Title: The Biology of Malnutrition
1The Biology of Malnutrition Part 4
- Effects of Nutritional Insult at Different Points
in the Lifecycle
2Key Indicator of Malnutrition
- Infant Mortality Rate
- Defined as number of children per 1,000 live
births who die before their 1st birthday - US infant mortality rate 8
- Italy 5
- Finland 4
- China 31
- India 70
- Nigeria 76
- Uganda 88
3(No Transcript)
4Maternal Malnutrition
- Studies of famine situations
- Dutch famine of WWII
- Siege of St. Petersburg
- Warsaw ghetto
- Data showed effect of protein energy malnutrition
on pregnancy - PEM early in pregnancy resulted in increased rate
of fetal loss and malformations - PEM late in pregnancy resulted in low birth
weight babies
5Maternal Malnutrition
- Effect of maternal malnutrition on breastfeeding
- Lower volume of milk produced with energy
nutrients in the same concentration - Quality stays the same but quantity diminished
- Nutrients such as calcium and iron are taken from
the maternal stores
6Maternal Malnutrition
- Effect of anemia
- Increased blood volume in pregnancy results in
increased iron needs - Maternal anemia associated with low birth weight
and then low/no stores for the infant - Affect on infant cognition if born with low
stores - Anemia in mother also results in decreased work
capacity - Increased maternal mortality rate
- Severe anemia accounts for up to 20 of maternal
deaths in developing countries
7Maternal Malnutrition
- Affect of maternal iodine deficiency
- Cretinism in infant
- Affect of maternal size
- Stunted women have smaller babies
- Smaller pelvic area also results in higher
incidence of difficult births - Results in infant and maternal mortality
8Effects of Malnutrition on the Infant
- Intra Uterine Growth Retardation (IUGR)
- Major determinants are
- Inadequate maternal nutritional status before
conception - Short maternal stature
- Principally due to undernutrition and infection
during childhood - Poor maternal nutrition during pregnancy
9Effects of Malnutrition on the Infant
- In industrialized countries, cigarette smoking is
the most important determinant of IUGR - Followed by low gestational weight gain and low
pre-pregnancy body mass index
10Effects of IUGR
- IUGR newborns in industrialized countries
- Partially catch up to controls during the first 2
years of life but usually about 5 cm shorter and
5 kg lighter in adulthood - Same was shown in Guatemala, but still shorter,
lighter and weaker than controls as young adults - Neurologic dysfunctions (ADD) and immune function
impairment also occur
11Effects of IUGR
- Barkers fetal origins of disease hypothesis
- Nutritional insults during critical periods of
gestation and early infancy, followed by relative
affluence, increase the risks of chronic diseases
in adulthood - Baby programmed for a life of scarcity and then
confronted with a world of plenty - See increases in CVD, DM and HBP, esp. if insult
is in the 3rd trimester
12Effects of IUGR
- Low birthweight (lt2500 gm) results in
- a higher mortality rate
- Impaired mental function
- Majority of brain growth occurs during fetal
period and first 18 months of life - Increased risk of adult disease
- Intrauterine growth retardation is a pivotal
indicator of progress in breaking the
intergenerational cycle of undernutrition, a
prospective marker of a childs future nutrition
and health status as well as a retrospective
measure of the nutrition and health status of the
mother. 4th Report
14Infant Nutritional Status
- Influenced by
- Inadequate feeding
- Frequent infections
- Inadequate food
- Health
- Care
- Defined as the behaviors and practices of
caregivers to provide the food, health care,
stimulation, and emotional support necessary for
childrens health growth and development -4th
15Infant Nutritional Status
- Babies who breast feed usually have better
nutritional status than those who do not - Infant does not compete with food supply for
family - Breast milk is a clean food supply in a clean
container - Breast milk has immunologic benefits so decreases
disease in this way, too
16Infant Nutritional Status
- Breast feeding is considered the best method of
feeding infants - Exclusive breast feeding usually extends the time
