- José G. Vargas-Hernández, M.B.A. Ph. D.
- University Center for Economic and Managerial
Sciences - University of Guadalajara
- José Octavio Estrada Sánchez, M. en A. Doctorando
- Doctorado En Ciencias Administrativas Y Negocios
Internacionales - Universidad Multitecnica Profesional
- You are a Missionary making your apostolate in
Africa. Inadvertently you stepped into a
prohibited area inhabited by tribes that often
make dangerous sacrifice of any foreign person
who dares to go deep into their lands. You have
been captured by the inhabitants of one of the
tribes and brought before the king to be
sentenced any way, to a bloody slaughter, where
presumably you will lose your life after long and
hard suffering conditions.
- As a Missionary you are presented to the King who
watches you for a while and finally says - Â
- -"You are a minister, a priest must, you must be
a favorite of your Gods and like our priests
deserve special treatment, so your death depends
on yourself." "You will be introduced into a hut
with two doors and you will decide on it if you
deserve to die or save your life and I will set
you free". "You will be locked into it with two
of my best warriors, one of them always tells the
truth and the other always lies. You do not know
who is who. The cabin has two doors, one will
give you the freedom and the other will lead you
to a cruel death. I will choose the door to your
freedom and I will communicate to my two faithful
servers. You alone can make one question, only
one, to one of two warriors. And from his answer
you must know which door I chose for your
- What would be the question that you as a
missionary will ask to one of the warriors to
know with 100 certainty which one of the two
doors, would give life and freedom, so you will
save your life?
Competitive forces and prospects of the company
through strategic thinking related to design
strategies aligned to the vision
The ratio of contributors remains from 2011 to
2012 even when economic units and economic active
population increases.
How it can be prepared or else it can be done, it
can be designed to strengthen companies and
create quality jobs in Colima.
132. The industry based theory.
This model ensures that the success of an
organization is to offer services and products
primarily to lower cost competitors but in turn
differentiated products that allow making the
market pay differential pricing too.
142. The industry based theory.
Uses of the work developed by Professor Michael
Porter which concludes that there are five forces
making them work for the company to determine the
profitability of a company, as long as its
strategy aligns according to these forces.
153. The resource-based theory
163. The resource-based theory
Business resources Finite Infinite
Tangibles Material, financial resources, facilities Corporative image, Generating patents, Diversification of products
Intangibles Persons Creativity, Intellectual capital
Proposed classifications of resources.
174. Strategic thinking
184. Strategic thinking
195. Business prospects.
Business prospects
205. Business prospects.
Perspective Resources and capabilities
Finance Cash, assets, investments
Customer Market research, Characterization of customers, expectations
Internal processes Value addition
Learning and growth Training, personnel, Knowledge
216. Relationship model proposed
Designs strategies by the ratio of company
resources and market forces aligned with the
strategic thinking vision.
226. Relationship model proposed
Model of relationship theories to generate
competitive strategies
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- In a county jail a prisoner was thinking how to
make it to escape by breaking the walls of other
cells and leave from jail without anyone raised
the alarm that was escaping one of them. - The plane of the dungeon prison is as follows
1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9
The prisoner is in prisoner cell or dungeon No. 6
and breaking the walls he is killing other
inmates to leave no witnesses. But he cannot
enter a cell where an already dead inmate is and
cannot change corpses from any prison cell or
dungeon. How can the prisoner kill all other
inmates and go free without going to a cell where
he has already killed someone?
30Knowing the new research, adaptation and
expiration of some of the theories of SM puts
scholars in a more favorable conduct research to
innovate and contribute to the development of new
knowledge in the subject.
31Background of the problem
32Conceptual theoretical background
Wernerfelt of 1984, Barney of 1991, dynamic
capabilities of Stuart and Podolny of 1996, Teece
(1997). The knowledge approach was developed by
Grant in 1996, Powell and Dent-Micallef, 1997
Researchers resumed studies of organizational
economics as transaction costs of Williamson 1975
and 1985 and the agency theory resulted of the
work of Fama in 1980, Jensen and Meckling of 1976
Text and cases attributed to Andrews (1965) that
the birth of the SM was marked
SM is a discipline that had its origins in
studies of economic organization
Among the most outstanding works in this period
is that of Michael Porter with his contributions
in 1979, 1980 and 1985, in which he suggested a
framework for analyzing the structure of an
industry and competitors.
