Title: Welcome to Physical Fitness, Health and Wellness Map attack
1Welcome to Physical Fitness, Health and
WellnessMap attack
Created by Joe Steiner
The effects of alcohol
2Teachers Guide
This presentation is set up to help study for
Map testing and provide questions and answers in
the areas of health and wellness. The content
coincides with the areas that will be covered for
map testing on the 5th grade level. The
following page will help you organize and present
the information to your class.
3Teacher preparation
- Go over sections that coincide with what you
are teaching and incorporate presentation - Look through the presentation to become
familiar with the content - Use buttons to advance screens and to go back
to previous screens - Have students keep a notebook
- Encourage student participation and enjoy the
lessons, having fun is a must
Write down in your notebook what types of drinks
contain alcohol
Alcohol can be found in various types of drinks
but the most common types include BEER WINE WHISK
6How does alcohol affect your body?
7Alcohol affects the part of the brain that
controls speech, judgment, attention, and
8What are some reasons young people try
alcohol? (click mouse for answers)
To be like their friends
To comply with peer pressure
To find out what alcohol is like
To look grown up
Write in your notebook why the effects of alcohol
can be dangerous.