Title: Bild 1
1Stokab Welcomes Stockholm Challenge
2ICT Infrastructure for all !
Stefan Fischer Head of Marketing Business
3Stockholm the Capital of Scandinavia
- Stockholm County contains 20 percent of the
Swedish population - The County had 1,9 million inhabitants (2006)
- City of Stockholm 800 000 inhabitants
4Stokabs charter
- Owned by the City of Stockholm
- Founded in 1994
- Turnover 50 million Euro
- Stockholm on the global ICT map
- Growth in Stockholm area
5The mission of Stokab
- Give Stockholm an open ICT-infrastructure for all
- Create the network for The City of Stockholm
- Reduce digging in the streets of Stockholm
- Stimulate the market by offering dark fibre below
operator self cost - All areas in Stockholm open for everyone
6Stokabs scope
- 1,000,000 km Fibre (25 equators)
- 4 500 km of fibre optical cable
- 200 fibres per cable in average
- 360 sites
- 6 000 OpticalDistributionFrames
- 90 Operators and SPs
- 450 other customers (banks, media,
- house-owners, Public sector, companies)
- City of Stockholm
- 100,000 students schoolchildren
- 50,000 employees in City admin
7Stokab NetworkIn the City and beyond
8Optical Distribution Points in Downtown Stockholm
TargetTo be present in all Blocks!
9The laying of cable
10Installation of fibre cables
11Opening the value system
Vertical SP
Thin SP
Thin SP
Communication Operator
Stokab Model Player
12Stokabs Products
Stokab Point to Point
13Stokabs Products
Point to Point
14Fibre to the home (FTTH) in cooperation with the
City of Stockholms housing companies
- FTTH rollout to 95.000 households over 2 years
(2007 2009) - Stokab connects each building to its city
network. - The housing companies build and own the internal
(property) network which connects each apartment
with a fibre pair. - The housing companies procures a communication
operator that offers the tenants services from a
number of suppliers at their own choice - In parallel to this expansion of fibre, private
house owners and tenant-owners are offered fibre
connection of their houses
15Stokab, typical network for broadband access
Communication operator Active equipment
Access network
Property nodeThe interface between Property
owner and Stokab
44 fibres to each node in the area network
Connection to the City Network and to Service
Providers (Stokab Meeting point)
16Moving operators towards the business
Sthlm N
KN Meeting Point
Sthlm V
Sthlm SV
Sthlm SO
- Fibre is the future
- The Stockholm and Stokab model
- Coordinates civil works minimise digging in the
streets and bottle-necks. - Right of way operators and other customers can
lease fibre on equal and cost efficient terms - Fibre to the home with an neutral infrastructure
promotes competition and freedom of choice for
the consumers that stimulate development of
18Stockholm Vision 2030
- Increased population with 20
- New residential areas
- New infrastructure to meet future needs
19Stokab a part of the vision
- The Mayor of Stockholm decided April 3rd to give
Stokab the task to roll out fibre to an
additional 300 000 households in Stockholm - A total of 90 of all households (400 000) in
Stockholm - The mission to be completed in 2012