Authors as Taylor (1947), Barnard (1938), Simon
(1947) and Selznick (1957) initiated the study of
enterprises through economic ideas
Strategy and structure of Chandler (1962),
corporate strategy of Ansoff (1965) and the book
Business Policy
33Contextual framework
The methodological approach is based on a
bibliometric study of 1,882 items obtained from
the Web of Knowledge (2015) and published in the
twelve most important magazines of Strategic
Management at the page of Google Scholar (2015)
35Analysis of results
List of major journals in Strategic Management.
36Analysis of results
Out of the 1,882 articles resulting it is seen an
increasing trend in the number of items every
year. This reflects the maturity of the
discipline and the development of their sub areas
of study.
37Analysis of results
Journals that provide more elements are 1.
Strategic Management Journal, 2. Journal of
Management Studies 3. Journal of Business
Research 4. Journal of Management 5.
Organization Science.
38Analysis of results
The 50 authors with more published papers
39Analysis of results
Density map of co-citation by author
40Analysis of results
Co-citations per author per group
41Analysis of results
Network keywords used most frequently
42Analysis of results
Map of density of keywords used most frequently
43Analysis of results
Correlation matrix of the keywords used most
44Analysis of results
- Strategic thinking is a factor to bear in mind
when analyzing the competitive forces. The
evaluation resources and capabilities of the
company through outlook or substantial areas of
the company allows or contributes to the
selection of generic either strategies adequately
or to design specific strategies. - These strategies are of greater impact and lead
to the company from the current situation to the
desired situation. In turn, this situation is
aligned with the vision of the company, seeking
to develop or create advantages for the company.
- Based on the relational model proposed in this
research, it can be designed a methodology that
may consider the following - Â Parametric and administrative diagnosis to
determine the status of the company by analyzing
it through the theory of resources and
capabilities of the company. - Â Design of specific strategies or selection of
the generic function of the resources that it has
and potentially generated by the company to
control market forces based on the theory of
industry organization. - Plan of action that focuses on the finite
resources of the company to generate the infinite
resources that achieve competitiveness. - Control panel that allows determining the
effectiveness of strategies and actions. - Â Alignment with the vision of the company.
- Chandler, A. D. (2004). Scale and Scope The
Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism. United State
of Nort America Belknap. - Fried, D. R. (2012). Strategic Management A
Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and
Cases. Prentice Hall of India. - Garrido, F. J. (2007). Pensamiento estrategico.
La estrategia como centro neuralgico de la
empresa. Barcelona Ediciones Deusto. - Ibarra, D. (2004). Los primeros pasos al mundo
empresarial. Mexico, D.F. Limusa, S.A. de C.V. - Kaplan, R. S., Norton, D. (2007). Mapas
estrategicos. Barcelona Ediciones Gestion 2000. - Kaplan, R. S., Norton, D. P. (2002). El cuadro
de mando integral. Barcelona Ediciones Gestion
2000. - Kluyver, C. A. (2001). Pensamiento estratégico.
Una perspectiva para los ejecutivos. Buenos
Aires Prentice Hall.
- Krugman, P. R., Obstfeld, M., Melitz, M. J.
(2007). Economia Internacional. Madrid Pearson. - Penrose, E. (2009). The Theory of the growth of
the firm. New York Oxford. - Porter, M. E. (1998). Estrategia competitiva.
MĂ©xico CECSA. - SEFOME. (20 de MAYO de 2013). Estadisticas
009-2012.htm - Stiglitz, J. E. (2002). El malestar en la
globalizacion. Madrid Taurus. - Thomsom, A. A., Strickland III, A. J., Gamble,
J. E. (2008). AdministraciĂłn estratĂ©tica. TeorĂa
y Casos. Mexico D.F. McGrawHill.
49Thank you?????
Knowledge that is not shared, completely lost its
value Guillermo Perézvolde
- José G. Vargas-Hernández, M.B.A. Ph.D.
- Centro Universitario de Ciencias EconĂłmica y
Administrativas, Universidad de Guadalajara - Tel 523337703340 Ext. 25685
- jvargas2006_at_gmail.com, jgvh0811_at_yahoo.com,