Title: Interaktive Tafelbild
1Focus 1 Focus on Halloween Ghost story
2Focus 1 Focus on Halloween Ghost story
Blatt 1
Listen to the text.
- When I was a boy, I was in a club with some other
kids. On Friday afternoons we met in an old,
empty barn. - One Halloween we changed our barn into a house of
horrors. Oh, we worked hard! We put up walls and
painted scary faces on them. We made spiders,
ghosts, monsters and jack-o-lanterns and put
them up everywhere, and we prepared a tape of
scary noises. - Some of our masks and costumes were really scary.
There were witches and ghosts and other terrible
things. I was a monster with big teeth, but I
felt frightened in that dark old barn. I had a
feeling we were not alone.
3Focus 1 Focus on Halloween Ghost story
Blatt 2
What do they say? Find a title for the picture.
4Focus 1 Focus on Halloween Ghost story
Blatt 3
What do they say? Find a title for the picture.
5Focus 1 Focus on Halloween Ghost story
Blatt 4
What do they say? Find a title for the picture.
6Focus 1 Focus on Halloween Ghost story
Blatt 5
Listen to the text.
- At first it was great because our visitors were
really frightened and liked the show, so they
gave us money and sweets. But when they left,
they all asked us about one special ghost. What
a trick! said one man. That ghost walked
through walls! How did you do it? One girl
cried, I even bumped into the ghost! I could
feel its cold hand on me. And then it was gone.
It walked through the wall! My friends and I
were quiet. We didnt make a ghost like that! - Soon we were all alone again. While we were
eating our sweets, it got cold and quiet in the
barn. Then, suddenly, we heard a sound
7Focus 1 Focus on Halloween Ghost story
Blatt 6
What do they say? Find a title for the picture.
8Focus 1 Focus on Halloween Ghost story
Blatt 7
What do they say? Find a title for the picture.
9Focus 1 Focus on Halloween Ghost story
Blatt 8
What do they say? Find a title for the picture.
10Focus 1 Focus on Halloween Ghost story
Blatt 9
Think of an ending to this ghost story.
- Focus on Halloween Ghost story
- Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2009 Alle
Rechte vorbehalten www.klett.de - Hinweise zum Einsatz
- Das Tafelbild dient der Übung der kreativen
Textarbeit (Grandpas ghost story, Focus 1).
Zunächst wird der erste Teil der Geschichte mit
der dazugehörigen Tonaufnahme präsentiert, bevor
die S Sprechblasen zu diesem Textabschnitt
ausfüllen. Dabei können ihnen die Bilder
Hilfestellung geben. In gleicher Weise wird auch
der zweite Teil der Geschichte bearbeitet.
Abschließend erhalten die S die Aufgabe, ein Ende
der Geschichte zu schreiben. - Quellenangaben
- Illustrationen Dorothee Wolters, Köln
- Impressum
- c/p Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH Rotebühlstraße 77
70178 Stuttgart Umsatzsteuer-ID-Nr. DE
811122363 Stuttgart HRB 10746 - Verleger Dr. h.c. Michael Klett
Geschäftsführer Thomas Baumann (Vorsitz)
Ansprechpartner Heinz-Peter Gerlinger - Produktmanagerin Eva Schöndorfer
- Autorin Stephanie Ashford B.A.,
Villingen-Schwenningen Redaktion Anna Barcsay - Mediengestaltung Birgit Ahlemeyer, Potsdam
- Das Werk und seine Teile sind urheberrechtlich
geschützt. Das Gleiche gilt für die Software
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Einwilligung eingescannt und in ein Netzwerk
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von Schulen und sonstigen Bildungseinrichtungen.