Title: Preliminary Yearly Assessment of Ambient Air Quality
1Preliminary / Yearly Assessment of Ambient Air
- Requirements, Procedures, Goals
- Ulrich Zimmermann
- Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Protection Agency
- Department Air Quality Monitoring and Information
Saxony-Anhalt TR03-EN-01 Workshop Air
Quality State Environmental Protection
Agency Ankara 8./9.12.2004
2Preliminary / Yearly Assessment of Ambient Air
- Requirements, Procedures, Goals
- Content
- Relevant legislation
- Preliminary assessment
- Yearly assessment
- Results and consequences
- Summary
Saxony-Anhalt Workshop Air Quality State
Environmental Protection Agency Ankara
3Framework Directive 96/62/EG, Art. 1
General aim is to define the basic principles of
a common strategy to
- define and establish objectives for ambient air
quality in the - Community designed to avoid, prevent or reduce
harmful effects - on human health and the environment as a
whole. - Assess the ambient air quality in Member States
on the basis of - common methods and criteria.
- Obtain information on ambient air quality and
ensure that - it is made available to the public
- Maintain ambient air quality where it is good and
improve it in other - cases.
Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
4- Harmonisation of Air Quality Assessment
- and Management in the European Community
- - Frame Work Directive on Ambient Air Quality
1996/62/EG - - Council Decision 97/101/EC, 2001/752/EG
Exchange of Information - - 1. Daughter Directive 1999/30/EG
SO2, NOx, Particulate, Lead - - 2. Daughter Directive 2000/69/EG
Benzene, CO - - 3. Daughter Directive 2002/3/EG
Ozone - draft 4. Daughter Directive
Cd, Ni, As, Hg, PAH - - Preliminary / yearly assessment of air
quality, - - monitoring,
- - reporting,
- - data quality,
5Further Information on Assessment
- Guidance report on preliminary assessment under
- EC air quality directives 1998
- Guidance report on assessment
- http//europa.eu.int/comm/environment/air/ambient.
Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
6Limit values and alert thresholds of the EU-DD
Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
7EU - Air Quality Standards defined
- Alert threshold AT
- Limit Value Margin of Tolerance LVMOT
- Limit Value LV
- Upper Assessment Threshold UAT
- Lower Assessment Threshold LAT
- Ozone - target value
- - long term objective
- - information theshold
8Limit values and thresholds of the EU-DDexample
NO2 in Magdeburg
9Important Steps of Assessment Process
- Specification of responsible institutions
- Designation of zones and agglomerations
- Preliminary assessment
- Yearly assessment
10- National German Legislation and Institutional
- Structure on Air Pollution Protection
- - 1974 Federal Air Pollution Control Act
- - since 1980 Directives of European Community
(EC) - - since 1996 new generation of EC-Directives
- Germany
- - 16 Federal States
- - responsible for air quality monitoring and
assessment - - co-ordination
- State Committee for Air Pollution Protection
(LAI) - - National Reference Laboratory
11(No Transcript)
12- Preliminary Assessment
- - general aim
- provision of an overview of existing information
on - ambient air quality
- basis for planning and implementation of air
quality - management
- using representative measurements of pollutants
for all zones and agglomerations - if not available, than need of
- measurements - - surveys
- - assessments
13- Preliminary Assessment
- - working steps
- - description of the area (zones,
agglomerations) - indication regarding air pollution sources
- - initial assessment / inventory of ambient air
quality !!! - - comparison with air quality standards
- Basis for - development of monitoring strategy
!!! - - starting point for detailed air quality
14- Step Definition / Description of the area
- - Zones and Agglomerations as Basis
- - Demography, Statistics
- -Topography
- - Meteorology, Climate
- - Emission situation
15Step Initial Assessment of Ambient Air Quality
- using all applicable information sources
- Monitoring networks
- Measuring stations
- Temporary / indicative measurements
- Random sampling measurements
- Screening programs
- Estimations
- Modelling
- very different methods possible!
Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
16Step Comparison with air quality standards
Measurements mandatory - In agglomerations
(gtLAT ltLAT if alert threshold) - Maximum level
in zone gtUAT combination of
measurements and modelling possible - Maximum
level between UAT and LAT objective
estimation, modelling - Maximum level lt LAT
Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
17Development of Monitoring Strategy
- basing on results of preliminary
assessment - monitoring effort depends on
pollution level - criteria defined in
Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
18Criteria for elaboration of monitoring concept
For measurements - location of sampling points
/ stations - minimum numbers of stations (each
pollut.) - reference methods and sampling
techniques - continuous measurement required (as
a rule) - strong data quality requirements For
other assessment techniques, partic. modelling -
spatial resolution for modelling / objective
assessment - reference modelling techniques
Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
19Saxony-Anhalt -2 Agglomerations -5 zones (1.