between children - Length of the birth interval strongly related to
infant and child survival - NOT an effective method of birth control however
17Infant Nutritional Status
- Evidence linking breastfeeding to
- Stronger intellectual development of the child
- Reduced risk of cancer, obesity and several
chronic diseases - Women who were breastfed as infants have a
reduced risk of breast cancer
18Infant Feeding Recommendations
- Exclusive breast feeding for 4 to 6 months
- Breastfeeding with complementary feedings
starting at about 6 months of age - Continued breastfeeding in the second year of
life and beyond
19Infant Feeding Recommendations
- Field studies show no advantage in growth or
development when complementary foods introduced
between 4 and 6 months - UNICEF and many ministries of health in general
recommend exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months - WHO recommends exclusive breast feeding for 4-6
months, so some confusion on this issue
20Infant Feeding Recommendations
- Interventions to improve intake of complementary
foods can result in improved infant and child
growth among populations at risk of
undernutrition - Effects of improved nutritional intake on growth
are greatest in the first year of life with
significant effects into the second and third
year - Adequate nutrition mitigates the negative effect
of diarrhea seen in these years on linear growth
21Infant Feeding Recommendations
- Complementary foods are required in the second 6
months of life to provide adequate nutrition and
stimulate development - Delayed introduction of food is a serious problem
in countries such as Bangladesh, India and
22Infant Feeding Recommendations
- Complementary foods must be adequately dense in
energy and micronutrients to meet the
requirements of infants and young children. - Must be prepared, stored and fed in hygienic
conditions to prevent diarrhea - Foods also must be easy to prepare and culturally
23Breastfeeding and HIV/AIDS
- Breastfeeding is a significant and preventable
mode of HIV transmission - Observational data have shown that 3 month old
infants of HIV-positive women who were
exclusively breastfed have the same risk of
contracting HIV as infants who were never
breastfed - Partially breastfed infants had a significantly
higher risk
24Breastfeeding and HIV/AIDS
- New guidelines call for urgent action to educate,
counsel, and support HIV-positive women in making
decisions about how to feed their infants safely. - In order for a mother to make a decision, she
must have access to - Voluntary and confidential testing and counseling
- Information about feeding options and risk
associated with them
25Breastfeeding and HIV/AIDS
- Previous recommendations stated that infants of
HIV-positive mothers in developing countries
should be breastfed because mortality was still
lower in the breastfed infants. - Shorter duration of breastfeeding is one option
suggested in the new UNAIDS/WHO/UNICEF guidelines - Awaiting confirmation of protective effect of
exclusive breastfeeding
26Role of National and International Initiative in
Support of Optimal Infant Feeding
- 3 particularly important national and
international initiatives to promote
breastfeeding - The International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk
Substitutes The Code - The Innocenti Declaration
- The WHO/UNICEF Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative
27The Code
- Adopted by the World Health Assembly in 1981
- Provides guidelines for the marketing of breast
milk substitutes, bottles and teats - Aims to restrict practices that make infant
feeding decisions responsive to market pressures - Especially restricts direct promotion to the
28The Code
- Resolutions also urge
- No donations of free or subsidized supplies of
breastmilk substitutes to any part of the health
care system - Even with a mixed record of compliance, it has
had a major impact on the way formula is
advertised and marketed
29The Code
- Has been particularly effective in the virtual
elimination of the direct marketing to women who
receive services through the public sector and in
the restriction of marketing to health providers.
