Title: Das GROND-Projekt
1 Gamma-Ray Bursts - an
interesting ToO target for NAHUAL -
Sylvio Klose, Thüringer Landessternwarte
2GRBs The basic picture
E 1050 bis 1053 erg
3Timing is everything
for example
4Long and short Gamma-Ray Bursts
M gt 5-10 M_sun d gt 100 000 km
M 3 M_sun d lt 100 km
The international GRB alert network
S band
Data andCommands
Secondary ground stations
GCN (Gamma-Ray Burst Coordinate Network)
Control Center
6GRBs as a pathfinder into the high-z universe
71 GRBs
Sloan Digital Sky Survey 44000 quasars
3.4 Gyr
1.6 Gyr
1 Gyr
7GRBs as very luminous events
d 800 Mpc !
Peter Schnoor, Kiel, Germany
8The luminosities of the afterglows
9Exploring the ISM in cosmologically remote
10GRBs as a pathfinder into the high-z universe
Lyman drop out
z 6.56
z 6.42
z 6.29
GRB 050904
11GRB 050904 at z6.29
Subaru 8m
12Outlook What NAHUAL could provide
- confirm high-redshift bursts (z gt 7)
- search for variable spectral lines
- search for signals from the GRB progenitor
- probe the reionization of the universe
All this with a potentially small amount of
observing time.
timing is everything