Title: SIRSI Items
1SIRSI Items
2Create Custom Toolbar
- Note it is possible you have already set the
properties. It doesnt hurt to do it again -)
Better to be safe than sorry! - Rt. Click empty space on circ toolbar
- Select Add Button
- Select Calladd
- Click Select Function Key OK on None
- Rt. Click on Add volumes and call numbers
button (Calladd), select properties - At window scroll down to fields
3Create Custom Toolbar (continued)
- At library field, select your school
- At field class scheme, select Dewey
- At field type, select book
- At field home location, select on-shelf
- At field item cat1, select non-fiction
- At field item cat2, select your school level
- Select Preferences
- Select Desktop, Toolbar, Save as
- Give new toolbar a name (excircnew)
4Create Custom Toolbar (continued)
- Follow the same steps to add the Call Edit
button. The properties need to be set the same as
they were for Calladd. You will need to save
it in the same way also. - The toolbar can remain named as Circnew.
5Special Circulation ButtonMark Item Used
- You can scan books students used in the library
but didnt check out. - Good for usage statistics
- Select Special Circulation button
- Double Books button
- Select Mark Item Used
- Book with Hand button
- Scan Item ID
- Click OK
6Special Circulation ButtonInventory
- Do this with all new books or newly processed
books with district barcodes when you first get
them. - Select Special Circulation button
- Select Inventory
- Book with pencil button
- Scan Item ID
- Click OK
7Marking an Item Missing
- If a book is lost or misplaced, but there is some
possibility of it being returned, discharge the
item, mark it missing, and bill the user if it
hasnt been paid for. (Billing information is in
SIRSI Users notes.) - Select Item Maintenance button
- open book button
- Select Missing (?)
- Type Item ID or search for item and use Current
Item button - Click OK
- Note DO NOT put student information on an item
8Marking an Item Lost
- If the book is damaged or destroyed, you know it
will never be back in circulation, but you need
to bill the student, mark the item Lost. - Select Item Maintenance button
- Select Lost (Open book in gray)
- Type Item ID or search for item and use Current
Item button - Click OK
9When to Remove An Item
- If a book will never be back in circulation and
has been paid for, remove the item from SIRSI. - Select Item Maintenance button
- open book button
- Select Remove Title, Call Number or Copies
button - open book with red X
- Type Item ID or search for item and use Current
Item button - Click OK
10Discard, Remove, and Weed Items
- You must do this before you box up items for
discard - Select Item Maintenance button
- open book button
- Select Remove Title, Call Numbers, or Copies
button (book with red X) - Type Item ID or search for item and use Current
Item button - Click OK
11Change a Barcode
- Do this if a barcode wont scan
- Select Item Maintenance button
- Select Barcode button
- Scan Item ID or type it in
- Click OK
- Scan new barcode (Item barcodes are 15 digits
and always start with 3151100) - Click OK
12Quick Title Count
- To find how many titles in your library (not
volumes) - Select Display Item
- open book with magnifying glass
- Click Search radio button
- Select General in pulldown box
- Type 0 in the box next to General
- Select Your library in library box
- Click OK
13Searching for Items
- Do this when item not found in catalog, or
when adding volumes and call numbers - Left click Display Item button (book with
magnifying glass). Click the radio button and
select the way you want to search - Type in the title or author or scan ID
- Or, select General to search specific ISBN (no
hyphens) -- this is a very handy search,
especially when adding volumes or calls! - Library leave on all
- Click OK
14Item Not in SIRSIWhat do you do?
Look up Item Display Item button
Exact ISBN not found anywhere
Exact ISBN in another library
Exact ISBN in your library
Send to Connie for processing
Add Copy
Add Call
15Add a Call
- Select CallAdd button
- Search General by ISBN (the most accurate way)
- Or, search by title
- Check to see if title, author, pub., ISBN, year
pages match. If it matches exactly, select that
item, then click View button at bottom of window - Carefully examine the description, and then
examine the vols/copies. Verify it is the exact
same book.
16Add a Call continued
- If identical, then click Add Call Number button
at bottom of window then, OK - Verify the properties you set are correct (Refer
to Add A Call or Copy Chart) - Enter Price, if desired
- Scan in barcode box scan barcode (hint always
scan barcodes last. The window will automatically
close) - Click Done Then Inventory item
17Add a Copy
- Select CallAdd button
- Search General by ISBN (the most accurate way)
- Or, search by title
- Click View then Click Description
- Click Vols/Copies scroll down to see if your
library has the book
18Add a Copy continued
- Carefully examine the description, and then
examine the vols/copies. Verify it is the exact
same book. - Verify if title, author, pub., ISBN, year pages
match - Click Add Copy button after selecting title from
your library - Enter price of book (if desired)
- Click in barcode box scan barcode
- Click OK Then Inventory item
19Add A Call or Copy - Note
- If you have multiple copies to add, it is easiest
to separate them into Easy, Fiction, Non-Fiction,
and Biography and set your properties as you
enter each group. - To change the properties, right click on the
CallAdd button, choose properties, and set
according to the chart. - When adding your own calls/copies, be sure to
stamp the book with your school name inside the
front cover and on the title page.
20Add A Call or Copy - Note
- Do Not Add a call or copy to a record that looks
like this -       Displaying 1 of 1 volumes                 Â
                           -  XX(283417.1) (This is NOT a  valid call ) Â
copy1Â Â Â Â Â - ID283417-1001Â Â Â Â BOOK (PROCESSING)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
            -  Â
- When you add a copy or call to this record and
do not change the XX (283417.1) call number, - that is the number that comes up on Workflows
and Webcat.  It is not a true call number. - Â
- Please wait a couple of weeks before you try to
add to this record again and hopefully these
records will have been edited. - Â
- When we run across these types of call numbers,
XX(283417.1, we delete them from the system.
21Items Not Found in SIRSI
- If you cannot find the exact match, you will need
to complete a processing request (found in
Downloadable Files on the LMS webpage) and send
the books to LMS for processing. - DO NOT ADD BRIEF RECORDS!
22Add A Call or Copy Chart
23Add a Call or Copy Chart
24Encyclopedias, Reference Materials, or anything
with multiple volume items
- Please call Connie (3-2214) before trying to add
encyclopedias, reference materials, or anything
with multiple volume items
25Viewing Item Information
- Who has this book checked out?
- Use Item Search Display button
- Either search by scanning the Item ID or by title
- If searching by Item ID, the exact item will be
found - If searching by title, a list of all copies will
appear, so locate the item you want from the
search list and select that item
26Viewing Item Information(continued)
- At bottom of window, select button Display
Vol/Copy - Click gtgtgt tab, then select Checkouts tab to
see current user - To see who the previous user of a book, click on
to the item id from the title search list. A
white window pops up, the previous users ID is
in the column on the right
27Viewing Item Information
- Who was the previous user of this book?
- Use Item Search Display button
- Either search by scanning the Item ID or by title
- If searching by Item ID, the exact item will be
found - If searching by title, a list of all copies will
appear, so locate the item you want from the
search list and select that item - Click on the item id from the title search list.
A white window pops up. The previous users ID
is in the column on the right.
28Item Intransit Message
- If you get an Item Intransit message when you
scan the barcode of a book, it means that the
book belongs to another school or has been posted
to the wrong school in the automation system.
Put a sticky note on it indicating it is shown as
Intransit and send through inner-school mail to
Connie Adams SSC/LMS.
29SIRSI Items - Note
- Please notify Connie Adams (3-2214) in Library
Media Services if you find errors in the SIRSI
automation system records.