Title: Sirsi Tips and Tricks
1Sirsi Tips and Tricks
- INFOhio - Sirsi Manual link / passwords
- Continuous checkout
- Circulation by username lookup
- Circulation by ALT ID (student id entry)
- Override password
- Accrued fine display on user record
- Claims Returned
- Lost Item MARK ITEM LOST wizard
- Item status/vs Item display
- Renew item (in checkout wizard)
- Communication failure
- Holds
- Shelving Key
- INFOhio Vendor Specifications sheet
- 13-digit ISBN number
- Reading Program
- Catalog Item specifics
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4INFOhio Handbook Sirsi K-12 Library Automation
Software GL3.0
- Link set bookmark on your PC
ManualU2003/SirsiHandbookU2003.html - passwords are (both case-sensitive lower case)
- username das
- password infohio
- Software download / instructions
- Frequently updated
- updated pages marked
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6Continuous Checkout
- Quick and easy checkout method
- Must use barcodes for user and item
- Must watch screen for alerts (as with any
checkout) - Checkout Wizard scan User barcode
7- - User record displays
- Scan items for this user
8 9- Next patron displays
- Continue scanning this patrons checkouts, etc
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11Circulation by Username Lookup
- Can search by Users name
- User Lookup helper truncation mark (any
12User Browse (LAST name search) Type in just a few
letters (no truncation) List to select from
13More info typed in will narrow results
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15Use Lookup to print homeroom list
- For 6B
- Select Homeroom search
- Enter 6B (or use truncation , if needed)
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17Circulation by Alt ID
- Library patrons can use their student ID number
for checkouts - Must use Lookup User Helper to access the ALT ID
lookup field. - ALT ID lookup will match ALT ID entry in patrons
18Checkout Wizard - Select User Search helper
19Enter ALT ID number (must match entry on patrons
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21Override password
- CHECKOUT wizard, override alert displays
- Library staff does not notice, scans next item
into the override window - Even though cursor is in the first space of the
window, system is seeing a 14-digit barcode
does not recognize as override password - Password window must be completely cleared, then
re-type override password - Same problem if password is mis-typed.
22- CHECKOUT wizard, override alert displays
23- Library staff does not notice, scans next item
into the override window - User block override not defined error appears
24- Even though cursor is in the first space of the
window, system is seeing a 14-digit barcode
does not recognize as override password - Password window must be completely cleared, then
re-type override password - Use delete key
- Or highlight/delete entire window
- Retype password
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27Accrued fine display
- Owes xx.00 displaying, but staff cannot pay bill
??? - Item is overdue, but not yet returned
- Accrued fine is displayed
- Fine cannot be paid until item is returned
28- Check User record
- Patron owes 7.00
- Unpaid bill is 2.00
- Accrued fine on overdue item is 5.00 (checkouts)
29- Pay Bill wizard
- Displays Unpaid bill
- Accrued fine cannot be paid until item is
returned and fine has been assessed
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31Claims Returned Item
- Claims returned item
- Is still a checked out item (to patron)
- Will create a fine from due date to
claims-returned date
32- Item is overdue (accrued fine is .50)
- Patron claims it was returned on certain date
- Fine-to-date returned is accrued (.30)
33- If item is returned, fine is assessed to the
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35Lost item MARK ITEM LOST wizard
- Will mark item Lost-claim
- Item will remain on user record until
- Paid for
- Or returned
- Item will display only as an INACTIVE loan
- Will be reported as overdue
- Will bill user
- Item price (default if not on item record)
- Process fee (if policy)
36- Identify item to be marked lost
- Highlight item that user is claiming to have lost
37- Go to MARK ITEM LOST wizard
- Current copy should be the item highlighted in
DISPLAY USER - Select Current Copy
38- Billing window appears
- Item price is listed (can be changed manually at
this point) - Processing fee is listed (if in library policies)
- If user wants to pay later
- If user wants to make a partial pmt now
- If user wants to pay the full amount now
- To remove item from user record and remove bill
- Use Forgiven pmt type
- CANCEL Lost Item Bill
- If you will not charge user for this item
- Item will still remain on user record
40- Pay now
- Select payment type
- Payment details display
- Can print as receipt
- Use PRINT wizard
- Edit as desired
41- Item will be marked with status Lost-claim
- Item will not remain on user record
42- Pay later
- Billed screen will display
- Print as a bill, using the PRINT wizard
43- Item will
- display only as INACTIVE loan on user record
- Remain in user record until transaction is
44- If forgiving this item/bill
- DISPLAY USER wizard - fine record Pay Bills
- Or use PAY BILL wizard, select user
45- Select payment type FORGIVEN
- User record will display item as lost and forgiven
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47Item Search/Display wizard
48- All volumes tab select specific item