30The Innocenti Declaration
- Focuses on the need to protect, promote, and
support breastfeeding - Was signed by more than 30 countries in 1989
- One operational target of this is the universal
implementation of the Ten Steps to Successful
Breastfeeding - Forms the basis for the WHO/UNICEF Baby Friendly
Hospital Initiative
31The WHO/UNICEF Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative
- Endorsed by the 45th World Health Assembly in
1992 - Has influenced the routines and norms of
hospitals around the world through the Baby
Friendly certification process
32The WHO/UNICEF Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative
- A hospital is designated as Baby Friendly when it
has agreed not to accept free or low-cost
breastmilk substitutes, feeding bottle and teats
and to implement the Ten Steps - 14,500 hospitals in over 142 countries have been
33The Maternal Milk
- Protects the baby from
- Diarrhea
- The flu
- Infection
- allergies
34Mobile Restaurant
- Tax free
- All free
- Perfectly balanced
- No infections
- Natural nourishment
- Attractive
- Open 24 hours
- Service with love
35Maternal Lactation come in , the most
nutritious, exquisite, free food
36- MMM, its time to eat
- But what are they going to give me?
- Ahh! My mother chose the best
- Mothers milk
- Brain cells increase in number (hyperplasia)
until about age 18 months - Malnutrition results in fewer cells and decreased
mental capacity - Prenatal malnutrition combined with postnatal
malnutrition leads to a larger deficit
- Chronic malnutrition also has an indirect effect
on mental development because it makes children
less active and therefore their brains are less
stimulated - Less exploratory behavior
- Iodine deficiency has been shown to lower IQ by
13.5 points - If average is 100, -13.5 86.5, a level that is
only higher than about 20 of the population
- Measures of malnutrition
- Stunting
- Wasting
- Underweight
- Underweight
- Low weight-for-age at lt 2SD of the median value
of the NCHS/WHO reference - Weight for age is influenced by the height and
weight of a child - Therefore is a composite of stunting and wasting
- Makes interpretation of this indicator difficult
since both weight for age and height for age
reflect the long-term nutrition and heath
experience of the individual or population
- Wasting
- lt 2SD of median weight for height
- Severe lt 3SD
- Usually due to acute food shortage and/or severe
disease - Chronic dietary deficit or disease can also lead
to wasting - This indicator is used extensively in emergency
- Chronic low intake leads to STUNTING
- Growth charts key indicators
- Linear growth
- lt2 SD from median value of international growth
reference for height stunting - lt3 SD severe stunting
- Poor diet and disease leads to shortness
- Know that nutrition, not heredity, is the cause
because of studies of better fed children in the
same culture and growth velocity when breastfed
- Incidence of stunting is estimated at 32.5 of
children under age 5 in developing countries - Potential for catch-up growth is limited amongst
stunted children after the age of 2 - Especially kids in poor environments
- Some catch-up possible between 2 and 8 /12 if NOT
born with LBW or severely stunted in infancy
- Stunting at age 2 is associated significantly
with later deficits in cognitive ability - Alleviating hunger improves learning
- School feeding, both breakfast and lunch
programs, has been shown t improve school
performance in both developing and industrialized
- Alleviating hunger helps children perform better
- Hungry children have more difficulty
concentrating and performing complex tasks, even
if they are otherwise well nourished - Studies in Jamaica have shown that children who
were wasted, stunted, or previously malnourished
benefited the most from feeding programs
- Poor nutrition also increases nutrition-related
illnesses, causing children to miss more days of
school - Text cites case of 4 Latin American countries
where illness causes children to miss more than
50 days of school a year - This has a definite affect on learning as well
47Child Catch Up
- A higher proportion of boys than girls are
stunted in all countries - Probably due to the increased time boys spend
outside the home - Girls have better physical access to available
- Ways to improve nutrition and health status of
children - Antihelminthics
- Given in conjunction with vitamin A or iron
supplementation shows better outcomes - Delivery of micronutrients
- Treatment of injuries and routine health problems
- Adolescent hormonal changes accelerate growth
- Growth is faster than at any other postnatal time
except the first year
51Adolescent Girls
- Better nourished girls
