
- Bartholomeu Dias
- Vasco da Gama
- Reaches India by rounding Cape of Good Hope
- Direct voyage from Europe to India
- Viceroys
- Alfonso dAlbuquerque (1462 1515)
- Commercial Military bases
- Reasons for Portuguese Success
- Able to defeat Muslim opposition and control
trade with India (Accomplished this with arms and
7Destruction of Muslims at Malacca
- Encompassing and controlling Malacca and the
Malay peninsula meant - Destroying Arab spice trade
- Providing a way station on route to the Spice
Islands and China
8Map 14-1, p. 417
9p. 418
10p. 418
11Voyages of the New World
- Christopher Columbus (1451 1506)
- Reached the Bahamas (Oct. 12, 1492)
- Additional voyages (1493, 1498, and 1502)
- Additional Discoveries
- John Cabot-Venetian that sailed for England
- Pedro Cabral-Discovered South America in 1500
- Amerigo Vespucci- AmericaNew Lands
- Nunez de Balboa
- Ferdinand Magellan
- Ferdinand Magellan (1480 1521)
- First known circumnavigation of the earth
- Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)-divided the New
World between Spain and Portugal
12p. 420
13The Spanish Empire in the New World
- Early Civilizations in Mesoamerica
- The Maya (civilization of sophistication)
- The Aztec were the prominent rulers of much of
Mexico at the time of Euro exploration - The Spanish Conquest of the Aztec Empire
- Hernan Cortés (1485 1547)
- Best exemplifies Spanish exploration and
expansion of the New World - Moctezuma (Montezuma)
- Aztec Empire overthrownby Cortez
- Capital city (Tenochtitlan) located in Central
14p. 421
15p. 422
16The Spanish Empire (Cont)
- The Inca (Ruler) and the Spanish
- Pachakuti-Inca leader (Led campaign bringing
entire region under control) - Inca buildings and roads
- Francisco Pizarro (c. 1475 1541)
- Conquered and plundered Inca empire in 1531
- Smallpox- European disease contributing to high
mortality rates among natives of the New World - Incas overthrown (1535)- Pizzaro establishes new
Spanish Empire at the capital city of Lima - No immunity for epidemic
- Death of the emperor
- Civil war between two sons of the Inca Emperor
- Incan soldiers outmatched
- Armed with stones, arrows, and light spears
17The Spanish Empire (Cont)
- Administration of the Spanish Empire
- Queen Isabella proclaimed the natives to be
subjects of Castile - Encomienda- Social and Economic System under
Castile - Conquistadors collected tribute from the natives
and used their labor - Spaniards abused Indians, ignoring their
government - Put to work on plantations and in gold and silver
mines - Bartolome de Las Casas was a major public critic
of Spanish treatment of the Indians - Viceroys
- Ruled over New Spain and Peru
- The Church
- Catholic Monarchs of Spain given extensive rights
of Holy affairs in the New World
18p. 422
19Chronology, p. 424
20p. 424
21New Rivals
- Dutch, French, and English
- Dutch East India Company 1602
- Established a settlement at the Cape of Good Hope
- Trade in slaves increases with European
exploration and settlement - Most Africans taken from coastal areas and
shipped to plantations in the NW (Middle East and
Europe previously) - Discovery of the Americas changed the slave trade
22Africa The Slave Trade
- Sugar Cane and slavery
- European diseases set an early expiration date
for many Indians - Plantations needed more labor than natives could
supply - Growth in the Slave Trade
- Up to 10,000,000 African slaves taken to the
Americas between the Sixteenth and Nineteenth
Centuries - New Atlantic Economy represented by Triangular
Trade - European Merchants from England, France, Spain,
Portugal, and the Dutch Republic - Facilitated trade between European, African, and
American continents
23The Slave Trade (cont)
- Each cargo contained around 300-450
- Rate of death could exceed 10 on longer journeys
due to adverse conditions - Suffering endured for Africans who survived the
middle passage as they had little or no immunity
to NW sicknesses
24Effects of the Slave Trade
- The Slave Trade increased war and violence in
Africa among natives - Prisoners of War
- Crippled African economies
- Depopulation of African communities
- Demoralization
25Conflicting Views of Slavery
- Western society tended to accept slavery
- Blacks viewed as inferior beings meant for dull
labor - Beginning in the 1770s the Society of Friends
(Quakers) publicly abhorred slavery
26Map 14-2, p. 427
27The West in Southeast Asia
- Portugal
- Too weak at home to dominate empire abroad
- Spain
- Established Pacific base in the Philippines
- The Dutch and the English
- Dutch seize the spice trade, in SE Asia, from
Portugal in the early 17th century - Dutch bring most of Indonesia under its control
by the end of the 18th century
28The West in Southeast Asia (cont)
- Mainland SE Asia was not impacted as much by
European arrival - More success in resisting European intrusion
because they had strong monarchies and were more
