Title: The Fetal Pig
1The Fetal Pig
2What follows is a list of the must-know terms
and structures. Included are photographs of many
of the structures. In the case of those
structures not illustrated, you need to find them
in your actual pig using the dissection guide
available in class. In all cases it is best to
rely mainly on the actual pigs in class and not
just pictures. Please note that on some of the
photos there are some misspellings and alternate
spellings. e.g. mesentery not mesentary
ventricle not ventrical atrium not auricle All
the terms are listed on one page at the end of
the slide show.
3Anterior/cranial Posterior/caudal
Dorsal/superior Ventral/inferior Transverse
Sagittal Frontal Regions Head cranial Neck
cervical Trunk thoracic abdominal Tail
caudal Sacral (region of pelvis) Lumbar
(lower back)
4External nares (A) Umbilical cord Pinnae (B)
5Anus Mammary papillae (both sexes) Urogenital
papilla (female only) Scrotum (male)
6Male pig
Female pig
7Salivary glands (right) Hard palate Soft
palate Trachea Esophagus Diaphragm
Epiglottis (right) Liver
Gallbladder Stomach
8(No Transcript)
9Small intestine
Duodenum Large intestine (colon) Rectum Pancreas
Spleen Kidney Ureter Urinary bladder
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12Pericardium Thymus Heart (atrium/ventricle right
and left) Lungs Pulmonary artery and vein Thyroid
gland Anterior Vena cava Posterior Vena
cava Innominate (brachiocephalic) vein Jugular
vein Subclavian vein Hemiazygous (or azygous) vein
13(No Transcript)
14Pericardium (below)
15Common iliac vein Umbilical vein Hepatic portal
vein Aorta Ductus arteriosus Coronary
artery Brachiocephalic artery Right subclavian
artery Left subclavian artery Axillary Common
16Celiac (coeliac) artery Anterior mesenteric
artery Renal artery Exterior iliac artery Femoral
artery Umbilical arteries
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19Ovary Oviduct Uterine horn Uterus Vagina Urogenita
l sinus Urethra
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21Testis Epididymis Vas deferens (ductus
deferens) Urethra/penis
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23Cerebrum (A) Cerebellum (B) Medulla oblongata
(C) Spinal cord (D)
24Anterior/cranial Posterior/caudal
Dorsal/superior Ventral/inferior Transverse
Sagittal Frontal Regions Head cranial
Neck cervical Trunk
thoracic/abdominal Tail caudal Sacral
(region of pelvis) Lumbar (lower back)
External nares Umbilical cord Pinnae
Anus Mammary papillae Urogenital papilla
Scrotum Salivary glands Hard palate
Soft palate Trachea Esophagus
Diaphragm Epiglottis Liver
Gallbladder Stomach Small intestine
Duodenum Large intestine (colon) Rectum
Pancreas Spleen Kidney Ureter
Urinary bladder Pericardium
Thymus Heart atrium/ventricle right/
left Lungs Pulmonary artery/
vein Thyroid gland Anterior Vena cava
Posterior Vena cava Innominate
(brachiocephalic) vein Jugular vein
Subclavian vein Hemiazygous (or azygous) vein
Common iliac vein Umbilical vein Hepatic
portal vein Aorta Ductus
arteriosus Coronary artery Brachiocephalic
artery Right subclavian artery Left
subclavian artery Axillary Common carotids
Celiac (coeliac) artery Anterior mesenteric
artery Renal artery Exterior iliac artery
Femoral artery Umbilical arteries Ovary
Oviduct Uterine horn Uterus
Vagina Urogenital sinus Urethra
Testis Epididymis Vas deferens (ductus
deferens) Urethra/penis Cerebrum
Cerebellum Medulla oblongata Spinal cord
25Uh buh duh buh duh thats all folks!