Title: DCR Strategic Framework
1DCR Strategic Framework
- Stewardship Council Presentation
- November 16, 2004
2DCR Strategic Framework
- Purposes
- Contents
- Links with agency actions
- Process
- Role of Stewardship Council
3DCR Strategic Framework - Purposes
- Articulate mission, purpose of DCR
- Articulate vision, goals, direction
- Identify priorities
- Identify strategies to achieve priority goals
- Link to annual work plan, budgeting
- Measure progress
- Build shared sense of purpose, identity among
staff stake-holders public
4DCR Strategic Framework - Components
- Vision statement that creates picture of
desired future - Mission Statement identity, purpose of
organization - Strategic Goals measurable outcomes for
elements of mission - Strategies methods, steps for achieving goals
- Organizational Values desirable qualities,
5DCR Strategic Framework Links with operations
Annual Work plans
Strategic Goals Strategies
Strategic Framework
Capital Budget
Capital plan projects
Operating Budget
Service delivery
6DCR Strategic Framework Links with policies,
Master Plans, Designs
Strategic Plan
Detailed Resource Plans
Resource Management Plans
Regional Plans
Statewide Policies, Guidance
7DCR Strategic Framework - Process
- Create Strategic Plan Coordination Team
- Team consultant draft vision, mission, values
based on DCR, MDC, DEM statements (12/31/04) - Seek comment from staff Stewardship Council
hosts public input (1/31/05) - Conduct current state analysis - strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, threats - with staff
Stewardship Council hosts public input (1/31/05)
8DCR Strategic Framework - Process
- Based on SWOT, vision, mission, draft strategic
goals (2/28/05) - Collect comment from staff, partners/friends,
Stewardship Council, public through meetings
include preliminary discussion of strategies
(4/15/05) - Finalize vision, mission, strategic goals based
on comments present to Stewardship Council
9DCR Strategic Framework - Process
- DCR Divisions draft 3-year strategies annual
work plans (6/30/05) - Finalize strategies, work plans, begin
application to budget process (9/30/05) - Implementation
10DCR Strategic Framework Links with Resource
Management Plans
Master Plans, Designs
Strategic Plan
Detailed Resource Plans
Resource Management Plans
Regional Plans
Statewide Policies, Guideline
11Resource Management PlansBasic Format - Draft
- Introduction
- Property Description and Uses
- Management recommendations, guidelines,
implementation - Executive Summary
12Resource Management PlansIntroduction
- Description of unique characteristics of property
or management unit - Purpose or mission statement
- Management goals and objectives
13Resource Management PlansProperty Description
and Uses
- Environmental resources (natural, historical,
cultural) and assessment - Recreational resources, uses and assessment
- Management resources and assessment
14Resource Management PlansManagement
- Resource protection and stewardship
- Land stewardship zoning, as applicable
- Recreation uses, activities and programs
- Overall management, including business plan
15Resource Management PlansExecutive Summary
- Priority Findings and Recommendations
- Planning Process
- Short and long-term implementation (with annual
monitoring updates)
16Resource Management PlansPublic Process - Draft
- Prior to plan initiation, identify interest
groups need for technical or advisory group - Public meeting initiates planning process
- Public meeting draft circulation first draft
- MEPA notice draft circulation final draft
- Finalize plan submit to Stewardship Council for