politically cohesive - Cooperation helped states drive Europeans out
- Local Kingdoms (Burma/Myanmar), Siam (Thailand),
Angkor (Cambodia), and Vietnam)
29(No Transcript)
30p. 429
31p. 430
32p. 430
33The French and the British in India
- The Mughal Empire
- Mongol in origin
- Babur-Founder of dynasty
- Akbar (1556-1605) Grandson of Babur
- Brought more systematic and centralized rule to
India - Under Akbar and the Mughal Empire, India enjoyed
economic progress and relative peace
34The French and the British in India
- The Impact of the Western Powers
- Portugal-Original European power in India
- England-Steady increase in British presence
- French-Major western rival to the British in
India - Sir Robert Clive
- Thwarted the French threat in India
- The East India Company
- Company in which stakes can be bought and owned
by shareholders - Local British population in Indias Fort William
imprisoned in the black hole of Calcutta
35p. 432
- China
- In 16th century Portugal became the first
European state to make direct contact with China
since the travels of M. Polo - Ming Dynasty (1369 1644)
- Qing Dynasty
- Originated from Manchuria and replaced the Ming
in the 17th century - Overthrow of the Ming created opportunity for
Manchus who conquered Beijing and Li Zicheng - Limited Contact with Europeans
- Lord Macartney compared the Chinese empire to an
old, crazy, first-rate man of war destined to be
dashed to pieces on the shore - Due to incompetent leadership
- Japan
- Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543 1616)
- Shogun, meaning general, achieved the unification
of Japan - Most powerful and longest lasting of all
Shogunates - Opening to the West
- The Portuguese
- Initially visitors welcomed
- Catholic Missionaries
- Interfered in local politics
- Tokugawa Ieyasu expelled all missionaries in
Japan and persecuted Christians
38p. 433
39The Americas
- The Spanish and Portuguese were challenged by
European rivals - British and French found success in the W. Indies
- North America
- The Dutch settle the Hudson River Valley
- The English
- Jamestown (1607)-First permanent English
settlement in N. America - The French
- Canada- Jacques Cartier discovers St. Lawrence
River in 1534 and claims Canada as a French
40p. 435
41Chronology, p. 436
42The Impact of European Expansion The Conquered
- Devastating effects to local populations in
America and Africa - Less impact in Asia
- China and Japan were two nations barely impacted
by European power and influence - Multiracial society first appeared in Latin
America - Catholic Missionaries
- Conversion of native populations
- Hospitals, orphanages and schools
- The Jesuits
- Allowed new converts to practice ancestor worship
- Catholicism failed to disperse in China because
of the opposition by the Pope to ancestor worship
43The Impact of European Expansion The Conquerors
- Europeans lusted for gold and silver
- Opening of Potosi mines in Peru (1545) the value
of precious metals imported into Europe
quadrupled - Exchange of plants and animals
- Columbian Exchange
- European brought cattle, horses, and wheat to NW
- Took potatoes, chocolate, corn, tobacco back to
Europe - European rivalries
- New views of the world
- Gerardus Mercators (1512 1594) work is the
most famous map projection in history - A Mercator projection shows the true shape of
landmasses in a limited area
44Map 14-3, p. 440
45p. 441
46Toward a World Economy
- Economic Conditions in the Sixteenth Century
- Inflation
- Major economic problem in Europe created price
instability - Wages failed to keep up with price increases
- Decline in the standard of living for working
class - The Growth of Commercial Capitalism
- Joint stock trading companies
- Commercial organization benefitted commercial
expansion - Individuals bought shares in companies and
received dividends on their investments - Raise of spectacular sums of capital for world
47Toward a World Economy
- The financial center of Europe in the 17th
century was Amsterdam - New industries tied to banking firms
- Jacob Fugger was given a monopoly over silver,
copper, and mercury mines in the Habsburg
possessions of central Europe - These possessions produced profits of 50,
- Total volume of trade unchangeable
- Economic activity war through peaceful means
- Importance of bullion (gold and silver) and
favorable balance of trade - Exported goods more valuable than imported goods
- State intervention
- Governments should stimulate and protect export
industries and trade
49p. 443
50Overseas Trade and Colonies Movement Toward
- Transoceanic trade very valuable
- Goods consumed by affluent, merchants, and
artisans - Intra European trade
- By the end of the 17th century local, regional,
and intra-European trade was greater than
international trade - Trade patterns interlocked Europe, Africa, the
East and the Americas
51Timeline, p. 445