Title: P1258876835beSVs
1BeeCon 2006 Built Environment Education
Conference, 12 13th September 2006
.uk Aled Williams CKE Director CEBE,
University of Salford, UK
2Why have knowledge exchanges?
Government policy initiative arising out of a
recognition that industry and commerce are not
making the most of the knowledge in the
university sector
3Why have one for construction?
- Importance of construction as a sector
- The need for a holistic approach
- Low take up of research and innovation
4The Mission of Construction Knowledge Exchange
- To be recognised as an exemplar of good
- practice in knowledge sharing and to deliver
- and demonstrate high quality impact on
- business performance
5The Funders
1M from HEIF2 over 2 years (04-06)
1M from HEIF3 over 2 years (06-08)
272k over 2 years (04-06)
272k over 2 years (06-08)
6The Structure of CKE
7CKE Activities (Year 1 2)
8Building Bridges! Its what we do
Aligning knowledge exchange with the needs of
universities, industry and society
9Actual Outputs in first two years
Number of staff and students working in
collaborative business development research
Number of business awareness events for HEI staff
Income from enterprise consultancy agreements and
training (0,000)
Enterprise consultancy agreements with SMEs (inc
large companies)
Number of SMEs assisted in their innovation (inc
large companies)
Academic secondments into industry
Industrial secondments into HEIs
Number of industry/HEI forums created to provide
knowledge sharing and link into course design and
- The infrastructure and capability
Case studies of excellence in industry/HEI
Web-based knowledge portal with information
portal incorporating e-learning opportunities
(number of hits 000s)
Academic staff trained in commercialisation and
entrepreneurialism (Number of staff)
International staff exchange schemes for
knowledge transfer professionals
Number of Innovation Circles established, using
blended learning (incorporating action learning)
as the basis for mutual development
- Acquiring new knowledge or technology
Number of meetings of Innovation Circles
10Outputs Forward Planning
THEME OUTPUT Target Attained
Promoting enterprise Number of staff and students working in collaborative business development research projects 24 121
Promoting enterprise Number of business awareness events for HEI staff 24 18
Promoting enterprise Income from enterprise consultancy agreements and training (0,000) 180,000 921,085
Promoting enterprise Number of SMEs assisted in their innovation 540 434
Promoting enterprise Number of large companies assisted in their innovation  173
Promoting enterprise Academic secondments into industry 12 12
Promoting enterprise Industrial secondments into HEIs 24 16
Promoting enterprise Number of industry/HEI forums created to provide knowledge sharing and link into course design and development 12 20
Promoting enterprise Number of inter HEI collaborative events  8
Promoting enterprise Enterprise consultancy agreements with SMEs 12 6
 Enterprise consultancy agreements with large companies  6
The infrastructure and capability Case studies of excellence in industry/HEI engagement 120 120
The infrastructure and capability Web-based knowledge portal with information portal incorporating e-learning opportunities (number of hits 000s) 1500 1500
The infrastructure and capability Academic staff trained in commercialisation and entrepreneurialism (Number of staff) 12 23
The infrastructure and capability International staff exchange schemes for knowledge transfer professionals 4 4
 Departmental visits to HEIs/industry  15
Acquiring new knowledge or technology Number of Innovation Circles established, using blended learning (incorporating action learning) as the basis for mutual development 36 27
Acquiring new knowledge or technology Number of meetings of Innovation Circles  66
11Next steps
- Our activities will be guided by the
- Desire to raise the game and further develop the
impact of our activities.
- Need to build links between third stream
activity and teaching and learning.
- Recognition that we should provide a means for
upskilling the existing workforce.
- Need to determine measurable outputs that
capture the quantitative and qualitative
dimensions or our impact.
12CKE Activities (Year 3 4)
13Proposed Outputs for Year 3 4
Aim Output Year 3 Year 4
Establishing the need - Working with industry, higher education and the professions at local, regional and national level to establish the need for knowledge sharing Regional networks between HEIs and business established to promote knowledge transfer (Nr) 5 5
Establishing the need - Working with industry, higher education and the professions at local, regional and national level to establish the need for knowledge sharing Knowledge transfer awareness events to explain/disseminate the benefits of CKE (Nr) 10 10
Establishing the need - Working with industry, higher education and the professions at local, regional and national level to establish the need for knowledge sharing Active experimentation in the ways of sharing knowledge between HEIs and industry (Nr/reports) 5/5 5/5
Establishing the need - Working with industry, higher education and the professions at local, regional and national level to establish the need for knowledge sharing Industry/HEI forums to provide link into course design and development (Number of live forums/ meetings) 5/15 5/15
Capturing and sharing knowledge - Acquiring new knowledge or technology and generating solutions to real-world problems, providing training, and the transfer of knowledge Collaborative business development projects (Nr/Value) 25/300k 25/300k
Capturing and sharing knowledge - Acquiring new knowledge or technology and generating solutions to real-world problems, providing training, and the transfer of knowledge Organisational assists, small generic assists (Nr) 250 250
Capturing and sharing knowledge - Acquiring new knowledge or technology and generating solutions to real-world problems, providing training, and the transfer of knowledge In depth organisational assists, where there is deep impact and/or long term engagement (Case studies) 25 25
Capturing and sharing knowledge - Acquiring new knowledge or technology and generating solutions to real-world problems, providing training, and the transfer of knowledge Training events for organisations based around the acquisition, application of new knowledge or upskilling (Nr of delegates/Value) 250/25k 250/25k
Capturing and sharing knowledge - Acquiring new knowledge or technology and generating solutions to real-world problems, providing training, and the transfer of knowledge Exemplars of good practice in industry/HEI engagement (Case studies) 10 10
Capturing and sharing knowledge - Acquiring new knowledge or technology and generating solutions to real-world problems, providing training, and the transfer of knowledge Innovation circles established, using blended learning (incorporating action learning) as the basis for mutual development (Number of live circles/meetings) 10/60 10/60
Reaching out and building capacity - Acquiring new knowledge or technology and the generation of solutions to real-world problems, the provision of training, and the transfer of knowledge Innovation circle facilitators trained within business and community organisations to facilitate their own innovation (Number) 10 10
Reaching out and building capacity - Acquiring new knowledge or technology and the generation of solutions to real-world problems, the provision of training, and the transfer of knowledge International staff exchange schemes to aid benchmarking of knowledge transfer activity (Case studies) 2 2
Reaching out and building capacity - Acquiring new knowledge or technology and the generation of solutions to real-world problems, the provision of training, and the transfer of knowledge Web-based knowledge portal incorporating e-learning opportunities (Nr of assists in which portal is used) 20 50
Reaching out and building capacity - Acquiring new knowledge or technology and the generation of solutions to real-world problems, the provision of training, and the transfer of knowledge Development of knowledge transfer capability through sharing experiences with other knowledge transfer professionals (Nr of people engaged) 6 6
14Industry-University Engagement
- At least 3 different viewpoints recognised
- Academic education providers
- Industry professional practitioners
- Academic education providers and Industry
- Conversations within these groups and between them
15Partnerships with Employers In a conversation
neither side loses and both are changed, because
they know what reality looks like from different
perspectives. That is not to say that either
gives up its previous convictions
Sachs, J. (2003) The Dignity of Difference How
to avoid the clash of civilisations. Continuum,
London. p83.
16Building Bridges! Its what we do
Aligning knowledge exchange with the needs of
universities, industry and society