2. DD)
20 Â Â Â
Zones for Ozone (3.DD) in Saxony-Anhalt
21Topography Saxony-Anhalt
100 km
22Zones for the protection of ecosystems and
vegetation in Saxony-Anhalt  Â
Monitoring station
23Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
24Preliminary Assessment 1999 NO2 (1 year
mean) Saxony-Anhalt
Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
25Preliminary Assessment 1999 PM10 (1 day
mean) Saxony-Anhalt
Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
26Preliminary Assessment 1999 Lead (1 year
mean) Saxony-Anhalt
Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
27Lead Monitoring Points according PA
Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
28PM10 Monitoring Points according PA
Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
29Air Quality Monitoring Network Saxony-Anhalt
30Air Quality Monitoring Network Saxony-Anhalt
Urban background station
31Urban background station in Halle
32Air Quality Monitoring Network Saxony-Anhalt
Urban background station
33Air Quality Monitoring Network Saxony-Anhalt
Urban background station
Traffic station
34Traffic Station Magdeburg
35Air Quality Monitoring Network Saxony-Anhalt
Urban background station
Traffic station
36Air Quality Monitoring Network Saxony-Anhalt
Urban background station
Traffic station
Rural background station
37 Rural Background Station Zartau
38Rural Background Station Brocken
39Air Quality Monitoring Network Saxony-Anhalt
Urban background station
Traffic station
Rural background station
40Air Quality Monitoring Network Saxony-Anhalt
Urban background station
Traffic station
Rural background station
Industrial station
41Industrial Monitoring Station Leuna
42Air Quality Monitoring Network Saxony-Anhalt
Urban background station
Traffic station
Rural background station
Industrial station
43Air Quality Monitoring Network Saxony-Anhalt
Urban background station
Traffic station
Rural background station
Industrial station
Mobile traffic station
44Mobile traffic station Magdeburg
45Preliminary assessment Overview Germany
1999 Nitrogen Dioxide 1 year mean Method optimal
Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
46Preliminary assessment Overview Germany
1999 Sulphur Dioxide
Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
47Preliminary assessment Overview Germany
1999 PM10
Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
48Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
49Preliminary Assessment Study Ankara - Within the
framework of the Dutch-Turkish MATRA project -
Covers the agglomeration of Ankara Metropolitan
Area - Pilot project to demonstrate the EU air
quality policy approaches - Excellent example
with regard to the consequences of EU Air Quality
Legislation for Turkey
Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
50- Passive Sampling Program in the Agglomeration
Ankara - Component of MATRA
- Delivered additional information on air quality
- levels
- Filling the data gap in cost-effective manner
- Two measuring periods in winter/summer 2004
- 90 SO2/NO2, 36 Ozone, 9 benzene
Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
51Passive Sampling Program in Ankara 2004
Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
52Summer Time NO2-levels in Ankara (results of
passive sampling)
Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
53Assessment - Yearly classification of the
pollution level in zones, agglomerations and draw
up of a list - Basis data from air quality
monitoring network (and other sources) -
Comparison of pollution levels with standards
(LVMOT, LV, UAT, LAT 5 years) - Comprehensive
reporting for the Commission Questionnaire
for yearly reporting on assessment of air
quality..2001/839/EC Decision of
Commission 2001/839/EG
Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
54Reporting Questionnaire List of Forms
55Reporting Questionnaire List of Forms (cont.)
56Assessment of Air Quality 2003Magdeburg/Damaschke
2010 2010 2005 2005
2005 2010 2005 2005
2005 2010
57- Possible Consequences of Yearly Assessment
- Adaptation of monitoring strategy
- Adjustment of monitoring network
- Elaboration of measure plans
- Elaboration of action plans
- Review of classification of zones / agglom.
Saxony-Anhalt Workshop Air Quality State
Environmental Protection Agency Ankara
58- Summary
- Preliminary Assessment
- provision of an overview of existing information
on - - -- - - - provision of an overview of existing
information on ambient air quality - - basis for planning and implementation of air
quality management - Assessment
- - Yearly clasification of pollution levels on
basis of (high quality) measurements and
comparison with standards - - Comprehensive reporting
Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection
59Saxony-Anhalt State Environmental Protection