Title: Bild 1
Lars Broman,Lbr_at_du.se, www.sciencecommunication.se
. ECSITE-2007
How master studies inscience communication can
beused in co-operation betweenuniversities and
science centres
Lars Broman,Lbr_at_du.se, www.sciencecommunication.se
. ECSITE-2007
Convener Professor Lars Broman, Science
Communication, Dalarna University, Sweden,
Speakers Professor Frank Burnet, Science
Communication Unit, University of the West of
England, Bristol, UK Ms. Kristel Mõistus,
Director of Energiakeskus, Tallinn,
Estonia Professor Hannu Salmi, Heureka, Vantaa,
Finland and Dalarna University Professor Ernst
van Groningen, Dalarna University
Lars Broman,Lbr_at_du.se, www.sciencecommunication.se
. ECSITE-2007
Science communication in science centres has been
taught at master level at some European
universities since 1998. Included in master
programmes is a thesis, based on field work at a
host institution. Typical thesis themes are
evaluations of exhibitions or activities at a
science centre, and thus almost always of
interest to the centre.
Lars Broman,Lbr_at_du.se, www.sciencecommunication.se
. ECSITE-2007
The master studies attract students with many
different backgrounds. Curricula include several
topics related to science centres and
planetariums. This, together with different
backgrounds, prepares graduates for different
positions at science centres.
Lars Broman,Lbr_at_du.se, www.sciencecommunication.se
. ECSITE-2007
Examples from Dalarna University includes alumni
at top management positions at - Energiakeskus,
Tallin, Estonia,- Gaborone Science Centre,
Botswana, and full-time staff positions at - HR
MacMillan Space Centre, Vancouver, Canada- Nat.l
Museum of Technology, Oslo, Norway- Nat.l Museum
of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden - NIHERST/NGC
National Science Centre, Trinidad and Tobago
Lars Broman,Lbr_at_du.se, www.sciencecommunication.se
. ECSITE-2007
The importance of science communication master
studies has been acknowledged by the Council of
International Planetarium Society Dalarna Museum
students doing fieldwork at a planetarium have
been eligible for scholarship from the IPS Armand
Spitz Fund for Planetarium Education. Nine
students coming from Bangladesh, Canada, China
(2), Iran (2), Germany, Pakistan, and Ukraine
have to date received a scholarship.
Lars Broman,Lbr_at_du.se, www.sciencecommunication.se
. ECSITE-2007
The session speakers have, in different roles,
experience of science centre master studies - as
science communication programme leader,- as sci.
com. lecturer and researcher,- as sci. com.
fieldwork and thesis supervisor,- and as science
communication master student.
Lars Broman,Lbr_at_du.se, www.sciencecommunication.se
. ECSITE-2007
They will get max. 15 min. each, leaving 20 min.
for questions and discussion. I am sure you have
some good views on e. g. - science communication
programme curricula, - whether you or a colleague
would be interested in joining a master
programme, or maybe - you would like to host a
master student doing her field work at your
centre. - you would like to know results from MSC
theses. Welcome to join the
discussion after the presentations!
Lars Broman,Lbr_at_du.se, www.sciencecommunication.se
. ECSITE-2007
Lars Broman,Lbr_at_du.se, www.sciencecommunication.se
. ECSITE-2007