Title: Prsentation PowerPoint
1Climate Change Impact on Oceanic Oxygen from
Climate Models
L. Bopp LSCE/IPSL, Paris, France
Motivation Why O2 ? Modelling
Results Mechanisms
Climate Impact on Carbon Fluxes
Results from C4MIP (Friedlingstein et al. 2005,
in press)
- - 11 Climate-Carbon Coupled Models
- (7 GCMs 4 EMICs)
- Same emissions scenario from 1860 to 2100
- 2 simulations each Uncoupled Coupled
Climate Impact on Carbon Fluxes
Ocean carbon sensitivity to climate
A negative impact of climate change on carbon
uptake, But large difference in the amplitude of
the response (5x)
Climate Impact on Carbon Fluxes
How can we test the models ? ? Using Oceanic
Carbon measurements difficult because
climate effect only a second order impact.
First order is the anthopogenic signal ?
Using Oceanic Oxygen measurements impacted
by same processes that Carbon Dyn., Bio. ,
Thermo. but no atmospheric signal in the
ocean / no chemistry the O2 oceanic data-base
is expanding several publications have
reported changes in O2 concentrations over the
last decades and for different basins North
Pacific Emerson, Ono, Wanatabe, Kim South
Pacific Shaffer South Indian Bindoff and
McDougall North Atlantic Garcia Southern
Ocean Matear .
Climate Impact on Oxygen in the Ocean
We need to take into account oxygen fluxes to
constrain the carbon budget
Coupled Biogeochemical / Climate Models have
helped to relate O2 fluxes to heat fluxes
6Modelling Results
Sarmiento et al. 1998 (Nature)
Other Publications Matear et al. 2000, Bopp et
al. 2002, Plattner et al. 2002, .
7Modelling Results
Models show reduced O2 levels with Climate Change
Matear et al. 2000 (2090 Pre Industrial)
8Modelling Results
Models compare reasonably well with observed
9Modelling Results
Models compare reasonably well with observed
Deutsch et al. 2005 90s-80s North Pacific
10Modelling Results
Simulations with the new IPSL coupled model
Observations (WOA 2001)
2 x 2-0.5 LMDZ / OPA PISCES
11Modelling Results
Change in O2 concentrations 90s 60s
Simulations with the new IPSL coupled model
South Atlantic
Change in O2 concentrations 2090s 1960s
2 x 2-0.5 LMDZ / OPA PISCES 1860-2100 SRES-A2
12Mechanisms of Changes
Global Mean
At the surface SST driven At depth
Stratification driven Biological Impact
opposite direction
Bopp et al. 2002
13Mechanisms of Changes
Matear et al. 2000 2090s-1990s
DO2 D(O2 - r.PO4)
No significant contribution from changes in
14Mechanisms of Changes
Changes in SST (C), MLD (m) , Productivity
South Atlantic 2090s 2000s
3 C
-3 C
Changes in O2 concentration (mmol/m3)
2 x 2-0.5 LMDZ / OPA PISCES 1860-2100 SRES-A2
15Decadal Variability
Changes in SST (C), MLD (m) , Productivity
South Atlantic
Changes in O2 concentration (mmol/m3)
? From 2000 to 2099
2 x 2-0.5 LMDZ / OPA PISCES 1860-2100 SRES-A2
16Decadal Variability
Changes in SST (C), MLD (m) , Productivity
South Atlantic 2010s 2000s
3 C
-3 C
Changes in O2 concentration (mmol/m3)
2 x 2-0.5 LMDZ / OPA PISCES 1860-2100 SRES-A2
17Decadal Variability
Changes in SST (C), MLD (m) , Productivity
South Atlantic 2020s 2000s
3 C
-3 C
Changes in O2 concentration (mmol/m3)
2 x 2-0.5 LMDZ / OPA PISCES 1860-2100 SRES-A2
18Decadal Variability
Changes in SST (C), MLD (m) , Productivity
South Atlantic 2030s 2000s
3 C
-3 C
Changes in O2 concentration (mmol/m3)
2 x 2-0.5 LMDZ / OPA PISCES 1860-2100 SRES-A2
19Decadal Variability
Changes in SST (C), MLD (m) , Productivity
South Atlantic 2040s 2000s
3 C
-3 C
Changes in O2 concentration (mmol/m3)
2 x 2-0.5 LMDZ / OPA PISCES 1860-2100 SRES-A2
20Decadal Variability
Changes in SST (C), MLD (m) , Productivity
South Atlantic 2050s 2000s
3 C
-3 C
Changes in O2 concentration (mmol/m3)
2 x 2-0.5 LMDZ / OPA PISCES 1860-2100 SRES-A2
21Decadal Variability
Changes in SST (C), MLD (m) , Productivity
South Atlantic 2060s 2000s
3 C
-3 C
Changes in O2 concentration (mmol/m3)
2 x 2-0.5 LMDZ / OPA PISCES 1860-2100 SRES-A2
22Decadal Variability
Changes in SST (C), MLD (m) , Productivity
South Atlantic 2070s 2000s
3 C
-3 C
Changes in O2 concentration (mmol/m3)
2 x 2-0.5 LMDZ / OPA PISCES 1860-2100 SRES-A2
23Decadal Variability
Changes in SST (C), MLD (m) , Productivity
South Atlantic 2080s 2000s
3 C
-3 C
Changes in O2 concentration (mmol/m3)
2 x 2-0.5 LMDZ / OPA PISCES 1860-2100 SRES-A2
24Decadal Variability
Changes in SST (C), MLD (m) , Productivity
South Atlantic 2090s 2000s
3 C
-3 C
Changes in O2 concentration (mmol/m3)
2 x 2-0.5 LMDZ / OPA PISCES 1860-2100 SRES-A2
25Decadal Variability and GW trend
South Atlantic, 70S, 28W
Mixed Layer Depth in the Weddel Sea, 28E
Oxygen Concentrations 70S, 28E
26Conclusions, Perspectives
Simulated oxygen decreases with global
warming. In places where repeated data exist,
consistency bewteen observed and modeled
trends. Mechanisms Stratification and reduced
ventilation/convection. Decadal variability may
hide global warming impact on O2.