49Glossary display for specific item will show more
information about this item (such as previous
user id)
50- OR
- Search for item number (32617014005709 )
51- Specific item is displayed
- Vol/copy tab -Circ Info tab
52- -Bills tab
- -Checkouts tab
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54Item Status wizard
- Scan item barcode select Check Status
55- Current status displays
- - If checked out, patron name displays
56- Select title bar/specific item/glossary for more
information (such as previous user id)
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58Renew Item in Checkout Wizard
- When using checkout wizard
- can renew item for patron while checking out
- do not need to use Renew Item wizard
- when checking out items for patron, two items to
59Scan item to be renewed
60- Depending on property setting, you may see alert
- Acknowledge alert, continue item has been
61- To eliminate alert, and automatically renew the
item - Property behavior setting adjustment
- Right-click on Checkout wizard
- Select automatically renew items already checked
out - Property behavior change LIB1 access only
62Scan item to be renewed -Item is renewed with no
alert message
63- Display user wizard will display this patrons
checkouts, with items renewed
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65Communication failure
- Some communication connections are slower than
others - Some Workflow commands take more time than others
- May cause a communication failure
- If the end user is impatient
- If not sure if they really clicked "OK" and tried
to "OK" again, while the transaction was in the
middle of processing
66- Most commonly in SmartPort load
- Watch gray bar across bottom of screen
(display/status line) - Wait until clear before proceeding
- OR YOU WILL SEE Communication Failure error and
Workflows will close! Patience!!
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- Title level hold
- Copy level hold
- Hold on AVAILABLE item
69- Hold placed on COPY level
- Library range
- (default setting)
70- Hold placed on TITLE level
- Library range
- First title returned will fill Hold request
71- System setting determines Hold cannot be placed
on AVAILABLE item - Can be overridden by staff user with proper access
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73Shelving Key
- Shelving key is determined by CLASS SCHEME
- Shelving key determines Call Number order
(shelflist order) - INFOhio recommended Class Scheme is ATDEWEYLOC
(Sec 11.3 Sirsi Manual) - All defaults for cataloging should indicate
ATDEWEYLOC as Class Scheme
74- Property setting for Class Scheme
75- Shelving key determined by Class Scheme
- Call number (599.73 ROS)
- Three letters authors last name (ROS)
- Three letters title (CAR)
76 77- Do not manually change shelving key
- Determines alpha shelf list
- Before changing After changing
78- Call number browse
- Before changing After changing
- no longer in alpha order
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80INFOhio Vendor Specifications sheet
- Continue to use for any vendor order
- Updated version revised July, 2005
- http//www.infohio.org/UC/MARCdocsRev.html
- If using Reading Program
- LIBRARY code is included in the 526 tag, subfield
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8213-digit ISBN number
- Some vendors are supplying 13-digit ISBN
- Sirsi does not currently support this
- Will in the future
- Enter info in 024 tag on record
- Future version will support 13-digit ISBN
- Will move info from 024 tag to 020 tag at that
time - Currently, only 020 tag is recognized in ISBN
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84Reading Program
- Reading program information is searchable in
Sirsi - Accelerated Reader or Reading Counts programs
- Reading level
- Points
- Test available
- 526 tag holds this information
85- Enter LIBRARY code in the 526 subfield 5
- Ex 526 0 Accelerated Reader ARbMGc3.9d4.0z21
35KAEL - 526 5 is non-repeatable
- 526 tag IS repeatable
- need a 526 tag for each Library
- with test available
86- Cat/Cat Jr. will display item with test in
Reading Program search
87 88- Full record display shows both Libraries listed
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90Catalog Item
- Call number info
- Prefix
- Call number
- Item info
- Item group (item type)
- Shelf location
- Material type
- Funding source
- Item ID (barcode)
- Copy number
- Price
- Item comments
91- Call number info
- Prefix / Call number
- Determines where patron can find item in library
- Prefix is determined by library, should be
consistent - Dewey numbers
- Class scheme
- Determines shelving key (for shelf order)
- Library
- Determines Library that owns item
- Shelving key
- Determines shelf order
92- Item (copy) information
- Item group (item type)
- Determines circulation policy select from menu
- Shelf location
- Where item is located when not checked out do
not change - Material type
- Determines icon in Cat / Cat Jr. type of item
select from menu - Funding source
- If used, select from menu
- Item ID (barcode)
- Use 14 digit item barcode as required by INFOhio
- Copy number
- Allow system to set the copy number
- Price
- Price of this item
93- Item comments (extended info fields)
- Circnote
- Not yet functional recommended to not use
currently - Public note
- For information to be publicly displayed in Cat /
Cat Jr. - Staff note
- For information for library staff only
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