Title: Textbook Coordinator One Person Show
1Textbook CoordinatorOne Person Show
Ann McGuffey amcguffey_at_duncanvilleisd.org Dana
Wiest dana.wiest_at_ectorcountyisd.org
2What are your distinct parameters?
- Size? Number of schools?
Department? - Large district operates on a larger scale
- Small districts have less time to commit
- to the job of textbooks
- Pop 26,000 37 schools Finance Dept
- Pop 13,000 18 schools Curriculum Dept
- Functions within a small district are similar to
functions within a campus in a large district!
3What is your job description?
- Responsible for TEA books or all textbooks in the
district? - District purchased campus purchased grants
stimulus - Responsible for ancillary material?
- Teacher editions? Teacher material?
- Responsible for inventory distribution
storage? - Responsible for ordering EMAT EVI
- replacement of lost?
- Responsible for adoption/selection?
- Responsible for implementation?
- Get to know local and state policies related to
textbook management. Check with your district
for location of school board policies and make
sure you understand policies pertaining to
4Some Typical Job Responsibilities
- Communication
- Adoption
- Implementation
- Respond to TEA requests
- Textbook covers
- Hire and train support staff
- Out of adoption books
- Surplus books
- Inventory
- Audit
- Order books
- Receive books
- Distribute books
- Keep track of books
- Collect textbook money
- Collect ordering data
- Training
5Knowledge - Skills - Abilities
- Accounting and budgeting knowledge
- Experienced working with students, parents, and
staff - Computer and typing competency
- Experienced in using district student data system
- Experienced using textbook management software or
system - Organization skills to manage inventory records
accurately - Staff management skills
- Experienced in the Texas state instructional
materials systems - Public speaking skills
- Skills in written and verbal communication
- Ability to lift and move up to 45 pounds by hand
- Familiar with warehouse equipment and procedures
- Must have ability to track multiple ongoing
projects and be detail oriented
6Check out organize your space
- Where is my stuff?
- Sharing spaces
- Textbook warehouse vs. Textbook closet
- Using classrooms to store material
7Textbooks is my only job versus textbook is one
of many jobs
- Set priorities
- Multi-task
- Delegate - Ask for help
- Make sure someone up the chain of command knows
the importance of your job.
8Set Your Priorities
- Pull together a calendar
- Set up a time line
- Internal vs. external deadlines
- What are your district expectations?
- What are TEA Expectation?
- State and district expectations may be different
state deadlines trump the district! - Annual order EVI order
- Reporting surplus Filling surplus requests
- Supplemental orders Audits
- Worn out books EVI returns
- Adoption/selection Implementation
9No distractions
- When accuracy in a task is important set up a
place to work in isolation to improve accuracy. - Calculations and number crunching
- Population
- Eligibility
10Delegate or Ask for Help
- Who can help you?
- Secretary
- Warehouse
- Inventory
- Other District Textbook Coordinators
- Peers
- When are they available?
- What can they do?
- What happens when you are out sick or go on
Trained back up is your districts safety net!
11Importance of communicating your world view to
others in your district
- District administrators
- Instructors
- Parents and students
- Warehouse staff
- Purchasing/Finance
- Curriculum
- Instruction
12Importance of contacts
- Training and face to face interaction with other
district textbook coordinators is important - TCAT- http//www.tcat.org/
- Regional organizations
- Region 4 - http//regionivtextbooks.org/
- Region 6 - http//regionvitextbooks.org/
- Region 7 - http//regionviitextbooks.org/
- Region 10 11 http//nttca.org/
13The Language of Textbooks
- Inventory vs. Audit
- Damaged vs. Worn vs. Defective
- Free vs. Free with order
- of teachers or students vs. quota
- Conforming vs. Non-conforming
- Enrichment vs. Foundation
- Bid package vs. Ancillaries
- Closed vs. Open
- MLC to PIEMS number
14Alphabet Soup
- ISBN 10 ISBN 13
- TEX-009 TEX-012 TEX-013