- Have higher premenarcheal growth velocity
- Reach menarche earlier
- Undernourished girls
- Grow longer before a later menarche
- Growth of better nourished and undernourished
girls during this period balances out - Growth difference due to pre-existing childhood
stunting even when total growth during growth
spurt ends up being the same
52Adolescent Girls
- Undernourished girls grow for a longer period of
time, so may not be finished growing before the
1st pregnancy - Leads to smaller infants due to competition for
nutrients and poorer placental function - Calcium a special concern since bones of
adolescents have not reached maximum density - Higher maternal and infant mortality and pre-term
delivery with adolescent pregnancies
53Adolescent Boys
- Growth occurs for a longer time before growth
spurt - Velocity of growth spurt higher and longer than
for girls - Requires significant calories, protein, iron and
other nutrients to support
- Some catch-up growth may be possible in
adolescence but there is little evidence to
support it - Stunted children are more likely than
non-stunted children to become stunted adults as
long as they continue to reside in the same
environment that gave rise to the stunting
55Child ? Adolescent ? Adult
- Stunted women also are more likely to have
obstructed labor due to pelvic disproportion (too
small) - Stunted children lead to stunted adults, leading
to LBW infants - Smallness tends to be transmitted from one
generation to the other
- The economic livelihood of populations depends
to a large extent on the health and nutrition of
adults. 4th Report - Adult malnutrition
- Underweight
- Decrease in food intake, often along with disease
- Overweight
- Fewer calories out than in
- Micronutrient
- Appears to be a continuous gradient in work
capacity and productivity that is linked to body
weight - Adults with low body weight allocate fewer days
to heavy labor - Are more likely to fail to appear for work
because of illness or exhaustion
- Study of women Chinese cotton-mill workers
- Work increased 14 for each one-gram increase in
their hemoglobin - Increase was obtained by giving supplements
- Malnutrition
- work capacity
- Income
- money for food
- malnutrition of the women and children
59(No Transcript)
- Mortality rates go up when BMI lt 18.5
- Nigerian study showed increased mortality rates
for each level of underweight - Mild ? 40
- Moderate ? 140
- Severe ? 150
- High BMIs are also associated with increased
mortality rates - Growing data that shows burden of obesity is
becoming greater among the poor than others
- 1950 200 million people over the age of 60 years
- 2025 projected to be 1.2 billion gt 60 years
- 70 will live in developing countries
624th Report Statement
- The majority of poor older people in developing
countries enter old age after a lifetime of
poverty and deprivation, poor access to health
care, and a diet that is usually inadequate in
quantity and quality. For most of these older
people, retirement is not an option. Poverty,
lack of pensions, death of younger people from
AIDS, and rural to urban migration of younger
people are among the factors that compel older
people to continue working. Adequate nutrition,
healthy ageing, and the ability to function
independently are thus essential components of a
good quality of life.
- Nutritional status is related to functional
ability - Undernutrition (even after controlling for age,
sex, and disease) is associated with higher risk
of impairments in - psychomotor speed and coordination
- mobility
- the ability to carry out activities of daily
living independently
- Sarcopenia (the gradual loss of muscle mass with
age) linked to - Age-related losses of strength
- Increased risks of morbidity
- Functional impairment
- Dependence
- Mortality
- Data shows that energy and protein intake can
directly affect this condition
- Malnutrition leads to decreased functional
capacity and need for more help - Can contribute less to the family (i.e.
childcare) - Depression/malnutrition connection
- See downward spiral in elderly with depression
and malnutrition - Leads to frailness and lack of ability to care
for self
- Very little experience with nutrition
interventions for older adults at the global
level - Dont really know if nutritional status can be
improved or if it would lead to better functional
ability - Research need on adequate nutrition for this age
group - US experience shows some possibilities
- Focus should be on preventing fetal and early
childhood malnutrition, but the life cycle
dynamics of cause and consequence demand a
holistic inclusive approach - Intervening at each point in the life cycle will
accelerate and consolidate positive change